Thursday, April 9, 2015

There was, unfortunately, resistance detecting faces of Muslim women. In this nerzumijevanju tried

Between the two world wars among Bosniaks the debate about their lagging behind other nations in their environment. One part of their irrational rejects everything that comes from the West and the only education, and the other part prefers only what comes from the West and rejects all until yesterday. In this rather simplified picture 2011 oscar and this paradoxical state had to find a way out of the Bosniak people. Awareness of the road indicated the process that is impossible 2011 oscar without education Bosniak consciousness about themselves and their interests.
From December 1927 to September 2011 oscar 1928 there was a brisk controversy in the press about the veil or "face detection Muslim women" 2011 oscar and ended without much of a conclusion that would guide future action. "Taken as a whole" - so says Xavier Bougarel - "it appeared that the intelligence was less divided than Ilmije. In 1928 no intellectual 2011 oscar has not taken a position against the Reis-ul-ulema, and the usual conflicts between pro-Serb and prohrvatskih intellectuals or between supporters of different political parties as they have been for some time forgotten. "This controversy of 1928 led directly to the questioning religious authority or question the legitimacy of the speaker on Islam. Election Curia is denied press any right to discuss Islam and religious issues, and confirmed the legitimacy of the Islamic community that it is right to keep for yourself. The result of the controversy can be expressed as follows: discuss Islam behind closed doors institutions.
The Congress Muslim intellectuals, which was held in Sarajevo in 1928, the question was put zara and scarves. The seemingly simple question, harbored in itself, in fact, very complex relationship to their own identity, differentiation towards environment and European identity. What is generally meant removing the veil from the face of Muslim women, whether 2011 oscar it was just a matter of fashion 2011 oscar or something deeper? The story of "discovering Muslim" thought "Face Detection" Muslim women to enable it to work, study, educate yourself, take part in the daily life of the community. This is a prerequisite 2011 oscar for social engagement Muslim women.
There was, unfortunately, resistance detecting faces of Muslim women. In this nerzumijevanju tried to Osman Nuri Hadzic 2011 oscar explain that this tradition is not Islamic, and that this phenomenon among today's Muslims comes from pre-Islamic sources. He followed Edhem Bulbulovic stating that the origin of the veil and covering women's faces regional phenomenon - Arab tribal and that has nothing to do with Islam. Then the opponents face detection cited Qur'anic verses referring to coverage of body parts. It was fruitless quarrel about sources and their interpretation.
At that moment Reis Causevic and his supporters consider 2011 oscar "covering the face" one of the many reasons for the economic and cultural regression in the Muslim community. 2011 oscar Reis Causevic thinking 2011 oscar about intellectual elevation of Muslim and does not believe that without a veil on the eyes to experience moral stumbling as he objected to the conservative guardians of the status quo in the community. 2011 oscar He believed that limited and insufficient education of women take the whole community in stumbling and setbacks. Fortunately, Reis Causevic is not too much attention to the numerous petty complaints and funny reasons conservatives who had very demeaning attitude toward women. Beyond the issues of the veil covering the face and, in fact, we recognize the question on the position of women in the community - the Conservatives did not want to change the traditional status of subjugation and lack of education that is imposed on a woman. This issue starts among Bosniaks important issue of equality between women and men. Husein Brkic is the Congress Muslim intellectuals in 1928 stated that "the 2011 oscar veil is a custom, not a religious obligation". Many women have openly supported Reis Causevic. They insisted on education and professional inclusion of Muslim women in social and business activities. Šukrija Kurtovic stressed that should be forced to attend schools with Muslim women, their quality education.
Resolution of the Congress of Muslim intellectuals did not nabaška declared about the veil, but it is certainly 2011 oscar the controversy 2011 oscar served initiating questions about the status of Muslim women. Ahmed Muradbegović called the then intelligence about the bush, and after the Congress intellectual silently crossed the veil of questions, he said that the Congress "now stands for ordinary čaršijskog choir, and certainly 2011 oscar not the Congress of Intellectuals". So at the beginning of the thirties of the 20th century among Bosniaks have the inner relationship between intellectuals, clerics and the bazaar (city merchants and craftsmen 2011 oscar groups and traditional 2011 oscar urban elite Muslim čaršijas), therefore, one dissonant 2011 oscar relationship of different interest groups without a clear goal action. Downtown was with the JMO and did not accept the reformist ideas Reis Causevic and his supporters. In this context, however, should continue to build a new consciousness and political culture, against politikanata which, according to W. Kurtovic, its influence "are building 2011 oscar only the backwardness m

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