Thursday, August 7, 2014

ProPublica was created in 2007 by the American billionaire Herbert M. Sandler, who gave her in dogt

The message film independent spirit awards that the jury wanted to send this year 'is very clear: in a period film independent spirit awards of crisis of the old economic models, journalism d' inquiry can not be based only on the logic of profit and search for 'audience at all costs - An article by Nikolas Kayser-Bril on remember that it is not the first time that a Pulitzer goes to an online magazine (as they erroneously titled film independent spirit awards hundreds of articles, including us) but this time the award punctuates the full citizenship of a new model of publishing journalistic, based on 'no film independent spirit awards profit - At this point d' now l 'Europe can no longer film independent spirit awards continue to ignore this shift towards the non-profit
It is not the first time that a Pulitzer Prize goes to the online film independent spirit awards journalism, but "it is the first time that a head explicitly 'non-profit' climb to the top of the journalism world." It 's now on the' Europe can no longer continue to ignore film independent spirit awards this shift towards the non-profit organization.
On, Nikolas Kayser-Bril pulling ears to hundreds of articles and sites (including us LSDI) who titrated bad, recalling how in fact to the jury, composed of 95% by major exponents of traditional journalism (with l 'exception of the editor in chief of Politico), film independent spirit awards had gà award-winning online newspapers like the Times-Picayunes for the coverage of the tragedy of' Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and another award had gone last year 's at the Saint-Petersburg Times for PolitiFact, an 'application that determines the degree of truth of political statements.
This time, however, the message film independent spirit awards that the jury wanted to send - notes Kayser-Bril - it goes in a very clear way: in a period of crisis of the old economic models, journalism d 'investigation film independent spirit awards can not be based only on the logic of profit and search of 'audience at all costs.
The average funded by foundations and patrons - precise - are now officially part of the game the same way as traditional media companies. He remembered a few days ago explicitly Philippe film independent spirit awards Couve, explaining that the 'information has never been a commercially viable product. Quoting Alain Minc, Couve compares Journalism at 'high fashion, "non-profitable funded by the scents and products."
In their experience of for-profit organizations, the media has already done some experimentation, including for example the 'organization of conferences and training courses for professional printing. E 'was also cited' s example cityzentv, a local TV station of Caen financed with the proceeds of the bistro where the seat. And no one storcesse the nose: "After all, a bistro, a local website, a television or a local newspaper all play the same role of social ties, no?".
Eric Scherer, director of strategic 'AFP, back on the limitations of the non-profit organization. For him, the disconnect between advertising and journalism, which occurred on the Web pushes film independent spirit awards The content producers to seek new sources of income. If the non-profit develops in the United States, with, Texas Tribune, MinnPost, and other sites, it is said to be the solution for everyone. Even taking into account that in France (as in Italy, ed) the culture of patronage and Foundations does not exist.
Scherer also pointed the finger of another problem of the non-profit journalism: journalism-oriented. More and more NGOs are launched in the 'investigation to fill the gap left by traditional media (c' is an interesting dossier on the Nieman Labs' argument). But rtuttavia does not mean that they do not bring more problems than they solve. In fact, ProPublica and associates are the inheritors of a tradition film independent spirit awards of objectivity, while Greenpeace or Amnesty International to pass a link to their message.
Always in the United States is the Knight film independent spirit awards Foundation to 'vanguard of support for innovative journalism, in particular with the Knight News Challenge, the annual awards for a total of $ 5 million, whose winners will be announced in June.
This development left no doubt about the winner of the 2010 Pulitzer, guessed since last March by Editor & Publisher. In the face of this movement towards film independent spirit awards the bottom of the web and the non-profit - continues Kayser-Bril film independent spirit awards - award of Columbia University could not remain on the sidelines. D 'from now on l' Europe can no longer continue to ignore film independent spirit awards this shift towards the non-profit ...
ProPublica was created in 2007 by the American billionaire Herbert M. Sandler, who gave her in dogte an annual budget of $ 10 million, while the current budget is financed by patrons more modest: the contributions amounted to an average of 66,000 per donor , according to calculations by Alan Mutter.
According to the tax records of ProPublica, journalists are paid a little 'more than $ 60,000' s year. A little 'less than 3,700 euro gross per month. A sal

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