Saturday, December 20, 2014

Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves over the last five years. As the economic crisis unf

Home Articles Cut Epikairotita Cosmos Economy Top Stories Research Geopolitical Global Financial System Policy Comes world "shock": The massive gold purchases from Russia and China scare ...
Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves over the last five years. As the economic crisis unfolds, Russian President Vladimir Putin has built slowly and the fifth largest "vault" of gold in the world within a few years, while still buys about half a billion gold value. Dollars every month. Only the last seven months, the People's Republic of China has added more gold in reserves - more than 500 tons - than both total hold the European Central emmy award winners 2011 Bank. What do these moves? Here is a very enlightening article by the well-known site of international economic analysis and investigation matters "behind closed doors" Market Watch: "11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 The president of the US central bank (Federal Reserve Vank), Ben Bernanke, once stated that the gold is money. The Charlie Munger, executive of the company Berkshire Hathaway, believes that gold is only for Jews who survived the Holocaust and that no civilized person does not buy it. The famous "Kassandra" Company Omaha, the Warren Buffet, said ironically in an interview that gold is "non-productive asset" and that he would never invest in gold. Many financial advisers do not recommend buying gold as a safe investment emmy award winners 2011 for the "old age" us and they are not few, and those who say and believe that it deserves to collect one gold, since gold is not eaten! We are unable to know the reasons and motivations of these known investors, but we know that in fact the case that known investors and "pundits" in economics worldwide deny completely the value of gold as a monetary unit rates and reserve times of crisis . However, although many say they have no value, tens of billions of dollars have recently changed hands to get some people from antiquity valuable asset of erstwhile empires forgotten today. Only the last seven months, the People's Republic of China has added more gold in reserves - more than 500 tons - than both total hold the European Central Bank. And not alone. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has invested roughly the last five years in the precious metal, spending about $ 500 million a month, as it advances emmy award winners 2011 his plan to convert the assets of the country emmy award winners 2011 that currently exist in dollars and euros, in gold. Currently, 9% of Russia's reserves are in gold. All this naturally raises a legitimate question: Why? According to data from the World Gold Council (World Gold Council), Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves emmy award winners 2011 over the last five years. As the economic crisis unfolds, Russian President Vladimir Putin has built slowly and the fifth largest "vault" of gold in the world within a few years, while still buys about half a billion gold value. Dollars every month. It is known fact that no other country leader today who play the "game" of global political power both coherent and insightful as the strong man of Russia ... The movements of Putin may be relevant not only for its own country, but also for the economies of all of us, since there are two gold visa ways: One way is nobody to see him as an investment, which, according to current emmy award winners 2011 data, there is a logical move. Gold, according to this view, generates no cash flow and serves no practical purpose. And the Warren Buffett, which already talked remarked humorously that "dig a hole to the jump from the ground to eventually come up with another, and if we observe emmy award winners 2011 someone from Mars to deal with this process, we will certainly stands and looks at us puzzled. " But there is a second way to see the gold: as the most liquid stock in times of historical turmoil, or worse. The great question of our time is neither the fact that the Spanish government emmy award winners 2011 is left penniless, nor that [candidate for vice president on the side of Mitt Romney] Paul Ryan run and maybe not enough time to "retouch" the profile against the Americans voters . To big issue today is that the United States, emmy award winners 2011 which has dominated the world economy for more decades than I endure, in relative decline stage

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