Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Haim Hefer was. Manufactured and kicking and annoying journalist, who succeeded to portray Israeli

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The absence of the President, Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Minister of Culture from the funeral of the man and the legend Haim Hefer, revealed again the fact that we are dealing not with the leaders of stature but with small and petty functionaries. Just them and Lscmotm since dug the words to the song "How gate up"?
A few years ago, when Gideon Sa'ar, familiar kind of politician class, was chairman of the opposition Likud party, he called in the Knesset the men forward in power - "You Samar - O - Tim! Samar - O - Tim! "And repeated it several bafta 2011 times.
Government "rags" did not rise today, but every time her friends break new Israeli record. This was the week when no member of the government has not reached homage songwriter, poet, Palmach bafta 2011 fighter and Israel Prize laureate and Sokolov Prize, Haim Hefer.
What is life dug, one of the biggest cultural heroes were established here, the Israeli government bafta 2011 has so alienated? President, lover of poetry and poets, remembered only a day after the death of digging, to send a "letter" to the family with a few lines? Is digging is enemy of the people? bafta 2011 Enemy of the State? bafta 2011 Or maybe not one of the artists and court warrants the government?
Absence prominent national leaders provoked the ire of some of his closest friends of the Hefer - Haim Gouri, Stef Wertheimer and manly builder, said: "It is a disgrace that a representative government did not come to respect the man and the legend Haim Hefer. If someone wins a medal, Minister of Culture she wanted to be photographed with him., but for digging, bequeathed a legacy for many generations, people did not come from the government. "
Not that it really matters to anyone of his friends and admirers of digging, political activists breed of Bibi, assault and Livnat, and even Persia, come to the funeral. They should have come to respect the creator dug huge country contributed no less of them. They should have come to respect the culture.
The real story is, Haim Hefer is like waving a red flag in front of the right-wing governments and against Shimon bafta 2011 Peres was among the journalists who dug the few who dared to rip off his mask. This week, with the death of digging and the silence of the prize, everyone remembered the famous song of dug in the late 50s - "How gate rose up" (translated from English text of Norman Thomas), always attributed to Shimon Peres, although he dug has never confirmed this.
Veteran journalist Zeev Galili ("Yediot Ahronot", "Makor Rishon") number once asked dug Is the song written Shimon Peres. Hefer replied: "I did not write the song about, but when told that it is not going to have the strength to resist the people, who saw in the wicket came up, Shimon Peres. Lot of boys his age went to war and he did not. Merely zigzag and paddled. Has my antipathy to him. true that there assholes bafta 2011 as he, but he was the highest-grade shit. "
Since the flow of bad blood between the two. Especially when digging was confidant of Yitzhak Rabin, whom he hated and envy of Persia. Over the years it became clear that Peres was not a "wicket" one who jumped government. Today there are "bedbugs" yes-men and no talent in senior positions in the government, society, economy and even in the army and in the court system.
H"fsfshim "these, or if you prefer H"smrtotim" these have not reached this week for the funeral of Haim Hefer and honored the memory bafta 2011 of one of the greatest filmmakers emerged bafta 2011 here. If they were leaders bafta 2011 of stature and small businessmen, they would have behaved bafta 2011 differently, beyond any political considerations.
Non-arrival of the country's leaders to respect an important poet and creator who died, mainly shows the negligible role of Israeli culture agenda of policy makers (cultural budget is two-tenths of UNESCO's budget recommended it). Culture has never been important here.
Take for example, the H"fsfshit "Limor Livnat. An ex-advertising age appropriate skills, appointed by Netanyahu to manage the Ministry of Culture and Sports. bafta 2011 Incidentally, most of the previous culture ministers were not good and more appropriate including bafta 2011 the appointment surreal position of Matan Vilnai.
All civilized and enlightened country, bafta 2011 the culture minister's post is considered prestigious and respected, and lying generally on the personal stature. Israel's role in the appointment of the Minister of Culture is considered to be the latest in a division of the spoils, and delivered usually last politicians. Even the Minister without Portfolio for anything more important in the government.
Livnat taking office, leveraging the position to dictate a "culture from" reminiscent bafta 2011 of other regimes. Livnat's arrowhead Cultural Revolution "was in" encourage cultural Zionist. " So you see the good and beautiful, she says. And unwashed words: culture boasts the acts of government. With this gospel is also hoped to gather some votes M"himin Zionist "and the settlers towards the Likud primaries. For her, Haim Hefer and his ilk do not represent, probably, the "Zionist culture."
Not that I have anything against the culture of "positive", but no such thing as "cultural Zionist." You can not dictate which artists and cultural creators to create. Culture, by its very nature, does not suffer bafta 2011 from the dictates of power. Any power, right or left. But if we engage in Totalitiriot or fascist. So we do not really like, if I'm not mistaken.
Culture, by its very nature, is kicking, irritating, provocative, critic, revealing, thought-provoking, overwhelming emotions. Real culture is not designed to suck up power or actions. On the contrary. As the role of the media is to visit, conduct investigations and expose corruption, the role of art is to present shows that sometimes curve, in the face of the company and its leaders.
Haim Hefer was. Manufactured and kicking and annoying journalist, who succeeded to portray Israeli society and government failures, warts and all, and love of country. And his truth, what a surprise, expressed the truth of most people. That this truth revealed with humor and skillfully swinging the nakedness of our leaders.
So the President, Prime Minister bafta 2011 and Ministers did not come to the funeral of digging and T.

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