Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Alright,here's grammy nominations 2011 the hard facts: 1)The Academy awards are on February 24th,tha

Kaka Kanumba, nimeulizwa na wengi na sina jibu. Ni Tuzo gani uliyopata huko Hollywood? Je, wafadhili wametoa Press Release, je umefanya press conference? Ni tarehe gani ulikabidhiwa? Je, ni akina nani wengine grammy nominations 2011 waliopata maana kama ni International awards lazima kuna wengine grammy nominations 2011 waliopata pia kutoka nchi zaidi ya Nigeria. Ulipata kwa ajili ya sinema gani na ulicheza kama nani? Hiyo Trophy inafanana sana na zile unazaopata kwenye souvenir store huko Hollywood. Tena ukiongeza hela wanaweka na jina. Haifanani na Oscar maana ni mwiko kampuni yoyote kutengeneza replica (inayofanana). Tunaomba jina la Award Committee. Tueleze kusudi tukupambe na tukupongeze kama unavyostahili maana kama ni kweli ni habari kubwa sana! Na ukirudi Tanzania ni lazima upokelewe kwa shangwe.
Guys, grammy nominations 2011 hata mimi maswali hayo nimejiuliza sana. Infakti naona tuzo hizyo ni kama bosheni vile. hembu mlioko grammy nominations 2011 kwa joji kichaka, tupeni faktis kuhusu tuzo hilo na wengine waliopata. January 17, 2008 11:58 AM
Yani ndicho kinachonifanya nikuheshimu Da Chemi na Blog yako.Nadhani ni kama uliingia akilini grammy nominations 2011 mwa wengi tunaotatizwa na habari hii.Sio kwamba watanzania grammy nominations 2011 wasingependa Kanumba apate award huko Hollywood,bali nadhani jinsi habari hizo zinavyotoka kwenye magazeti ya udaku zinapoteza maana nzima.I grammy nominations 2011 hope Bwana Kanumba atakuwa grammy nominations 2011 amesoma maswali uliyotoa,na tunasuburi kwa hamu majibu yake. Big up,Da Chemi January 17, 2008 1:38 PM
Alright,here's grammy nominations 2011 the hard facts: 1)The Academy awards are on February 24th,that is,next month.It's the 17th of January :| 2)They give the Oscar...AT the Oscars.They don't hand them out at Universal Studios in front of a Coca Cola hut :| 3)No one from Africa is nominated for an Academy award.No.One. 4)That statue bears some of the fakest Gold I've laid my eyes upon.Real Gold sparkles and s-h-i-n-e-s when the Sun is out. 5)Kanumba grammy nominations 2011 has about a 0.0001% chance of winning an ACTUAL grammy nominations 2011 Oscar in his lifetime.Sorry,but that's what we call the harsh truth. Now let's move on to something else,perhaps something with an element of TRUTH and REALISM.Like,oooh say,Obama kicking Hilary's ass in South Carolina? January grammy nominations 2011 17, 2008 4:59 PM
Anonymous wa 1:59PM, you are wrong on Number 3. Several Africans been nominated, Djimon Hounsou (Benin), Sophie Okenedo (Nigeria), Thandie Newton (Zimbabwe)and Charlize grammy nominations 2011 Theron (mzungu from South Africa). Charlize won! Truthfully it would be very difficult to get in a position where you can even compete for one. I played the role of Nurse Malika in the film, Maangamizi the Ancient One. It was nominated by Tanzania in 2001 for the Academy Awards. grammy nominations 2011 It did not make the Top 5. That is the closet I got, but it was for the film and not as an actor. Mind you the Committee that awards the Foreign Oscars is different from the committee that nominates the other categories is Best Actor etc. Hiyo Academy imejaa siasa za rangi. Naweza grammy nominations 2011 kuzungumia siku nyingine. January 17, 2008 5:14 PM
Anonymous of 7:23am, grammy nominations 2011 thank-you for your comments. Bongoland II is in post-production. grammy nominations 2011 It is not yet ready for theatrical release. I expect it to win some awards but no, it will not make it to the Oscars unless it is submitted by Tanzania in the Foreign Language categories. I hope that the Tanzanian nomination committee will find it worthy of being submitted as the 2nd film from Tanzania for consideration. We shall see. January grammy nominations 2011 17, 2008 10:48 PM
"you are wrong on Number 3. Several Africans been nominated, Djimon Hounsou (Benin), Sophie Okenedo (Nigeria), Thandie Newton (Zimbabwe)and grammy nominations 2011 Charlize Theron (mzungu from South Africa). Charlize won!" I was talking about the Oscars Awards for this year,not every year ;) They haven't grammy nominations 2011 released the nominees yet,but going by the movies that have come out last year,I can SAFELY say that my fellow Africans aren't winning anything this time around. C'mon now,you as well as I know that Kanumba ain't won no Oscar.That 0.0001% may have been an overstatement,but we all know what it takes to win an Oscar: 1)Looks 2)Excellent grammy nominations 2011 critic reception and media coverage of a movie you've starred in. 3)Connections. On the looks side,well,Kanumba is Kanumba-i'll leave it at that.On the critic reception side,I grammy nominations 2011 ain't heard no Kanumba film review by Roger Ebert.On the connections side,he has none,plain and simple. I work in the music industry so I don't know much about how the movie studio agents scout for foreign/oversea talent,but one thing that I do know is that if you from Africa,specifically,Tanzania,and you're trying grammy nominations 2011 to make it over here?Chances are,you're on the bottom of the Scout's list,and you ain't winning no Oscar without an INCREDIBLE amount of talent AND media attention. January 17, 2008 11:12 PM
Jamani hii kali.Yaani its obvious kabisa grammy nominations 2011 Kanumba kaamua kudanganya umma wa watanzania.And he even wasted his time to pose with such a cheap replica.Unajua ushamba inabidi uwe na mipaka.Hii imezidi.Umeenda kupokea grammy nominations 2011 award muhimu hivyo,na sweta?!!!!Hollywood!!!Kanumba hapa umejiabisha kupita maelezo.Ingekuwa

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