Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Motet Der Geist hilft Schwachheit auf unser

Motet Der Geist hilft Schwachheit auf unser ', BWV226 Johann Sebastian Bach motet "Komm, Jesu, komm', BWV229 Johann Sebastian Bach Motet" Jesu meine Freude 'BWV227 Johann Sebastian Bach Motet' Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir " BWV228 Johann Sebastian Bach Motet 'ein neues Lied Singet dem Herrn ", ema 2011 mtv BWV225 Bach Choir, RIAS Chamber music performance Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin musical director ema 2011 mtv Hans-Christoph Rademann
Johann Sebastian Bach composed the six motets as Thomas Cantor in Leipzig. They were intended for funeral services. ema 2011 mtv The school rules Thomasschule determined that teachers and students were to gather there to sing. Motet a hymn or a death before the house of the dead It was the cantor who chose this work or a new composition written in case the family of the deceased a specific scripture wished. These motets do not have the status of Bach's large masses and cantatas, but they do belong to his most perfect ema 2011 mtv compositions. For example, you hear in the five-part 'Jesu meine Freude'. It is one of his most endearing works. These motets are rarely performed because they are relatively difficult. They require a topkoor, so average or amateur models are virtually impossible. With the Rias Chamber Choir can no longer hear one of the best choirs in the world. ema 2011 mtv Their interpretations - from Bach to contemporary - regarded as absolute references.
1 year ago
Hugo Nys Noblesse oblige ... you could of "Rias ..." expect nothing else. Or anyway?? But brilliant concert, wonderful program, without show, experienced, high quality, at times Heavenly! Also a salute to the introduction ema 2011 mtv of content, but also the way!
The Time May 3, 2012
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