Friday, May 8, 2015

and I believe that. I watch both series, I

"Breaking Bad" (Fig. AMC) in Los Angeles after the 66th time Emmy awards were given. Awards for the best series took home this year's "Breaking mtv ema 2012 Bad" and - no, it's not really a joke - "Modern Family". Here is the complete list of winners.
Now that is a Tuesday, it means it's time to trash our picks, because mtv ema 2012 here we have a real list of winners of this year's Emmys. The list serve Deadline for service, because of the early hour pinching again and again, still not believing that "Orange Is the New Black" mtv ema 2012 left the gala with nothing, mtv ema 2012 and "Fargo" had to share honors with "Sherlock" and "American Horror Story ". Only a big win, "Breaking Bad" does not surprise us at any time of day or night.
Best TV movie, "The Normal Heart"
Aaron Paul, Allison Janney, American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Coven, Anna Gunn, Benedict Cumberbatch, Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston, detective, Emmy, Emmy in 2014, Fargo, Veep, Jessica mtv ema 2012 Lange, Jim Parsons, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Julianna Margulies, Louis CK, Mom, Martin Freeman, Modern Family, Mom, Emmy, best TV series, reflex heart, series, Sherlock, Steven mtv ema 2012 Moffat, The Big Bang Theory, The Big Bang Theory, The Good Wife, The Normal Heart, True Detective Ty Burrell, VEEP, Modern Family, The Good Wife
Americans have seen nationally somehow different sense of humor. Awards for Modern Family surprising for several years. Unless something zapętliło in the comedy space-time and until the end of the comedy prizes will be raking you, Julia, Eric and Sophia. Such an error in the Matrix.
When it comes to shamefully omitted True Detective, I always thought about him as about the show absolute. In unnoticed except by anyone "Studio 60 on the Sunset mtv ema 2012 Strip" is a scene where the writer late night comedy show, Matt Albie (Matthew Perry) says that it lacks the episode written sketch, scene, about which everyone will be talking the next morning. True Detective was such a jewel, every single episode had is something that sank in memory. Is that a quote or outrageously good work operator, photos, etc. Each one episode provoked a discussion, thinking and visually enthused. Dropped we can only hope that Nick and creators stand firmly on their feet and do not need an Emmy for połechtania self-esteem.
And I'm glad that "True mtv ema 2012 Detective" completely omitted because mtv ema 2012 it is the most overrated series not only last year but maybe even the decade. Total boring, and I'm not a spectator, which interfere with scenes in which nothing happens. Acting ok pictures ok - but a disastrous scenario. And never mind that the quotes that literature - came out of the indigestible content. Each episode provoked discussion? Perhaps the only such how this story has any sense at all. Because beyond tacky religious conversion, the main character and story of two policemen podstarzałych "best friends forever" the whole story is completely pointless. No conclusions, no suspense, no satisfactory content. Well, so it was the scene without mtv ema 2012 cuts (world championship buahahaha) - in which the lack of realism - because when Cole was still in front of the fence is around the corner already raced niggaz gnatami. They walked through the fence a good couple of seconds and goons unless they stopped on a pipe or because they could not reach or launch any missile.
Niezachwyt arcywazny! Internet Time: This is a wholly opinion.
and I believe that. I watch both series, I'm a fan of both, and I admit that Modern Family has the pleasant lightness in itself, OITNB far to comedic entertainment. I understand-quite a different subject-but not przekreślałabym MF.
I also watch both and I'm not saying that the MF is bad but somehow pact is not particularly good especially since several seasons, is rolling out the same topics over and over again. Oitnb it's really a breath of fresh air and should be noticed, I know that this is not a typical mtv ema 2012 comedy series but in the drama would not have the slightest chance for a big competition.
With all due respect, but it does not matter whether OItNb would have a chance to win in the category dramatically or not. It is a drama series, which therefore should be measured with other drama serials. Does boxing in the same weight category athletes compete a 100-kg and 50-kg? Well, because half of the competitors weighing 100 kg will not win (the loser has to be), will not deal with rivals of the same weight, but higher-skilled. It might give them a chance of crushing people by half lighter ... And which series "do not roll out of the same themes"? This characteristic series - continued. Or "rolling mtv ema 2012 the same topics' was not at" mtv ema 2012 Breakind Bad "? After all, for 5 seasons Walter and Jesse created a "product". For 5 seasons Walter and Skyler had their ups and downs (and somehow no one complains about "rolling the same themes").
No, OINTB is not a dramatic television series. It is a comedy-drama, and because there is no special category for komediodramatów, you can g

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