Thursday, August 7, 2014

4 Pictory - The objective is to show the best of Pictory stories through a single click. Anyone can

Travel Photography: ema form 13 of the Best Sites | Exploremore
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There is no place that has not already been photographed, not a day goes by that we are not bombarded with thousands of images. The mobile photography instagram and have made it possible to tell all the stories of all kinds with one click, in an immediate way. The photograph has never been as accessible art in the digital age and technology ema form has brought the image quality to a level never so high. New techniques and experiments lead to wonder if what is actually portrays the reality and new photographers depart daily leaving open the definition of this title. In travel photography only two things really matter: the technique and history. Without one, the other has no value. ema form But what makes a story better than another? In a world where machines measure everything by themselves, what makes a photographer better? Here are 13 sites to understand:
1 National ema form Geographic - Special? Yes, but only to set the standard at the highest level possible. National Geographic picks for decades the top of nature photography, street, from the scientific world, and is the largest non-profit institution in the field of education.
2 Sebastiao ema form Salgado - Brazilian by birth but resident in Paris, Sebastiao Salgado took the photograph in black and white a step forward. He has published a long series of books, won many awards and is now a UNICEF Ambassador. ema form
3 The Big Picture - A site parallel to the Boston Globe, ema form The Big Picture ema form brings daily news from the world through photography. It is a rich site, where scrolling down you go by the images of the war in Afghanistan to the stories of American ema form life. The photos tend to be raw, live and recent.
4 Pictory - The objective is to show the best of Pictory stories through a single click. Anyone can submit your photo and publishers has left the job to choose the best and put them within the various categories. The picture quality ema form varies, sa is almost always non-professional ema form photographers, but the images are seen here more as documents of the fact that works of art.
5. Pulitzer Prize for Photography - You can ask for more? Probably not. On the website of the foundation ema form Pulitzer collected the names and work of all the photographers who have won over the years. Some of the shots that have made history, prior to 1996 are not found on the site, but just a search for the names of the photographers on Google to find some of the most famous images in the world.
6 Stuck in Customs - When I saw the portfolio of Trey Ratcliff I wondered how it is possible that a single person has taken so many impressive shots. Trey focuses mainly on landscapes, urban and natural, ema form and HDR photography, a modern technique that combines multiple shots with different exposures to create a surreal effect. His portfolio is located here.
7 Lens Culture - A site of contemporary photography that deals with the more artistic side of this activity. Lens Culture ema form organizes events and exhibitions in the world and offers space for many renowned artists and emerging. Among the categories are, among others, conceptual photography, street, documentary and black and white.
8 New York Times Lens - Lens is a photo blog of the New York Times. Although most of the content is, of course, of a journalistic nature, it is not the only genre represented. Often space is given to projects more abstract and shown the work of photographers who are creating something new. The photo of the day always leave you speechless.
9 Steve McCurry - You can not love Steve McCurry? One of the photographers travel more known and appreciated, thanks in particular to its snap Afghan ema form Girl became the cover of National Geographic, ema form Steve said India and the Middle East photographing the characters and situations of all kinds. His images show an intimate look at the reality of these countries and have won a long list of awards.
10 Will Pearson - Will Pearson is a British photographer specializing in panoramic images. His pictures, however, are not only broad, but blow-ups that allow you to see every detail of the photo, ema form as well as to admire the landscape as a whole.
11 Everything Everywhere - Gary Ardnt is an American blogger who when he left in 2007, no

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