Thursday, December 5, 2013

I wrote two of

Movie Year: 2012 Manufacturer Country: mtv movie awards 2011 winners UK Released: Working Title Films Director: Tom Muhuo Bo Screenwriter: mtv movie awards 2011 winners Victor Hugo Cast: Russell Crowe Amanda Sefo Rui Hai Hathaway Hugh Jackman has just ended a Golden Globe for best male protagonist and supporting actress [Les Miserables] (also known as: Les Miserables) quite attracted attention Oscars are very exciting results childhood Ke Sete good and this musical poster FU out by the great French writer - Vic Multiple Hugo Victor-Marie Hugo's novel over the years there are many different versions of the musical is being hailed as the last century since the film version of one of Europe's most influential musicals of the 2012's got Hugh Jackman . Anheuser Hathaway. big Hollywood actor Russell Crowe Many people have been anticipating is to watch, especially the Hugh Jackman mtv movie awards 2011 winners musical background mtv movie awards 2011 winners vocals was amazing Golden Globe for best actor deserved justice and freedom in your heart ... and the other actors are also eye-opening like Anheuser Hathaway's voice is really mtv movie awards 2011 winners good and Mamma Mia hour battle with actress Amanda Seyfried looks stunning in addition, has a stunning voice but also slim enough The seven kilograms excited thin Hai Hathaway played poor and sick sad Fontaine mtv movie awards 2011 winners beautiful ah ~ ~ tragic story of the world around the 1830s occurred in the context of the French Revolution, but we all know that the French might be impressed by the fall of 1789 that a bus Prison bottom of the guillotined Louis XVI that time the role of Eponine Ai Boning good distressing T_T And her waist is too thin it is Vivien waist then this is not the world it is the legendary 18-inch, but Les Miserables description The French Revolution is the pay turbulent youth and tragic reign of terror after the Bourbons after the Napoleonic empire and became well-known in Europe under the Bourbon restoration in France again at the town many factory workers were unfairly Shiba Jiu century when Prior to treatment but this time the impact of the Industrial Revolution in France by the widening gap between the working class appear rich get richer / poor poor Hang future mtv movie awards 2011 winners of this industrial revolution changed the world two or three hundred years of the history of all development in the writing of this novel is said Hugo because in the street to see the poor suffer the humiliation morsel of bread in order to treat him sitting in the carriage looked rich thinking about whether to see whether the rich reality of the world instead of the carriage and the carriage of the rich world's rich apparently indifferent to explain everything outside mtv movie awards 2011 winners the industrial mtv movie awards 2011 winners revolution of the poor in the eyes of a noble but in the eyes of those who have rich but the vast majority of workers automatically SKIP Russell Crowe plays a police officer Javert legal representatives but in the end he lost to their inner contradictions loud rumbling sound machine mtv movie awards 2011 winners factory earned mtv movie awards 2011 winners lots of money for the rich, but the pitiful wages of women and child workers suffer unequal treatment is widening the gap with no overtime pay overtime these bits and pieces mtv movie awards 2011 winners constitutes a large background of the tragic world which will result from the beginning of the story is now often associated with the French "romantic" but now equate the word of the French Fifth Republic in France it is not easy targets mtv movie awards 2011 winners [Republican] of twists and turns on the way really is a simple narrative with blood and tears to the history of France in exchange for what there is to see in this article let friends can enjoy the movie more than a deeper impression on the history throbbing with no interest in who can automatically skip a Medieval late King launched the competition for the throne of His Holiness the Hundred Years War (1336-1453) war finally defeated mtv movie awards 2011 winners the French first win, (that war appeared Joan of Arc) laid the French monarchy in future development, but also to Europe began the gradual transition from the medieval feudal nation-states into 2 after fourteen Sun King Louis of France after the 1789 downturn in the glory of becoming a famous French Revolution began in 1792 the first French republic was founded mtv movie awards 2011 winners in 1793 His Holiness After Louis XVI was guillotined after a brief reign of terror, mtv movie awards 2011 winners Napoleon 3 at this time to emerge from the rise of Napoleon 1793-1815 is basically -. emperor - defeat -. exile time 4 1815 Vienna meeting convened by the conservatism Austria and other countries dominated by attempts to restore order in reforming the European balance of power in Europe Principle 5 the same time period (that is, the early 19th century), such as Romanticism. liberalism, socialism and so filled with liberal thought began Bourbon restoration in France after practice , Charles X. attempt to go back to the old monarchy route does not meet the current social situation after he enacted [July edict] in 1830 caused public outrage caused by another liberal revolution - July Revolution Charles X to step down, the people elected Louis Philip, ascended the throne after 6 Louis Philip, and attempting decade mtv movie awards 2011 winners dictatorship, the outbreak of the French Revolution in February 1848 7. surname mtv movie awards 2011 winners with Louis Napoleon was elected president of the French Second Republic was founded, and later to 8 after the Second Empire. all the way through the French Third Republic. Paris Commune. Fourth Republic Fifth Republic until now reading the above description for the movie a long list of French youth segment clusters barricades mtv movie awards 2011 winners and Sharon waged 1832 Republican uprising waving on behalf of freedom. fraternity tricolor how awesome the equality of people, especially the song do you hear the people sing reading mtv movie awards 2011 winners will linger three days without a break ah ~ Japanese version of the movie poster look good in Taiwan mtv movie awards 2011 winners Lunar New Year release quite looking forward to it ~ Photo: Eyes Wide Movie Network Imp Awards
In addition to the original idol James Zhiling sister and Anheuser Anheuser Hathaway Hathaway but not a lot of scenes, mtv movie awards 2011 winners but the strength of stunning concert feeling of history you will join cousin ah ~ thank you Hello Blog Owner at January 21, 2013 05:38 PM Reply
I wrote two of "Les Miserables," the article, I hope the fans will love this movie. Movie "Les Miserables" - the characters and the background Fantine sink Patng323 at January 26, 2013 09:36 PM comment
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