Sunday, November 3, 2013

The country is in the interest of the greatest number of people full-time employees polar prize (wi

Dr. Filomena "For polar prize a little work and a serious study
Again, I had to address polar prize the reading of the law and thinking about the arguments for it or against it. Mini Jobs Act. I am angry that so often forces me into something that I find the work of the elected representatives of the people. On the other hand, my sense of the place does not fall to the referendum would not attend or not to read the bill, which will be decided.
The work is carried out on the basis of referrals organizations authorized to provide small work (this is a non-profit activity) can be more than one employer at the same time (due to the limitation of working hours per month and annual earnings). Referrals are issued on a monthly basis, at the same time can be validated for three months. Can be confirmed electronically.
A little work can (Simplified) performing pupils, students, the unemployed, pensioners, asylum seekers and two very specific categories of persons and inactive persons who are (self) employed, nor does it fall within any of these categories have their own private companies or institution, or a farmer.
Small work is limited to 60 hours in a month. The quota is not transferable between the months except for students and pupils in a particular month can be made several hours of work, but in a calendar year with no more than 720 hours.
Individual beneficiaries employer can hire only a limited number polar prize of small work hours per month, depending on the number of employees (no employees or one employee -> up to 180 hours of small-scale works; 2-10 employees -> up to 360 hours of small-scale works, etc..)
Employers polar prize pay 14% of the value of small parts: 2% retained organization issuing referrals, 2% shall be paid in the new budget to fund the construction and maintenance of student housing for the (co-) finance the expansion polar prize and modernization of premises and technical equipment of universities and for repayment of the related debt, 5% will be allocated to fund scholarships, 1% will be allocated to cover the cost of support structures; 4% is paid separately by target groups, so that this part of the duty levied on students' work, to students, to little the work of retired pensioners, unemployed for a little work and the implementation of active employment policy measures.
My impressions? It is a form of work, like incumbent Student as intended, and not as it is often implemented. Small worker is not tied to a single employer. It may work for several companies does not exceed the limit of the number of hours worked or the gross earnings. Earnings is limited to approx 5,100 euros net per year, which is approximately 1,700 less than it would in that period was the minimum wage. Most of the collected polar prize duties irrespective polar prize of Whose small part of the assessment, the purposes for the benefit of students. (The largest share of benefits from a small part of the unemployed and retirees are allocated to students.)
The country is in the interest of the greatest number of people full-time employees polar prize (with possibly polar prize a higher salary), because in this case picks up taxes, so I tried to understand the arguments against the law. For example here: Do not convince me. Persuade pensioners to the pension fund to lose, because polar prize the payments through a small part of the pension fund only 9%. They forget to mention that students are now in the pension fund do not contribute anything. Companies warn that after four months, losing just qualified students and had to hire another male workers. For something like this should be subject to the assumption that the student works full-time, which is when serious study impossible. During polar prize the study the student is studying and optimizing polar prize rapidly trained to enter the labor market. A little work (and now a student), polar prize he or she would be helpful. And even if this argument is ignored, we can not ignore the fact that the company is a good little worker, who does not want to lose, you can employ. Expression of the possibility of abuse as an argument against the law is preposterous. Unemployed on this site have pointed out that due to the limitations of the annual earnings of a worker small increase in the number of working poor. A person who performs some work, do not work! This is the way that the jobless earn some money. "For a referral." In addition to being at risk of temporary employees. It's hard to imagine that an employer rather than the worker hired for a fixed period of small-worker who will be allowed to work only seven and a half days in the month. Or take the student and the other changed every four months. Finally, I read the arguments of students. The largest part of the benefits to small work will serve their needs. Res (in this way!) May not work more than 720 hours in a year, and (in this way!) May not earn more than 6,000 euros a year, but how many actual students these two restrictions can actually affect?
The current situation, which would have student services (which collected 10% commission) gladly maintained, enabling employers to instead employ for many years exploited 'student' workforce, which do not pay contributions. Students from the fear of unemployment cre

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