Friday, February 28, 2014

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"You Yair Lapid, tell him to save me" (Photo: Yaron Brener) Celebs graduates grammy nominations concert 2011 REALITY: "ordeal" (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky) "I saw myself getting old movie - it's grammy nominations concert 2011 scary" (Photo: Ido Erez)
But Israeli culture day day but the entire country: singer Arik Einstein, who died suddenly at age 74, was buried in the Trumpeldor Cemetery, surrounded by his family, friends and countless admirers. "You did well for many people - not that you're a singer or an actor, but because you are a man," said Uri Zohar tears. Earlier thousands came to pay their respects at Rabin Square, where he eulogized Muni Mosohonov grammy nominations concert 2011 and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Shalom Hanoch and Corinne Allal performed songs on stage
Painful day of public mourning went on Israeli culture - and the entire grammy nominations concert 2011 country. Arik Einstein, the greatest Israeli singers of all time, who died yesterday at age 74, was buried yesterday (Wednesday) Trumpeldor Cemetery grammy nominations concert 2011 in Tel Aviv. Accompanied him on his final journey his family and his many friends, and surrounded by hundreds of fans gathered who wanted to say goodbye for the last time favorite singer. grammy nominations concert 2011 Many of those who failed to enter the gates stuck or gathered on the roofs of nearby buildings. grammy nominations concert 2011 Even hours after brought to rest, many fans continued to come to the cemetery, the singer's home in Tel Aviv and Rabin Square.
Chava Alberstein separate "always embarrassed, not drifting" to hear and cry: Arik Einstein - the soundtrack of Israel "Eric was an umbrella of love" / separate studio Ynet Square, near the house: separate grammy nominations concert 2011 fans will not continue grammy nominations concert 2011 without you / Ariana Melamed
Burial Kaddish started reading a little after four o'clock, when Einstein's coffin arrived grammy nominations concert 2011 at the cemetery in Rabin Square - where he conducted a funeral service attended by thousands of people. Rabbi Uri Zohar, his best friend and his father-Einstein stood over the grave when he choked with tears. "You lived in only the best, you could not understand the bad," he said.
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"I leave you, made a detour us, I can not leave you ... They say he went huge, a giant. Candle in one small oil was you.'ll See how all of Israel crying need, how loved you. We know you did a good many people - Not that you're a singer or an actor, but because you are human. When the messiah grammy nominations concert 2011 comes, I will not look at him - I watch you. "
Ephraim, the son of Zohar in-law of Einstein, he spoke in a voice choked with sobs. "I've known you for many years, grammy nominations concert 2011 since I was a boy - and it's hard for me to part from you, very much," he said. "I do not know how many grooms love how the family. I love you for the reason you humble body and aspirations. Really, you are a humble man, always were. Hatred of money and a lie, you were an honest person, not dazzled. Certainly win a lot of pleasure in the next world, we seek applies if, God forbid ... we love you. "
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