Saturday, December 28, 2013

The notion of Bach

Minor Mass in b, BWV232 Johann Sebastian Bach musical performance Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Arsys Bourgogne conductor Pierre Cao soprano Joanne Lunn, Katharine Fuge Matthias Rexroth alto tenor Thomas Hobbs bass Peter Harvey
The notion of Bach's B minor Mass "has nestled comfortably in our collective memory. And yet, do not miss this thought as a unity, nor noted: adwards the Sanctus was the nucleus, adwards the Kyrie and Gloria were added nine years later, adwards and the Creed Bach composed adwards until the end of his life. No wonder that all reads and sounds like a musical autobiography: a stunning showcase of melody and harmony, styles and colors, vocal and instrumental techniques. All this coupled with formal perfection and thorough expression. Especially the passage Et incarnatus est, "Bach added to its latest revision, pointing with her unusual combination of polyphony and musical rhetoric not only man but also the music the way to the future. In the hands of the old Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, the equally bright and homogeneous votes constellation of Arsys Bourgogne and with an excellent cast of soloists, the implementation of this baroque monument above all a tribute to the genius of its creator.
Harry Young In the past week a couple of wonderful days spent in Antwerp. Museums, beautiful churches, excellent reataurants. And Wednesday, the "Hohe Messe" in a breathtaking performance. Please retrospect is it that has been the highlight of this short vacation without Eninge doubt. Orchestra and soloists excellent. But above all very impressed with Arsys Bourgogne. At times touching. And all in the beautiful setting of the Singel. A concert hall to be proud of
Patrick Mertens's B minor Mass is a monument of choral literature. The choir Arsys Bourgogne was for many an unknown choir, but the choir sang with tremendous control and much joy. At times the sound was overwhelming. The orchestra Akademie für Alte Musik showed himself once again as a world-class ensemble. We have heard beautiful solos from the flute, oboes, horn and trumpet. In the soloists especially Matthias Rexhoth was impressive, a powerful male alto or counter-tenor with a very pure tone production. Breathtaking performance, spectacular adwards at times
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