Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Recommended (2)

Singapore movie "parents are not at home," there are four main characters, because pregnant mothers Huiling critics choice awards 2011 mobility, Teri hired a Filipino maid to help take care home, the son of poor Huiling Knorr conduct grade in school, old is trouble, her husband had just lost his job, daily smoking to relieve boredom; these four roles have hard, because of the financial turmoil, Huiling watching old colleagues critics choice awards 2011 constantly being laid off and depressed mood, watching with Teri Kellogg emotional intimacy and feel like they interact in a very real mother, can not help but burst of jealousy; Knorr mischief every day at school, he was not a bad child, just get bored child care, recognizing Teri is his The best gift, because she taught him to respect the important issue of life, but Kellogg students said to him: "Your maid is not really love you, she hello just because she get the money to take care of you! "; Teri order breadwinner, had thrown children born not long to Singapore to work night and her family in the Philippines call away, heard the family out of trouble, only anxious and helpless, she's in tears ask yourself, leave the kids around, right in the end, it is worthwhile? Kellogg's father to quit smoking for years, and recently began smoking, critics choice awards 2011 doing business for over ten years, and finally ended in failure, in order to start over is not easy, either age or experience, seems to have sent a length. Four sad people, their efforts, want to live better, hope for the future can be better; just tomorrow really will be better? "Mom and Dad are not home," it is easy to impress my favor, critics choice awards 2011 movie discussion topics, such as between the financial turmoil, layoffs crisis, foreign workers and employers both pro and sparse subtle relationship, have in recent years faced with the question of Taiwan society is very close. (Dave's "dream game" and the Chinese community ubiquitous "strong critics choice awards 2011 gambling" description, let me surprise and surprise us with the original culture from Singapore so close ah!) Director / screenwriter Chen Zhe Yi's first feature piece stunning movie totally not fight altitude, good-looking and popular offbeat story, critics choice awards 2011 I liked the way the director handled the conflict, there is no sudden outbreak of a large settlement or big turning point, only a small event in each of the protagonists of the layers critics choice awards 2011 of the stack or relationship of trust or suspicion along; I like the director used a very simple way to describe the role of their mood changes, such as the car broke down, a stroller and car action, allowing both a jealous mistress Huiling critics choice awards 2011 psychology is stunned; such as Knorr complained Teri hair stink, but Teri hair taste, but it became an important Teri Kellogg memory key. "Mom and Dad are not home," on the one hand makes me look quite hurt, either Kellogg or his parents or Teri, for themselves and their families are struggling, they are hoping to improve and solve the problem at home, but never live without because you / would you pay a lot easier life will once again blow you / your confidence. "Mom and Dad are not home," on the one hand and let me deeply touched to see the film behind the conflict, large and small, in fact, harbored critics choice awards 2011 unremitting struggle of love and positive spirit; life is not perfect, people are not perfect, but they do not think give up, maybe all the tears finally can become beautiful memories, all the different cultures and generations opposition, the Philippines would like ending ballad-like, across language and age barriers, warm love each Dongai willing heart. "Mom and Dad are not home," Let me see the potential of Singapore films, Chen Zhe arts director will be a future worthy of the name of a good attention. The film's critics choice awards 2011 actors, the same people surprised; plays the mother Yeo Yann Yann, who plays the father of Tien-Wen Chen and Xu played by Knorr Knorr, the same certainty for Golden Horse Awards nominations (supporting actress, supporting actor, a new actor), the actors interact naturally to make me think: "They are really like a family!." critics choice awards 2011 In particular, I like to give Xu music performances, weird entrained sensitive fragile critics choice awards 2011 ambition of the rich and powerful childish; fierce competition in this year's Golden Horse Awards newcomer, if Xu Knorr or "sweet. Secret "Huang Shao Yang qualify Aspen, I would very, very happy right (" summer job "and" youth group "did not see, can not compare!); critics choice awards 2011 Addition, Filipino maids who plays Teri's lica Ballet Yani, equally exquisite and moving performances, were not able to get Jin Mati certainly it is a pity ah. After the words: in the end, I too will be looking to pick their own movies, or am I too freely love? Golden Horse Film Festival so far seen a total of 12 works, only two to three points, gave the other four to five, will not be too exaggerated? And a lot of movies are successful fool my tears, tears, critics choice awards 2011 ah, you will not be too cheap? ! Xiang Gong Tang fan group dedicated page, please come to like to join it! This article has been published to synchronize https://www.facebook.com/woomovies "Film curtain."
Recommended (2)
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