Monday, August 18, 2014

At the end On Sunday May 4, with the last film surprises Catalan:

Kisses and neighborhoods Maresme Clot Camp de l'Arpa Clot Diagonal Mar and the seafront don cornelius arrested Poblenou Park and Poblenou Laguna Poblenou Provençals Poblenou rainbow Provençals Verneda The Olympic don cornelius arrested Village Peace and Poblenou
Starts the fourth edition of D'A - International Film Festival of Barcelona authors sixty international independent films and local productions. This year, he moved to Aribau don cornelius arrested Club, the theater of the CCCB, the Film and its SGAE, where, apart from watching don cornelius arrested films, will also be talks and workshops.
The director and actress Valeria Bruni Tedeschi will inaugurate the festival with his third film, 'A castle in Italy', at 19 am. In the sections of the 2014 are the usual: Directions, Talents, and Authorship Retrospective Catalan, to which are added the round tables and workshops to interact with the public.
Within the section will present 15 films Directions prominent names as the auteur Philippe Garrel, Hong Sang-soo, Tsai Ming-liang, director Miguel Gomes and worship as Bruce LaBruce, Pirjo Honkasalo, Corneliu Porumboiu, the Cao Guimarães and Brazilian Marcelo Gomes and Lav Diaz, among others.
In section Talent, 13 year competing productions, including the film Santiago Mitre Los Possible '; 'White Shadow', Noa Deshe, and the American don cornelius arrested 'Things don cornelius arrested People Do', the editor don cornelius arrested Saar Klein. don cornelius arrested
The protagonist of this retrospective fourth edition of the festival don cornelius arrested will be the Québécois director Denis Côté, considered one of contemporary cinema's personal authors. On the screen in all his films and the latest film release, 'Let ta joie Demeure'.
Through the authorship section don cornelius arrested Catalan debut in directing fiction, Louis Miñarro the film Stella Cadente '. The premiere will be Saturday at the Film Archive of Catalonia. Also released 'All don cornelius arrested the ways of God' Gemma Ferraté theater CCB.
At the end On Sunday May 4, with the last film surprises Catalan: '10 000 km ', Carlos don cornelius arrested Marques-Marcet, which passes through the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, where he won the prize for best performers. The film also won the Golden Biznaga the Malaga Film Festival and best film awards for best actress, best director and screenwriting debut.
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Place Tísner don cornelius arrested 1, 08018 Barcelona. Contact T 93.506.42.00 This website is owned ICB SA, private Town Council of Barcelona

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