Saturday, August 2, 2014

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The proliferation independent movies 2011 of blogs has convinced the organizers of the oldest known and prestigious journalism award, taking into consideration the parallel form of traditional independent movies 2011 journalism; or one online.
The Pulitzer Foundation, in fact, the founder of the prestigious journalism awards, has decided to open a section also dedicated to online journals. The new way to access online news, has meant that the most famous journalism award has opened its niche journalism web.
But as in any "elite independent movies 2011 club" experiencing alternative ways, not everyone agrees not like some liberal positions independent movies 2011 too many blogs or other web journal, do not like, the guru of journalism offline sit at the same table any "man in the street" who, with his blog, for example, published a survey of international importance.
However, many people need to understand that this is the modernity brought by the internet: no longer a vertical knowledge, and mono-layered journalist-reader, but a shared-knowledge that makes every single human being an independent entity, atomized and protagonist of change. [Source-marketing adv]
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