Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I mentioned that Pinter once assembled American actors in rehearsal and advised primetime emmys 201

The prospect of seeing primetime emmys 2011 Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz - an incredibly beautiful movie stars who are married by a fluke - in the updated Broadway production of "Betrayal" by Harold Pinter, directed by Mike Nichols (his latest work "The Death of a Salesman" with Philip Seymour Hoffman) may well accelerate our blood, but there is another very tempting prospect: a couple who does not like to publicize their personal lives, will have to sit down and talk about each other. Their hasty and utterly unexpected alliance. How do they work together. How are they going to keep the borders of their private lives. Tell us how you keep your personal secrets, Mr and Mrs. Shed light, the famous couple.
Dream tabloids died very quickly. I met them in different primetime emmys 2011 parts of the city center. With it - in the west, in the usual bakery (not quite in usual, Le Pain Quotidien (Daily Bread)), and with it - in the East, in the room, specially rented primetime emmys 2011 it for our conversation.
Before I met up with Craig, I asked Weiss for their refusal to be interviewed together. She expressed primetime emmys 2011 surprise: "But it's weird, is not it?" - She said in response to the correspondent. "I do not know why they need it."
Later, he invited me to a private room in a hotel. A very strong man with a very broad, raskachennyh shoulders and strong muscles. Even relaxed, he looks very menacing. His blue eyes alert to every detail. The room seems too small for him - as if limits. But he's in good spirits, much better than most of the interview. "People think that I am extremely rude and unaccomodating to reporters," - he said. "I am rude and unaccomodating with reporters who ask me stupid questions." It seems to me that neither he nor Weiss did not talk about my personal life to anyone because none of them seem to be The way to liars.
Craig plays Robert, whose wife, Emma (Weisz), had an affair for seven years with his best friend, Jerry (Rafe Spall). Pinter began with the idea of the first scene: adulterers meet for lunch after a few years of his life living apart. He did not think of this situation, is there any way out but to - back, at this stage, parting from loved ones before their first drunken kiss. Hindsight shows extraordinary insight. Virtually, all once someone betrayed to varying degrees.
Inherent feature Craig - slowly and surely boil a full range of emotions - makes the idea of his interpretation of Pinter's extremely delicious. His rhythm - an exclusive, special, his own. He knows what it means adjective "colorful", and the fact that the playwright has placed the exact pause in those moments where you have to think about it, however, it will not be bound by this: "I think there is a break does not feel right in this place, it is not should do it, "- he said. "He was not there, so it's very difficult."
He believes that there is galvanic emotions under control of the main server, the mysterious pause, and all sorts of trickery. "We Pinter is always present attempt to strike a chord with the other person," - he said. "So the voices of his characters primetime emmys 2011 are usually very dirty thoughts. primetime emmys 2011 Not because they are evil or bad, but simply because they want to be loved. "
I mentioned that Pinter once assembled American actors in rehearsal and advised primetime emmys 2011 not to agonize over motivation, and just follow the rhythm of the music. Craig shook his head. "This could be a great rhythm, and it can be an incredible master, but Pinter incredibly passionate nature", - he said. "You have heard that it is awfully difficult to work with, and it can be very passionate about something even far away from the theater - and it inspires primetime emmys 2011 me."
In early summer, Weiss, Craig and Spall got together for three weeks in joint session with the director Nichols. They did nachitka, Nichols told stories about Pinter (he wanted to make a statement of "Betrayal" back in the eighties), and then they just put the play and laughed a lot. The only cause for suspicion that it will not become "antics", because, putting Pinter's easy to slip into parody.
Spall said to me (in London, where he had just finished work in one of the latest movies, and now busy with his children, who only 2 years and 10 months), that any attempt to muffle Pinter must be stopped. Son of British cinema and theater of the treasures of Timothy Spall, he stepped in Pinterianu before being awarded the role, devouring every statement and every play, as well as Lady Antonia Fraser's memoirs about their illicit romance with Pinter and Marriage Must You Go? My Life With Harold

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