Saturday, May 9, 2015

Best short film

Author: Arquette, Simmons, Lucas, Moore, Redmayne, González Iñárritu - these are just a few names of people who tonight won one of the most important awards of the film industry in the world. Oscars in 2015 for the first time proved lucky for the Poles. The film "Ida" won the golden statuette in the category of Best Foreign Language Film!
87 Oscars gala was held in the shadow selena gomez ema of rainy weather, the sun usually, Los Angeles. As every year on the red carpet, exploded in front of the Dolby Theatre, actresses, actors, major representatives of the film industry, music, media, presented the creations of famous designers from around the world. There was time for interviews, selena gomez ema photos and autographs. The main ceremony statuettes led by Neil Patrick Harris - a talented selena gomez ema actor / film, known for, among others, the role of Doogiego Howser series "Doogie Howser, MD" or Barney Stinson selena gomez ema in "How I Met Your Mother". Ceremonies at an event such as the Oscars this class for Harris pierwszyzna not because he was already several times galas awards: Emmy, Tony and TV Land. There was even as one of the leading performing musical number, at a gala Oscars in 2010.
During the opening of the Oscars 2015 in the first issue of music, describing the changing history of cinema, Harris was accompanied by Anna Kendrick and Jack Black. Recall that last year the most statuettes (7) coincided with "Gravity". Tonight we proved fortunate biggest films "The selena gomez ema Grand Budapest Hotel" and "Birdman". Here is the list of winners of the Oscars 2015! Best Supporting Actor Robert Duvall, "Judge" Ethan Hawke, "Boyhood" Edward Norton, "Birdman" Mark Ruffalo, "Foxcatcher" JK Simmons, "Whiplash"
Best Costume "The Grand Budapest Hotel" - Milena Canonero "Inherent Vice" - Mark Bridges "Secrets of the forest" - Colleen Atwood, "Mr. Turner" - Jacqueline Durran "Bewitched" - Anna B. Sheppard, Jane Clive During the break, the visitors 87 gala Oscars , able to enjoy a performance of Maroon 5, who presented the song "Lost Stars" from the film "Starting Over" ("Begin again").
Best Makeup "Foxcatcher" - Bill Corso, Dennis Liddiard "The Grand Budapest Hotel" selena gomez ema - Frances Hannon, Mark Coulier selena gomez ema "Guardians of the Galaxy" - Elizabeth Yianni-Georgiou, David White
The award was received director of "The Ides of" Pawel Pawlikowski. He was so surprised and delighted to win that spun in his acknowledgments and has been through it twice ponaglony by the executors, because he has run out of time. This is the first award for the Polish in the category of Best Foreign Language Film in the history of the Oscars. During the next break of music gathered at the Dolby Theatre they listened to the song "Everything Is Awesome" from "Lego" by Tegan and Sara, along with The Lonely Island.
Best short film "Aya" - Oded Binnun, Mihal Brezis "Boogaloo and Graham" - Michael Lennox, Ronan Blaney "Butter Lamp (La Lampe au Beurre de Yak)" - Hu Wei, Julien Feret "Parvaneh" - Talkhon Hamzavi, selena gomez ema Stefan Eichenberger "The Phone Call" - Matthew Kirkby, James Lucas
Best short documentary "Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1" Goosenberg Ellen Kent and Dana Perry, "Joanna", Aneta Kopacz (EN) "Our curse", Tomasz Sliwinski and Maciej Slesicki selena gomez ema (EN) "The Reaper", Gabriel Serra Arguello " White Earth, "J. Christian Jensen Another pause the music belonged selena gomez ema to Tim McGraw, who sang the song" I'm Not Gonna Miss You "Glen Campbell.
Best Sound John Reitz, Gregg Rudloff and Walt Martin - "Sniper" Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño and Thomas Varga - "Birdman" Gary A. Rizzo, Gregg Landaker and Mark Weingarten - "Interstellar" Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño and David Lee - "The Constant" Craig Mann, Ben Wilkins and Thomas Curley - "Whiplash" Best Sound "sniper" "Birdman" "The selena gomez ema Hobbit: The battle of five armies" "Interstellar" "Unbreakable" selena gomez ema We wrote about the movie -> here
The actress in her moving speech reminded about the message selena gomez ema coming from the movie "Boyhood", namely selena gomez ema the struggle for equality and women's rights not only in the US but around the world. Generally, it must be admitted selena gomez ema that this year's Oscars were marked by equality and negation of all discrimination, not only in terms of gender, but also race or sexual orientation. On stage, also appeared selena gomez ema Rita Ora with the song "Grateful".
Best Special Effects "Captain America: Winter Soldier," "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," "Guardians of the Galaxy" "Interstellar" selena gomez ema "X-Men: Days of Future Past" See stunning special effects in the movie "Interstellar":
Best animated short film "The selena gomez ema Bigger Picture" Daisy Jacobs and Christopher Hees "The Dam Keeper" Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi "Feast": selena gomez ema Patrick Osborne and Kristina Reed "Me and My Moulton": Torill Kove "A Single Life": J

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