Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The disease was already attacking, but continued to run throughout Italy to launch the project of F

"We thought 2011 primetime emmy awards we deserved the Pulitzer and instead made us all out." In memory of Roberto Morrione
I met Roberto Morrione in the fall of 2006 in Cagliari. We participated in a working group organized by the Gruppo Abele and Freedom on how journalism can best to deal with social issues 2011 primetime emmy awards and on how organizations of civil society can organize itself to produce the best information from the bottom able to reach the general public in incisively.
He had just retired, after having founded and directed 2011 primetime emmy awards RaiNews24, the first Italian all-news channel and was immediately put at the disposal of Luigi Ciotti, helping 2011 primetime emmy awards them to think and to preside Free Information, an observatory 2011 primetime emmy awards to better understand the gangs and "warn" institutions and the public on best practices to combat them.
My report dealt with the experiences of American and Move On Democracy Now, trying to define the Italian context to work to tie more and more the right to free and independent democracy in crisis then and now. At the end Roberto showed up, he wanted to learn a couple of things that I was exposed as using the Internet to boost investigative journalism.
A couple of hours later, it seemed like we knew each other for a lifetime, related to the tension that is often found in people who are new to our profession, certainly not in a megadirettore Rai retired, more accustomed to reposition 2011 primetime emmy awards itself in some place of power and image, well-paid, 2011 primetime emmy awards rather than put his experience and professionalism to the free service of the weakest, as Roberto made by accepting the proposal of Freedom to plan and coordinate the work of the then nascent Free Information. (Continues after the video)
The disease was already attacking, but continued to run throughout Italy to launch the project of Free and support, especially in the South, those young journalists brave and fearless, but forced to live in fear because of their investigations against the Mafia connections between , economics 2011 primetime emmy awards and politics as usual in our country.
Between trips and other things, if passed from Florence, called me and ragionavamo 2011 primetime emmy awards on the draft Free Information Tuscany. Had the opportunity to read and understand the experience dell'Altracittà and so together we decided that maybe it was worth groped to attack the bull by the horns here in Tuscany.
Florence is still one of the joints hidden and misunderstood of the birth of the second republic: the massacre of Georgofili of '93, the great work of Gabriele Chelazzi but not only. Just think of the infiltration of Chinese and Russian mafias between the plain of Florence and the Versilia coast, or to the many exactions caused by the Camorra, 'ndranghetari and mobsters who occasionally emerge from our own local news along with drug trafficking, the counterfeiting market, attempts to attack the large contracts of public works.
In short, there was material and there's enough to put on a job coherent information on the Mafia in Tuscany. So between a sandwich made in a station bar or a barley soup in a restaurant when there was more time, limavamo the idea, we created the conditions for proposing the project associations, from Tuscany 2011 primetime emmy awards Free of course 2011 primetime emmy awards and institutions, There ingegnavamo on how to involve young journalists and journalists paying them for their work, without exploiting them as is usual in many prestigious newsrooms, thought to be involved as the order and the press association. Why is the project of Free Information Toscana become the heritage of all and not for a part, because 2011 primetime emmy awards the cooperative work is the best antidote to a corrupt system when you want to build a better sociertà.
I write this memory of Roberto 2011 primetime emmy awards while listening to his voice. RaiNews24 has put online (found below) the story entitled "We thought we deserved the Pulitzer and instead made us all out" that takes stock of its investigation of 1990 on the hidden ties between the CIA and the Masonic lodge P2.
Roberto was one of the leaders of Tg1, but it had nothing to do with the current one, although then it was the "heart 2011 primetime emmy awards of the Christian Democrat 2011 primetime emmy awards power" as we remember Roberto same. The investigation aired. To pay for daring were the director 2011 primetime emmy awards Fava Nuccio and a group of journalists led by Morrione, including 2011 primetime emmy awards Ennio Remondino. 2011 primetime emmy awards Thus began the era of Bruno Vespa and Roberto resigned from his post after a short time, disappointed by what had happened anywhere else but sure could sow the culture of independent journalism and freedom of information.
With an insertion within the obituary the family of Roberto

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