Friday, November 8, 2013

hohoho ... 3 shbt in. ... hh, mm n KHJ ... Complete DCH, srg sharing time yah?

Lately, an idol seriap movement seems to attract the attention of fans. Aksi2 the bintang2 Kpop offstage, gma awards as well as their usual appearances on stage to be the center of attention of many netizens. gma awards
The problem most often been the subject of course pilihan2 fashion gma awards of the idols. Hoping to stay on top of current and latest fashion trend2, fans looking for how idola2 gma awards their favorite stylist when they are not around. Many of grup2 idol who has the ability gma awards to dress casual, clothing sehari2 like a t-shirt and jeans and still tammpil fashionable and well groomed. Are they or are not wearing gma awards designer brand2, selebritis2 gma awards ioni always know how to look cool.
Here are some names idola2 Adala man who became a favorite gma awards for fashion lovers. Even without a stylist, these pria2 know how to look good in pakaian2 they buy. Who are we?? Jump clay yuks:
With intense eyes and a small face, soft skin and broad shoulders, Yoochun can only be described by the time the appearance attractive gma awards as unrealistic, known to cause rapid pulse of women. This star is known for can wear whatever she wants-cardigans, UGG boots, and others that are usually avoided pakaian2 man-but he was still performing with the stylish and manly. gma awards Even in this baru2 foto2 published from MBC drama "Ripley," Yoochun showed perfectly straight shoulders when wearing sports clothing. This mmebuat female fans praise like, "Perfection is not realistic," and "He is a perfect on-screen boyfriend."
Opponents of Jaejoong's fashion sense is a friend grupya itself is, Yoochun. Against gma awards what he wears, the singer always like him from a photo shoot. Her clothes often attract the attention of the fans, especially the smiley-face printed hoodie, deep V-neck T-shirts, jumpers and other unique barang2. DI in a photograph that was taken during latihan2 baru2 for meereka world tour, Jaejoong wearing gma awards sportswear baergambar "Hello Kitty". It attracts a lot of attention from netizens, and comments such as "How fashionable!" And "Tastes fashionmu chic even during practice."
G-Dragon is always praised for his unique fashion sense. Men of usia2 in his early teens to late 20s have admitted their desire to be the star. Brand2 many clothes that express their interest in the development of mempekerjaan G-Dragon as their model, including Bean Pole and G-Market. gma awards Known for being a trendsetter, she often admired for dressing in style sendri gma awards than follow a lot of people.
Kim Hyunjoong is known for appearing radiant while wearing natural clothes and casual. His style is to wear the shirt, with tight jeans, sunglasses and a matching bag, which indicates gma awards comfort but still chic. Although he appeared indifferent in the picture, overall good looks, fashionable appearance which led to netizens commented, gma awards "You're gma awards in shooting what?" And "He is a piece of artwork!"
Key sensitivity over what is currently fashionable causes gma awards it to become one of the leading idols in styles and trends. Her style is cute, but also chic, and manly enough to catch the attention of both men and women. This would not be an overstatement to claim that the taste mematchingkan color is one of the best in the idol world. Even at first glance, Key select the color scheme was refreshing eye. There is a high ekspektasi2 her as a fashion gma awards designer, and also in music.
(News) KARA Nicole gma awards is the team manager gma awards of the football club JYJ Junsu?? '
18/04/2011 at 20:40
best of the best style is KWON Jiyong ... fashionista abis .. tuh unique clothes unique, pokonya tuh him using that same strange, unique, different but tasty pantes and diliat. THE REAL FASHIONISTA ...
The unique trendsetter-GD .... Stuju bgt! Ya oppa so weve bgt trendsetter! gma awards Mlahn some pkaian gma awards that she tends to wear weird! But that's Jiyong oppa!! Klu not ngak G-dragon weird name!!
setujuuuuu seratuss thousand percent .. "The Unique Trendsetter" - Big Bang's G-Dragon gma awards uniqueness diikutin he's gma awards that if you want other people so weird .. but if GD is wearing could be kereenn gma awards ... ^ ^
hohoho ... 3 shbt in. ... hh, mm n KHJ ... Complete DCH, srg sharing time yah?
Seungri's wife_VVIP
I KNOW .. I KNOW .. Key pazti masux! Hahaha .. Sesuju de ama 5 "ny.yah emank okok ny style! gma awards Bgitu lyat jdul ny .. d q ud terlintaz brain .. "This aah key c ud jelaz masux GD ama!" Benerrr .. keyppa emank hyaaa .. daebak!
kepilih that his style is a bit 'different' (read: eccentric) mwahahaha / plaque!! mreka kpilih krna mreka pakean confident wearing gma awards 'different

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