Friday, April 3, 2015

In other words, pre-school comfort experts education is not enough. It is worrying, however, that t

President Obama's 2013 proposed an ambitious new national plan for the general pre-school education which should be funded with new excise duties on cigarettes. That plan did not receive support, but Bill de Blasio this issue up again when he was elected mayor of New York and promised universal kindergarten for all children of this city, which will become operational in the fall. However, new research more clearly show that educational inequality begins much earlier.
The importance of universal early education has long been recognized: it improves the life chances of poor children and is essential for maintaining equal opportunities for all. USA are far from this goal. In most European countries there is a general, high-quality pre-school system for three-year and four-year. In America, the latest data show that less than half of the three-year and four children were enrolled in a preschool. The main federal program, Head Start, provides funds for preschool education for only two-fifths of the poor children of this age.
Moreover, America's second-rate of child poverty than thirty-five countries that measures the UN Children's Fund (only Romania is worse). Twenty-three percent of American children are poor by international standards, as opposed to 10 percent in the UK and 7 or 8 percent in the Nordic countries. According to these measurements, in America are the poorest children of five years or less - in fact, it is the poorest demographic group in the country. Many of these children live in deep poverty, and the income of their families comfort experts is less than half the amount that is considered the poverty line. In particular, the high rate of poverty in the black and Latin American families.
Science has long been shown that children who grow up in poverty face greater obstacles to social development and health, and these obstacles are often accompanied by a lifetime. They often suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma or hyperkinetic disorder, few of them finish high school, working for lower wages and often end up on welfare. Poor teenage girls more often unwanted born.
But in recent years neurological evidence convincingly shows that the causes of these bad outcomes are neither purely cultural, or are the result of weak gene pool, as they once claimed commentators such as Charles comfort experts Murray, author of The Bell Curve. As clearly stated Dr. David Keller at the recent conference on child poverty in Washington titled "Inequality begins at birth" (under the auspices of political institutes that run, the Bernard comfort experts L. Schwartz comfort experts Rediscovering Government Initiative at the Century Foundation), there are new biological comfort experts evidence that stressful comfort experts environment with the youngest children not only affects the cultural and psychological preconditions for failure; it can also affect the architecture of the brain, the change in neurological functioning and quantity of gray matter.
In other words, pre-school comfort experts education is not enough. It is worrying, however, that these conclusions have been known for some time, but they do not receive sufficient attention. In fact, the original documents were published back in 2000 in a remarkable article of Harvard's Center for Child Development, a research based on them has since multiplied.
Two studies completed in 2013 linking neurodegeneration directly with poverty. A group of researchers from six universities criteria is brain activity of adults who were poor as nine years old and discovered that the brain areas that control emotions with them physically underdeveloped. One study of the Washington University found that adequately cared for poor children, avoiding the constant stress, usually have a normally developed brain tissue, while the other has less white and gray mass and less control centers such as the hippocampus.
They found that people experience a chemical reaction to stress that primarily defends them from the consequences. But this defense has limits. If a child whose brain is still forming constantly bombarded by stress - due to domestic violence, lack of nutrition, parental drug abuse and chronic lack of attention or care - overloaded schedule a mechanism comfort experts and the brain suffers the consequences.
Dr Jack Šonkof, who leads the Harvard Center for Child Development, wrote with his colleagues from the papers in which the research results of the animals and more often with children. Under stress, the body produces two hormones that protective action, adrenaline and cortisol. But when stress becomes excessive - as in professional circles now called "toxic stress" - excessive hormonal activity damages the neural comfort experts connections, prevents the immune response and changes the parts of the brain that directly affect memory, comfort experts learning and control of emotions.
These studies are usually confirm comfort experts that the persistent neglect and inadequate attention primary causes weakening of brain capacity. Evidence based on various tests, including children in foster families from around the world clearly show, usually by means of magnetic resonance, the devastating consequences of inadequate attention to neural connections and

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