Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Actors copy

"Variety" that the world of cinema and television websites is valid, on imitating "Seven Stones" comedy "Modern Family," wrote the show frame by frame and shot-to-shot mirror the American version of it. This is not the first time that "Modern Family" is the focus of international television. Chile and Greece are the production version of this series.
Actors copy "Seven Stones" of a famous American TV series, spike tv awards in addition to the margins of many found in the country, which has received attention spike tv awards from magazines and newspapers around the world. The selection; occasional series "Seven Stones" was created to display during the month of Ramadan, the copy of the American TV series spike tv awards "Modern Family" attacked several media including Telegraph, Variety, The Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, International Business Times Slate magazine was Ireland. "Daily spike tv awards Telegraph" wrote about it: according to the TV's Mmyzyhayy done, the only way to see the original version of "Modern Family" illegal download spike tv awards serials. However, Iranian incorrect version of the American series without the main character has emerged recently. As fans of the original series in the US, "Seven Stones' almost scene for scene repeating" Modern Family "is. Then it says: "Seven Stones" Some aspects of the series spike tv awards award-winning network ABC change is close to Iranian standards. This is despite the fact that Chile and Greece is currently making a legal version spike tv awards of "Modern Family" work. Both countries have used the translation of the script of the series. "Variety" that the world of cinema and television websites is valid, on imitating "Seven Stones" comedy "Modern Family," wrote the show frame by frame and shot-to-shot mirror the American version of it. This is not the first time that "Modern Family" is the focus of international television. Chile and Greece are the production version of this series. Variety quotes one of the "modern family" wrote: Iranian producers of "The Seven Stones" no legal right to do so. The "Times" to copy all the elements of "Modern Family" as dramatized, spike tv awards format and serial story on Channel 3 TV's main topic mentioned has brought major changes in the construction spike tv awards of the series is created, the removal of man as central characters, who are now married, but the Iranian version of the series, a couple of them have been replaced. Magazine Slate Ireland is the strange similarities between the two series is a satirical point and partial displacement of the characters 'Modern Family' in Iranian copy it and make changes in their relationships, is discussed. "Sydney Morning Herald" with the title "Grand Theft TV" about "Seven Stones" wrote: the TV is very cruel, if you can buy the right to broadcast a work, simply copy it into your overall plan moves . "Seven Stones" by Iranian TV goes on air. In eight national network of 5,000 hours of hard work in the broadcast. With such figures, they have to keep their distance from the original spike tv awards ideas. Other newspapers that a copy of "Modern Family" reacts "International Business Times" that wrote the scenes clip of the scene, the two series have been published on YouTube. In this video scenes from "The Seven Stones" is shown that the apparent imitation of "Modern Family" is. "Modern Family (Modern family) is an American comedy television series spike tv awards created by "Christopher spike tv awards Lloyd" and "Steven Levitan" was built on the ABC Television Network. In 2010 the series won the award for best comedy Emmy Awards with four awards from it. First to the third season of the series and was broadcast in 72 episodes of 22 minutes. The fourth season of the show on September 26, 2012 was screened. In the TV series, three families of America's upper middle class, with family ties to each other about their lives and the story is portrayed as humorous. "Modern Family" in more than 30 countries, including Kuwait, Russia, the Netherlands and France are displayed.
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