Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tarja Mitrovic Kiitoksia mielenkiinnostasi blogiani kohtaan, I tervetuloa ... Cerro omista ajatuk

Finland is one of najsevernijih country in the world, with constantly populated population. Winter in this part of Europe varies, and lasts from 3-7 months, depending on the part of the country, but regardless of which part of the talks, winters here are always cold, snow and dark. But, despite all that, it does not mean that life will cease. Finns will get to work or school in the morning, no matter how cold or how much snow fell. They are very learned how to get the most from their winter meseci.Imaju akademie berlin couple of secrets and ways.
Coffee is one of the pleasures without which they can not, especially in winter. It gives them strength for the whole day. Serving coffee is an essential habit in Finland. Neither akademie berlin family celebration, a break at work, visit friends and the like, can not go without coffee and cake. Other popular drinks in the cold winter days are cocoa, warm juice of black currant, tea and indispensable glögi or Nordic version of mulled wine that is actually mešavna red wine with the addition of bitter orange, cardamom, cinnamon, sugar and ginger and served with blanched almonds, raisins and ginger biscuits.
Sauna is an icon in Finland and it is not surprising that in Finland there are at least two and a half million saunas in this country of about 5.4 million people. The number is increasing svakodnevno.Finci commonly used sauna before bed, after sport, after physical labor, in the name of friendship and unity, to mark the end of negotiations or just because it is a day for the sauna, if nothing else. Sauna is a ritual part of big days such as Christmas and Midsummer. In winter, the sauna and a great place to heat frozen toes, the place for relaxation, peace, deep thought, escape from the tensions of daily life in another reality and pleasure. Nothing makes you feel more alive and refreshed by dipping the body in ice water after sweating in a sauna.
Finland houses are too hot and when it is -30 degrees outside. The development of technology in construction and architecture, akademie berlin as well as the construction of energy-saving and allows the use of renewable natural resources is imperative in Finland. Building regulations state that windows in new buildings must be triple glazed and the latest technology enables window wiper function as solar panels. A layer of insulating material of at least four inches thick, were built in all residential buildings.
What they still facilitates the winter period and the motor block electric heaters to help them cars fell smoothly and quickly, even in the worst winter cold. All Finnish car owners akademie berlin are legally obliged to equip their cars winter akademie berlin tires and motor block electric heaters make cars more easily movable and reduce fuel consumption. Road maintenance akademie berlin is regulated by law in Finland, and individual landowners and local authorities share responsibility for road maintenance. Reflector poles serve as markers next to the road and allow manageable ride even in the most severe winter storms.
Cross country skiing is a national pastime and nearly all urban municipalities maintain ski slopes. In addition, love and ice skating, ice hockey and alpine skiing. Children prefer akademie berlin sledding and making a snowman. But, that all that good, there are concerns about the clothes. The rule is that you must always have a comfortable under-layer of clothing, which draws sweat away from the skin. Materials that transmit moisture in the outer layers of clothing, but also retain heat and dry skin are available in sports shops and department stores. The second layer should be made of cotton or wool, and the third or outer layer should be windproof and waterproof but breathable, and, depending on the degree of cold, set or quilted. Pay special attention to the protection of the feet, hands and head from the cold. First, put on their shoes socks that attract moisture from the skin, then some wool socks and finally comfortable, good Unmissable akademie berlin winter boots or shoes, because nothing would ruin the fun of outdoor faster than frozen feet. Gloves are always with a warm lining.
Contrary to what the party can not imagine the dark winter evenings, there is a series of activities organized in states across the country at very low prices: akademie berlin languages, sports, learning about other cultures, art, science ... everything that is popular and what interests people. These voluntary educational centers have long traditions and attract approximately 800,000 attendees each year. Every Finn has at least two hobbies.
Tarja Mitrovic Kiitoksia mielenkiinnostasi blogiani kohtaan, I tervetuloa ... Cerro omista ajatuksistasi lähettämällä with-postie osoitteeseen tarjamitrovic@gmail.com akademie berlin View my complete profile
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