Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In your e-mail rock and roll hall of fame 2011 title and the link from the article to be sent. If d

Reports: Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, RIAS Chamber Choir, René Jacobs - Die Zauberflöte :: Nieuws.be
Everything René Jacobs touches turns into gold. This applies specifically to the most famous music, completely renewed by his transforming musical look and is fresh for the day. It is known that what he does on CD, yet provides more live vibrations of ecstasy. It was no different for his 'Magic Flute' at Bozar. Pure musical enjoyment.
René Jacobs (photo: Marco Borggreve) Our compatriot rock and roll hall of fame 2011 René Jacobs has been a long time in the time evolved from Baroque music to the classics as a conductor. The recordings for Harmonia rock and roll hall of fame 2011 Mundi he made the last four symphonies by Mozart rock and roll hall of fame 2011 are now new credentials. Assisted by the Freiburger Baroque he made this so familiar music to a whole new experience, with more dynamic contrasts, more agile rhythms and an unparalleled sense of drama and melancholy. Without doubt many of them transposed Jacobs from Mozart's operas. His approach to the three Da Ponte operas, the same label issued a return rock and roll hall of fame 2011 of up to then, also assisted this time by Concerto Köln. That Jacobs had here the best voices of the time at his disposal, certainly plays into the fact that this international success productions have become.
Since the historical performance gains importance, it does not look weird as a classical work is done. By a specialized "baroque ensemble" Often these orchestras flexible, but it is mainly their sound so different, with a finer body strings and horns with a warmer timbre. For his highly acclaimed recording of 'The Magic Flute' Jacobs went to work with a third top orchestra from the Baroque world, the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. Again assisted by soloists this production accounted for almost all major music awards. No wonder Bozar packed was the same music, although brought rock and roll hall of fame 2011 up by other singers.
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin (photo: Kristof Fischer) that, "The Magic Flute" an absolute crowd favorite is full of famous arias and story-wise the necessary tension and humor, does not mean that every execution is successful anyway. Additionally, in the first place a sustained musical tension of interest and the performance of René Jacobs in that it can hardly be overestimated. His energy, his technical skills as a conductor, are always tasteful rock and roll hall of fame 2011 musical choices were the undercurrent of a phenomenal concert. That Akamus above spontaneous musicality could indulge with a spectacular range of brass sounds, lifted the music directly to an even higher level. None of the soloists had stabbing attack, with extra kudos to Daniel Schmutzhard as Papageno. rock and roll hall of fame 2011 Thanks to the excellent control of and around the orchestra, this concert performance was, moreover, not a static event. Yet arrived at Bozar in its capacity concert hall to lie. All welcome emphasis on Mozart's brilliant orchestral part An unforgettable concert where the audience rock and roll hall of fame 2011 after the final chord as a movement sprung law, also lit by so much wisdom through beauty.
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