Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Search for: Recent Posts INTRUDER by Shu Kuang

I m still tryng to connect dots. He talks about mothers golden globe winners 2011 in all the episodes. Different stories with different mothers. Apparently there is no connection between the stories and all of them have a different narrative approach and a different resolution. The first stoty was funny somehow and showed as a middle age mother. The second one was about a young potential mother and the last episodes talks about dead mother. Somehow golden globe winners 2011 the filmaker is alway talking about a kind of absence. A mother wich lacks of maternity, a young girl which still doesn t know anything about her future and the memory of a mother in the last documentary part. I found this aspect golden globe winners 2011 very interesting.
So the relationship of the Manchevski golden globe winners 2011 with the maternity is intense but at the same time he seems to reveal a deep loneliness. When we born we lose the phisical connection with our mother and maybe we ll never be able to restore that kind of connection. part of her is lost during the birth.
It s interesting for me that the filmaker focused on an immaterial connection between son and mother. The ideal role of mum, the need to be a mum and the memory of mum. All these fellings are strong and the way he rappresents this intensity is light. he describe the relationship with his mother through three different stories. both of them are in different contest and time and also in different moment of life.
I also enjoyed the technique he used to create this portrait of different mothers. He creates a collage pushing golden globe winners 2011 the viewer to create a deeper connection in these dramas despite of the different times and stories. In this case the viewer need to reflect more about the possibility to find a connection. He suggests different stories and we have to find our own story among them. -cia
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