Saturday, November 16, 2013

8. Disunahkan advance when the right-clothes or other. She rad barkata: latin grammy awards 2011

Muslim dress according to Islamic Manners Indeed dress is sharp Almighty grace to a very great man. It is therefore appropriate man thanked the Almighty latin grammy awards 2011 sharp benevolence and implement the ethics dressed as dituntunkan by his religion.
Rosulullah Allah has said to one of his friends when he was wearing ugly clothes, "when God gave the property to you, then tampakkanlah former favors sharp and mercy to you. "(Narrated by Abu Dawud and Al-validated by Albanian).
2. Clothing latin grammy awards 2011 should cover themselves, that is not loose forming a thick body and does not show what is dibaliknya. Sharp Almighty says: "O latin grammy awards 2011 son of Adam, indeed We have sent down to beautiful clothing to jewelry, and clothing irulah best piety. Such are some of the signs of Allah's power, latin grammy awards 2011 hopefully they will always remember ". (Surat al-A'rof latin grammy awards 2011 / 7:26)
3. Male dress may not resemble women's clothing or vice versa, based on the following Shohih hadist. Rad from Ibn Abbas, he said: "Allah's Messenger cursed the menfolk who resemble women and women who resembles the man." latin grammy awards 2011 (Narrated by Al Bukhari, no. 5885).
4. Clothing is not the clothing show (for fame), because Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever dressed fame in the world, Allah will disgrace him on the Day of Judgment clothes, then lit on fire." (Inu Majah dihasankan Narrated by Al-Bani in Shohih at-Targheeb, no. 2089).
Imam Ibn al-Atsir explain, clothing syuhroh (fame) is a garment that became known in the community because the color is different from the color of their clothes, to the eyes of men were directed at him and his style with pride and arrogance.
5. Do not wear clothes posing animate beings, because she hadist latin grammy awards 2011 sourced from sharp meridhainya hopefully, he said: "Allah's Messenger came from traveling, when I was covering a shelf-existing blinds me with pictures. When the Prophet saw her, he pulled latin grammy awards 2011 away, and said: "Man's most excrutiating weight on the Day of Judgment are those who compete with sharp creation". She says: "Then We made the curtains a pillow or two pillows". (Narrated by Bukhari, no: 5954)
6. Men can not wear gold and silk cloth, except under duress, because latin grammy awards 2011 hadist sourced from Ali rad megatakan :: "The latin grammy awards 2011 Messenger of Allah's Messenger took the silk cloth and put it in his right hand and took the gold and put it in his left hand, and he said, "Surely these two types of illegal things for the men of my people. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood and evaluated saheeh by al-Albanian)
7. Best glove place until mid-calf, can down again until the ankles. Rsululloh he said: "The gloves were a Muslim until the mid-calf, and sin not including the ankles. Gloves under the ankle, so that in hell. And whoever dragged latin grammy awards 2011 sheath with pride, sharp will not see ". (Narrated by Abu Dawud, no: 4093; Ibn Majah, No: 3573, from Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri. At shohihkan by Sheikh Al-Albanian, see Ashohihah, 2017. Riyadhus Sholihin, latin grammy awards 2011 no: 799)
8. Disunahkan advance when the right-clothes or other. She rad barkata: latin grammy awards 2011 "Allah's Messenger like to start with the right in every case, when purified, combing hair, and wearing sandals." (Narrated by Muslim and Bukhori)
9. Must be grateful to the sharp and organized prayer when wearing clothes, as the Prophet peace be upon him: "he who eats food and then says," Praise be to Allah who has given me eat this food and this has given me the gift of food with no power and strength from me ", his previous sins forgiven. And he who wears clothes and said, "Praise be to Allah who has put on me. This outfit and give me the gift of this dress with no power and strength from me ", his previous sins forgiven. (Narrated latin grammy awards 2011 by Abu Dawood and ranked as hasan by al-Albanian)
10. Organized man dressed in white, as the Prophet peace be upon him: "Wear white clothes is among the best of your clothes. And kafanilah the o

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