Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Although exams closer (again), can not do without his books, his series, his music. I chose to show

"Letting go of people or traditions is hard. Because you invest so much in them that to let go can be scary. But it can also be liberating. Or even essential to your happiness. If you do not let go, you may find yourself in the dark place, unable watch the golden globes online to kick your worst habits. And sometimes, if we truly love someone, we have to be okay with letting go. "
"Geoffrey Chaucer wrote:" Time heals all wounds. "But what he failed to mention was the scar those wounds leave behind. Painful things watch the golden globes online that happened to us permanently leave their mark. They do not necessarily hurt any more, but they are always there as a reminder, as a memory. And as time passes, maybe the memory gets a little fuzzy. But we always have this scar remind us it happened, that we lived through it, that we survived! And maybe I had some scars on me. But I felt like I was now ready to leave my mark on the world ... "Carrie Bradshaw (The Carrie Diaries)
After three years and two months, as there is this blog, after exactly one hundred texts (which is not much), I'm watch the golden globes online sitting watch the golden globes online in front of laptop thinking about what I would write. It is true that during the last few months passed through the most unusual situations: life troubles, pain coping, emotional turmoil, spiritual liberation; the truth is that the same passed and my closest friends; The truth is that we are all now well and that the scars we carry with us as trophies of our victory, as white magic that we survived. As Carrie Bradshaw (Carrie Bradshaw) says in the final episode of the first season of the series "The Carrie Diaries" (The Carrie Diaries) - may have some scars on it, but I'm ready to leave my mark on the world. And I'm watch the golden globes online ready. I'm ready to be a soldier, a soldier of Love who finally realizes that life is not made up of a moment of eternity, but eternity is made of moments. watch the golden globes online Each of them will exist and, when they cease to exist, will leave his scar. But no scar more will not hurt. Because now I know. I know that every moment is shining magic of its existence. watch the golden globes online But none is eternal. Eternal is a chain where each link for a moment, but not the link itself. It has a beginning and an end. I should not complain when the moment to end. Should be grateful that at all and there, lasted, and its duration ennobling.
Bad things do not happen only to us. They happen all the universe. One meteorite strikes the one planet and destroy it. But it occurs many other meteors. Essentially no bad events. Each of them there for a reason and in any hiding something good. No "good" nothing would be as, the world would not exist.
The pacing between watch the golden globes online two bus stations realize that everything that happened in these months has its own purpose and its bright side. I am grateful to the people who held me by the hand as I wrapped in a heavy, brown coat of harsh fabrics, which I was fully covered without permitting any fraction of a body that it is illuminated by a ray of sunshine, walked through the tunnels watch the golden globes online of the underground looking for a way out of blindness. Now smiling. watch the golden globes online Not because it's over, it's all bad behind me, and well waiting for me to shine his stellar light. No. I laugh because I know that I still have a lot of bad. But I'm not afraid. Because I know that no "bad" is not entirely bad, as any "good" is not entirely well. I'm smiling because I'll watch the golden globes online learn everything you waiting for me to learn.
Easter is approaching. People will talk to each other as Christ resurrected. And otpozdravljaće each other that is, that there is indeed resurrected. And I'll be smiling. Because it is. It is truly resurrected. Resurrected, and groaned. Love has spread across the planet. Resurrected it and shook his golden mane. The melody of his voice mixed with Miros Light splashed the face: my face and the faces of my loved ones. Thank Him.
Although exams closer (again), can not do without his books, his series, his music. I chose to show some of them, those who inspire me the most that I'm dreaming, watch the golden globes online those who heal all wounds, those that makes me happy.
In addition to standard music team (known who they are), the past few weeks melodic comfort I was looking for and Alicia Keys (Alicia Keys) and her album "Girl on Fire"; Shaqiri (Shakira), whose new, self-titled watch the golden globes online album a masterpiece, soul diary written notes and lyrics; group Bon Jovi (Bon Jovi), whose music always updated; Justin Timberlake and his "The 20/20 Experience Part 2". There are also "Lawson" with the album invaluable - "Chapman Square", then Beyonce (Beyonc é), "The Kings of Leon", "Imagine Dragons", "Il Divo" ... A pleasant surprise and the guys from the band "One Direction" which British pop-rock sound gets better.
On a serial plan currently hold the top two television projects: one Spanish and the other American. "Protected" (Los Protegidos) is a series for the whole family. More about it you can read HERE

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