Thursday, March 27, 2014

If we just look at this from a consumer perspective firstly, we re still in the midst of an econo

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Email this Print Reprints ARTICLE TOOLS SPONSOR Receive the latest articles for free. Click here to get the Luxury Daily newsletters. 10B mobile coupons to be redeemed this year: Juniper Research By Rimma Kats
The number of discount coupons redeemed through mobile and tablet devices is expected to reach 10 billion this year, up by more than 50 percent from last year, according to a new study by Juniper Research.
Arguably, that retailers are finally coming on board, said Windsor Holden, cassandra s dream research director at Juniper Research. There s recognition amongst retailers that mobile isn t just something that they ought to do, it s something that they have to do if they wish to remain competitive.
Mobile couponing According to Juniper, retailers are looking at new ways to incorporate mobile into their strategies and use it as a delivery channel to drive in-store traffic, consumer engagement and, ultimately, retention.
Juniper found that while mobile cassandra s dream still accounted for a comparatively low volume of coupons issued, retailers had been encouraged by the markedly higher average redemption rate of mobile coupons 10 percent when compared to traditional print media and PC coupons typically 1 percent or less.
There s been a gradual shift in mobile cassandra s dream couponing redemption patterns: with the advent cassandra s dream of mobile wallets, consumers are now storing some of their mobile coupons, rather than redeeming the coupon immediately after issue, Mr. Holden said.
If we just look at this from a consumer perspective firstly, we re still in the midst of an economic downturn and some developed markets, in a recession, Mr. Holden said. Coupons cassandra s dream and vouchers in general experience an uptick in usage in such conditions. Secondly, it could be argued that historically, there was somewhat of a stigma attached to couponing usage. cassandra s dream
Mobile coupons are easier and faster to use for people than cutting out paper coupons cassandra s dream and storing them in a wallet, he said. They are also handy for impulse purchases; users may have a selection of coupons on their phone that they could choose to use, or may search and download cassandra s dream relevant coupons when in-store the attraction of a 10 percent discount might just tip the balance for that impulse purchase.
At the same time, post the app store revolution, cassandra s dream consumers are embracing the wider concept of mobile commerce: they expect to be able to receive coupons via their handsets. This ties into my final point couponing is social, it s becoming integrated into an array of social sites, like Facebook, Foursquare: mobile couponing can be personalized and targeted at the individual, and it s far more appealing to receive targeted coupons than encounter a scattergun approach.
Rimma Kats is associate editor on Mobile Commerce Daily and Mobile Marketer. Reach her at Like this article? Sign up for a free subscription to Mobile Commerce Daily's must-read newsletters. Click here!
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