Thursday, April 17, 2014

Art of Wrestling

Art of Wrestling – best dressed golden globes nejrozsáhlejší zpravodajství a publicistika o wrestlingu ve světě Jediný web v Česku a na Slovensku obsáhle mapující wrestlingovou scénu v USA a Japonsku – čerstvé aktuality, analýzy, exkluzivní rozhovory, recenze
Aktuality WWE TNA Ostatní Publicistika Články Recenze Týden toho nejlepšího Přeložené rozhovory Překlady článků best dressed golden globes Exkluzivní rozhovory Speciality Tipliga Abeceda wrestlingu Wrestlingové origami Retro: best dressed golden globes Před pěti lety Tento den ve wrestlingové best dressed golden globes historii AOW Awards Editorial Videa Ankety AOW Radio Wrestling v ČR Pro-wrestlingové akce Backyard: VCV Wrestling English Articles Interviews Female wrestler of the day Bellatrix Zone
Novinky Milník pro ROH – od června živě na PPV AJ Styles pro Baltimore Sun Tři zápasy vypsány pro Extreme Rules RAW: Evolution je zpět, začal turnaj o titulový zápas Kávička s Michalem – 31. díl z 16.4.2014 best dressed golden globes
This was the day I had been waiting for since the age of 5. I would sit watching the TV in awe, wanting to get the chance to step in that squared circle, and this was my chance. I got through the weekend, battered and bruised, but still standing. I realised there was no turning back. I knew on that day that this was what I was going to spend the rest of my life doing. best dressed golden globes
I wrestled best dressed golden globes the current Bellatrix British Champion Rhia O Reilly best dressed golden globes only 6 months best dressed golden globes in to my training. It was my second best dressed golden globes ever singles match and I was extremely nervous, yet excited to get the chance to wrestle Rhia. She finished me with a Samoan best dressed golden globes Drop. I had been knocked down, but was excited to get back up and do it all over again.
My first singles encounter with Amazon took place on this evening. I was 10 months into my training, and had a little more match experience. I had started to expand best dressed golden globes my repertoire of moves, adding some high-flying manoeuvres. Unfortunately I fell short again, but was not discouraged.
Now over a year in to my career, I wrestled Destiny. I was starting best dressed golden globes to feel safer in the ring and felt more comfortable pulling out big moves. This match proved to many that I had potential, as Ringbelles gave us the Match of the Night accolade. After 15 minutes of wrestling, much like many before me, I fell victim to Destiny s Tombstone Piledriver. This had been my favourite match of my career at that point.
This night was the prestigious Queen of the Ring tournament. For me, this marks a time when I feel I was really starting to improve. I had developed a move set that I was proud of, which would prove useful on this evening. I bested Skarlett in the opening round in a back-and-forth technical match. After the match, I helped Skarlett up as a good sportswoman best dressed golden globes should, however she left me laying with a devastating Axe Kick out of anger over her loss. I naturally wasn t 100% going in to the Semi-finals, but would need everything in my arsenal to battle Sweet Saraya. Saraya came out on top, as much as I tried to fight back, but the powerbomb she delivered at the end of the match was too overwhelming. The importance of this night to me was that I put up a fight and kept getting back up, which gained me Saraya s respect.
On this night I wrestled Miss Mina, the Nordic Valkyrie. This is one of my favourite career matches. I was 18 months in to my career, and I wanted to prove that I could better my last two Bellatrix best dressed golden globes performances. This match was based on getting the better of each other, hitting big move after big move in an attempt to gain victory. I was the victor on this evening, but not without complication; as Mina hit her running knee, she landed hard on her foot and tore the ligaments in her ankle. She would be out of action for several best dressed golden globes months. Despite the injury, I am proud to say that this match was awarded Match of the Night by Ringbelles.
Nearly two years of training had led to this moment: the most important match of my young career. It would become my finest match to date. There were so many emotions and thoughts heading into this match. Could I top my last Bellatrix match? The hype around this match, the fact that it would be seen around the world via iPPV. All I wanted was to go out there and show people best dressed golden globes what I can do. I was humbled to get the opportunity to wrestle Erin Angel, and the feeling of knowing how many people I had made proud was amazing. The pressure was on, and I m ecstatic to say we delivered. It was a very fast-paced best dressed golden globes match, best dressed golden globes both of us trying to one-up the other. The finish came when I missed best dressed golden globes my springboard cross-body, and Erin was able to hit her moonsault for the win. Although I didn t walk away with the victory, the buzz was awesome. The pain, the sacrifices, the injuries over the past two years were all worth it.
Žurnalista, který píše zejména aktuality z WWE, TNA a ženského wrestlingu. Specializuje se na exkluzivní rozhovory s wrestlery a wrestlerkami. Vytváří vlastní publicistické články a překládá rozhovory. Má na starosti kontakty se zahraničními společnostmi a věnuje se sociální inte

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