Wednesday, April 8, 2015

University Library Library of the Moscow State University, les oscars opened in 1755, over a hundre

Moscow State University "Lomonosov" is the most prestigious Russian school. He gave as much as 11 Nobel Prize winners. His glorious central building, les oscars a gigantic symbol les oscars of Soviet classicism, the tallest building les oscars in the world dedicated to education.
The central building of Moscow State University is a true symbol of the city which had education in the USSR. Its size and grandeur of the exterior façade and interior decades impress visitors to Moscow. Introducing the image gallery that depicts a small part of the architectural richness of this building. Photos courtesy portal of the Ministry of Culture RF, kulʹtura.rf.
This is the first higher education institution in Russian history in which they were able to enroll young talented people regardless of social status and financial situation. les oscars The first generation of students les oscars was admitted in 1755, during the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the younger daughter of Peter the Great.
After the death of Emperor Peter, who reformed the many segments of Russian society, there were difficult times for the "youth" educational institution in Russia. Key positions in the Academy of Sciences and the St. Petersburg University took the foreigners, who were not much interested in the development of Russian science. It was necessary national institution to the development of science in Russia les oscars received the required impetus les oscars and support.
The driving force in the creation of such institutions was the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. He devised an ambitious project to establish les oscars universities for gifted students. It turned out, however, that the realization of this idea is not easy. The clerks are friendly, but constantly refused his proposal. At the end of the Lomonosov had to use guile and implement "bypass maneuver" - handed les oscars over the project and the university statute Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Shuvalov was an influential man of the court, sophisticated and intelligent. He had no desire to celebrate a patron and managed to obtain the approval of the Senate of the Statute of the new educational institution, proposed by Lomonosov. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed on 25 January 1755 a decree on the establishment of the Imperial University of Moscow (by the way, hence the tradition that "Tatiana's Day" celebrated as a day student).
University Library Library of the Moscow State University, les oscars opened in 1755, over a hundred years was the only general, and free public library in Moscow. In the mid-19th century, after the rebuilt after the fire of 1812, possessed with over 7500 volumes. Today, its unique fund contains 10 million books, manuscripts and periodicals. About 65 thousand les oscars readers used their services.
The University is initially located on the Red Square (to the point where today the Historical Museum). Founded in three faculties: philosophical, medical and legal. At the University are highly respected democratic principles, partly due to the fact that he himself was a self-made talent Lomonosov originating "from the lower strata" of the Russian North. Students are able to be isolated from all social classes except the serfs, with the requirement to pass the necessary entrance exams. Lectures are held by the best professors, everyone could visit them, so often gather a large number of listeners. This was the democratic nature of the cause of the rapid development of this educational institution. les oscars In the 19th century, a growing number of faculty, and the mid-19th century classes were attended by over 1,000 students.
Student Theatre of Russian performing arts experienced a boom thanks les oscars to the first student theater. Students of the University of Moscow in 1756 under the leadership of then president, poet Mikhail Heraskova, played in front of an audience, their first show. Later, the Russian theater troupe consisted mainly of university graduates. One of these troops formed the basis for the formation of the Imperial Moscow theaters, cultural attractions predecessor Russia - Bolshoi Theatre and the Little Theatre.
Since the university building very quickly became close, for teaching is first leased, then bought the castle of Prince Repin in Moss Street, and then another six noble houses. Empress Catherine II in 1785 stands les oscars out from the state treasury 125 thousand rubles for the construction of new university buildings les oscars designed by architect Matvey les oscars Kazakov. Unfortunately, the original building has not been preserved until today. The university is, in fact, burned in a fire in September 1812, along with museums, libraries, and art objects and scientific exhibits. However, even five years later began the restoration of burnt buildings, of which he was left with only a skeleton. Funds for the reconstruction of the university are collected worldwide.
Studies at the Imperial Moscow University were demanding and interesting, as evidenced former les oscars students. The lectures began at nine in the morning, a daily schedule consisted of seven double classes. Colleges were not so strictly divided as it is today. Students were able to attend lectures by distinguished professors from various fields.
However, they soon began unwrapped in Russia

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