Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sports Nuts (16) JL - 01 - The Breakthrough (7) JL - 02

Ang Lee was born in Taiwan in 1954, native of Jiangxi. He was born in scholarly family, his father was a high school principal, PTA is very strict. In 1973, Lee enrolled in art school in Taiwan drama film department. In art school, the Ang Lee for acting and filmmaking are increasingly interested in Taiwanese drama competition also won the best actor award college group. In 1975, after graduating, he went to America to study, first studying theater director at the University of Illinois, a bachelor's degree in theater. In 1978, at a gathering of students, Lee met students from Taiwan oscar travel Lin Huijia. Nice to meet you, Lee was cheerful Lin Huijia fascinated. After this meeting, he offered about 林惠嘉 watch the game, on a quiet shy personality Lee also quite a good impression of 林惠嘉 very readily agreed. Lin Huijia grew very smart, NTU after graduating with honors exam to the University of Illinois PhD biology. Together with Lin Huijia, Lee just finding friends in general, there is always lots to talk about. After two years of understanding, Lee went to New York University to study filmmaking. Each week he would fight for a long time call to Lin Huijia, this habit has remained ever since. He said 林惠嘉 own best listener, though she did not feminine flirtatious, but an amazing voice has the power to soothe the soul. When he was in a bad mood, just hearing 林惠嘉 voice, all my troubles disappear immediately. In 1983, after five years of love, Ang Lee and 林惠嘉 Chinese and Western held a wedding in New York. Their marriage has been both parents for their support oscar travel and blessing. Lee said he shot the movie "The Wedding Banquet" in many scenes were married he was a live replica. Afterwards they separated, together from many. Lee read the film department at New York University to pursue a doctorate 林惠嘉 in Illinois. oscar travel But the feelings of the two is very good, Lee will always do every time before leaving a refrigerator hearty food left his wife, always carry a pocket of his wife's photo. oscar travel Ang Lee's good-natured, with his wife 林惠嘉's oscar travel capable, he met her rational sensibility, like a balance, to find the most suitable balance point for the home. During the study at New York University, Lee displayed a remarkable talent he directed oscar travel aspects. In 1984, his graduation work "dividing line" won the New York Student Film Festival Gold Award and Best Director Award, and obtained a master oscar travel degree in film. After graduation, Lee to stay in the United States trying to develop his film career. But one does not have any background in the Chinese film industry in the United States want to mix Chu Mingtang easier said than done. Initially there is a brokerage firm fancy Ang Lee's talent and promised to be his manager, but Lee has not suited oscar travel the Americans play, the manager is just empty talk. Then, Lee began in the United States to wait up to six years. During that time, Lee unemployment at home, mainly by being a drugs researcher's wife work outside the family. Ang Lee at home every day in addition to a lot of reading, a lot of watching films, wrote the script buried, it also swept all the housework, cooking with children is responsible for grocery shopping, home spick and span. Every evening after dinner finished, he and his son together excitedly waiting for "heroic hunter mother took home the prey," which often make 林惠嘉 feel very warm and very touching. The face of her husband's unemployment, Lin Huijia have had sad despair. For a while she was busy with the children to go to work, because the house is only a car, Lee often rented from the residence of a person walking an hour to play tennis, kick the ball and then walk one hour back home, she saw this, I thought myself with such people really want to do over a lifetime? Then she phoned her mother to complain, my mother listened very distressed, on the phone to her daughter said: "It is not, you're away from it," but put down the phone, 林惠嘉 could not help crying, oscar travel constantly condemning yourself : how I became oscar travel such a woman. The couple should support each other, compared to the pain suffered by her husband, she felt she did was nothing. After this time, she never complained about this idea appears. Many relatives and friends can not see past, questioned 林惠嘉 said: "?? Why Ang Lee does not work most of the Chinese students have to give up the reality of their own interests do," then saw heavy burden on the shoulders of his wife, Lee felt sorry , secretly began to learn the computer, the computer at that time would be easier to find a job. Can not long before it was 林惠嘉 discovered, she was very angry and said: "! Learn computers so many people, not bad you Lee a" resolute opposition in his wife, Lee had to give out find the idea of work. Lin Huijia really only know Ang Lee movie, something else does not interested. oscar travel Her talent is very sure of her husband, she believes her husband will be successful. In the meantime, the eldest son of Li Han, Lee Chun successively younger son was born. Lin Huijia oscar travel personality is very independent, they can do things never bother others. When the eldest son was born, Lin Huijia feeling water broke at midnight, so he drove fast cars to the hospital no oil have children, when the doctor asked her not to notify their husbands or relatives, she said no, the medical staff thought she was abandoned wives . Lee until the next plane back of Illinois, to realize that he has a father. Second son was born 林惠嘉 go and catch her husband: "You assured of running your business, oscar travel and I can do a person and you can not help, do not help me birth.!" Those years, 林惠嘉 greatest help for Ang Lee is the "ignore him," let him go precipitation to grow. She believes that a person should know their direction, once made a decision must be responsible for their own decisions, just like Lee know their movie will only make a movie, he should be responsible for their own decisions in the end. When Lee when she decided to marry, she clearly Ang Lee movie is the only choice and love, so no matter good or bad, she must accept. Life, 林惠嘉 is the home of the creator of the rules, the home of her final say in everything, as long as his wife's orders, Lee absolute oscar travel obedience. As long as Lee at home, with two sons, three men rushing every night to talk to her, and sometimes Lin Huijia themselves puzzled, her husband and children for their obedient, what is she really know, "operations", or are they too good nature, tolerant wife like her mother? Years of life outside the male within the female controls not only allow Lee acquired a first-hand cooking "unique skills", also honed his temperament. Prior to 1990, Lee has been in a situation underappreciated, kept to Hollywood to try their luck, but they could not find the right opportunity, outsiders have laughed at his enthusiasm is a fantasy movie, but his wife Lin Huijia always in the back quietly supporting him. He said: "The greatest support for my wife, she is her independence must not ask me to go out to work and she gave me plenty of time and space, so I went to play, to the creation of either met my wife, I could. .. No chance to pursue oscar travel film career. "honed, Ang Lee's" Chinese Kung Fu "and eventually became immortal. In 1990, Taiwan news solicit screenplay, Lee wrote, "Pushing Hands", the results obtained in 1990 the government oscar travel of Taiwan Award for outstanding drama. Soon after the film company invested oscar travel by Taiwan Central, 纽约库德玛西恩 company producers oscar travel start shooting. The film is the first feature film director Ang Lee's career, after the release of the film received critical acclaim, won that year Taiwan oscar travel Golden Horse Award for Best Director nomination, everyone praised the sudden blaze of youth director, and Lee now has 36 years old. The success of Ang Lee to make Taiwan Film company more confident, more sensitive decision Toupai theme "wedding." After release oscar travel of the film to be more successful, Lee also became a world-renowned director. In 1994, Lee directed "Eat Drink Man Woman", successfully completed his "father oscar travel trilogy." The film won the seventy-seventh session of David Griffith oscar travel Award for Best Foreign Language Film Award, named in 1994 Taiwan Top 10 Chinese films first. In the next five years, oscar travel Lee has shot three films purely American theme: "Sense and Sensibility", "The Ice Storm" and "Ride with the Devil." Movie again a great success, not only won the Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear, but also in the competition to get seven Oscar nominations. Began to take a piece of a piece of shooting in Ang Lee, the film industry is gradually climbing the peak, while 林惠嘉 but has not made "attendant lady," but more research into medicine, but also more dutifully plays mother on behalf of the role of fatherhood, and take care of the child's learning and life. For Ang Lee made remarkable achievements, she felt that it was the result of his tireless efforts in this road movie, oscar travel so although being intimate partner, she never considered his own shot in the Ang Lee movie what this thing plays key role in Ang Lee's achievements should be attributed to the nature of his own. Lin Huijia often been touched by her husband's oscar travel dedication to the film. 1999 summer, when the movie she had just started shooting her two sons to the mainland to explore once classes when she saw Lee was facing oscar travel difficulties exhausted, she was distressed allowed oscar travel tears. No matter what the difficulties, Lee was never complained to his wife during the filming, he was a lot of pressure put on the heart of man. But Lee finished filming home, a wife may very needed, together with his family, was his happiest moments. Hard work pays painstaking person. After two years of struggle, Ang Lee's martial arts film "Crouching Tiger," oscar travel the Chinese traditional culture into a tragic and moving story twists oscar travel and turns, has won the praise of Eastern and Western audiences, it is difficult to break into the U.S. market to win a million U.S. dollars at the box office, has made Chinese films absolutely unprecedented achievement. When the 2001 Golden Globe Awards, Lee took Julia Luo Bozi awarded the Best Director award, humorously quipped: "I surprise indescribable feeling tough I want to thank my wife, she is "Crouching Tiger" in addition to all the female angle Jade Fox model ...... "2001 oscar travel Oscar Awards love bell" Crouching Tiger. " oscar travel Former winners, Lin Huijia came to Los Angeles with his family expressed support for her husband. oscar travel In an interview, two sons, said: "My father is very happy, able to marry such a woman like my mother, this is the father of the most successful place." "Crouching Tiger" finally live up to expectations, creating a record of Chinese films, suddenly won Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, Best Film Music, Best Foreign Language Film of several awards, this is Oscar history that are not in the past. On the Oscars, Lee repeatedly mentioned in the award acceptance speech wife: "My wife did not actress Yu Xiulian beautiful, but her determination, she also has a deviant personality Jen, because she sometimes makes surprised. "actress Lee shot in almost every movie has a wife 林惠嘉 in shadow. After that, Lee began directing a cost of $ 150 million movie "The oscar travel Incredible Hulk", oscar travel which is the largest investment he shot the movie, and is the first to shoot sci-fi film, a lot of things have to fumble, his family for his complete this films give a direct or indirect impact and help.林惠嘉 is a microbiologist, the film about the genetic and biochemical part of the plot is the first to help her understand her husband after he find someone to write the script, the audience oscar travel were easy to understand; movie images of human cells, also borrowed from 林惠嘉of; oscar travel movie has a Hulk with monster oscar travel rally dog show, dog monster graphics is the eldest son of Li Han painting. Because the film involves a deep-seated human nature to explore, Lee afraid of young viewers do not understand, then do the test with a small son, Lee Chun. Li Chun after watching let Dad assured: "No problem, oscar travel very precocious young man now." Sure enough, June 20, 2003, "The Incredible Hulk" will be released a week between the conquest of the American fans, won the nation's box office champion. After her husband's famous 林惠嘉 then for someone to call her Mrs. or Mrs. Lee was directed not used to asking others to directly call her name or call her Mama Lee. Although she thinks very hard to make a movie, filmmakers really need to support families of strength, but she emphasized the independence of the individual, whether or not she think 李安成 name will not be any change. She said: "Lee is not the director, I am me, after Ang Lee as a director, I was Lin Huijia." From then unknown to today's world's most famous Chinese director Ang Lee on the attitude to life again without any change. In Ang Lee's achievements and status today, so many temptations out there a lot of people worried about how long he can maintain the simplicity? Lin Huijia smiled and said: "Lee is a very kind person, but human nature is not easy to change, I have always been our principle is that as long as they can do, and never trouble or add another burden to say" evil bitch "like me, imparting instruction oscar travel at any time, Lee probably will not be so easy to be spoiled it! "in his wife's oscar travel eyes, prominent director Ang Lee is always a great obedient husband. Lee won the first year when a Golden Bear excitedly called his wife from Berlin, who knows 林惠嘉 were awakened from their sleep feel very unhappy, blame him fuss. "She is so cool, so many years, these external things that does not seem to affect her." Fame, Lee will still be at home as long as there is time to his family under the kitchen to cook and eat. After took the Oscar, Lee and his wife to have a Chinese grocery shopping district, there was a woman from Taiwan to 林惠嘉 said: "! Your life good, there are still empty Mr. grocery shopping with you," was unexpectedly immediately林惠嘉 the dress down: "You have not made a mistake Yeah, I deliberately spend time with him today to buy food." Now go outside oscar travel Lee film, returned to New York when, no matter how early and more late, even if the company arranged a car shuttle,林惠嘉 own car to pick up her husband as far as possible, because this time is very important to them. In the car, the great director is also like a child hurriedly, ramble tell his wife everything out. Then, listen to his wife's praise, but also listen to his wife's teachings. He said before the poor, raised by his wife, now a director, oscar travel on the outside swagger, win their hearts and home to do exercises, like boiled cooking, "seek" his wife scolded a curse. Was repaired about his wife, beating close win their hearts, be balanced look. In 2001, "Crouching Tiger" did not get the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Director, a reporter asked Lee's feelings, Lee said humorously: "scolded his wife wanted to go home to be a curse," Lee renowned the world over, the young and old Chinese-American community, oscar travel please 林惠嘉 Speaker "hand in hand with the push talk about family communication and simple life." Lin Huijia wearing a plain pants, do not dye your hair, do not apply cosmetics, covered reveals a real character. oscar travel She introduces himself as a "Only Lee can endure" wife, then recalled the couple six years with Lady Luck Lee missed days not Mu wealth consensus. Low-key, she said, as Ang Lee's wife, she and the general audience as never to interfere with his creation, but confident though rarely saw her husband, but is well aware of what he was thinking. Turning to family communication, she believes mutual trust, tolerance, patience and avoid preoccupied with the couple to protect their family's quality of life, excellent basic conditions. oscar travel
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Sports Nuts (16) JL - 01 - The Breakthrough (7) JL - 02

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