Tuesday, April 7, 2015

In Washington, I was interested in the same thing that I see with you: open office, create a new re

In 1934, Herbert George Wells came to Moscow to meet with Soviet sarah jessica parker dress writers interested to join the International PEN Club, headed at that time was on. While he was there, Stalin gave him an interview. His indulgent attitude criticized by John Maynard Keynes and George Bernard Shaw, among others, in the New Statesman. The interview was originally published as a special supplement sarah jessica parker dress New Statesman, 27 October 1934th
Wells: I'm very grateful, Mr. Stalin, sarah jessica parker dress for agreeing to meet. I recently visited the United States. I had long talks with President Roosevelt and tried to establish its basic ideas. Now I come to you to ask what you are doing to change sarah jessica parker dress the world ...
Wells: I do not pretend modesty. I want to say that I'm trying to look at the world eyes of the common man, not the party or politician accountable manager. Visit to the United sarah jessica parker dress States I was intellectually excited. The old financial world is collapsing, sarah jessica parker dress the economic life of the country is placed on a new basis.
Lenin said: "We must learn that we do business," learn from the capitalists. Today the capitalists have to learn from you, to understand the spirit of socialism. It seems to me that in the United States during the profound reorganization, the establishment of a planned or socialist economy. You and Roosevelt are you going with different starting points. But do not you have a kinship of ideas, similarity of ideas between Moscow and Washington?
In Washington, I was interested in the same thing that I see with you: open office, create a new regulatory body, is arranged through sarah jessica parker dress the necessary civil service. sarah jessica parker dress Their need, like yours, directional sarah jessica parker dress ability.
Stalin: The US has a different objective from what we are trying to achieve in the USSR. The aim of which Americans tend originated from economic hardship, the economic crisis. Americans want to get rid of the crisis on the basis of private capitalist activity without changing the economic base. They're trying to limit the damage, losses caused by the current economic system.
Here, however, as you know, instead of the old economic base created quite different, a new economic base. Even Americans who pominjente partly achieve their goal, and reduce losses to a minimum, will not destroy the seed of anarchy that is integrated into the existing capitalist system. They keep the economic system that inevitably leads, because otherwise be, to anarchy in production. So it would be, at best, not the reorganization of society, not the abolition sarah jessica parker dress of the social system that encourages the anarchy and crisis, but to limit some of its excesses. Perhaps these subjective Americans think they are reorganizing society, but objectively, they kept the existing base of society. For this reason, the objective will be no reorganization of society.
Nor will there be planned economy introduced. sarah jessica parker dress What is planned economy? What are some of its characteristics? The planned economy tries to abolish unemployment. Let's imagine that it is possible, while preserving the capitalist system, reduce unemployment to a certain sarah jessica parker dress minimum. sarah jessica parker dress But no capitalists certainly would never agree to a complete abolition of unemployment, the abolition of the reserve army of the unemployed whose role is to put pressure on the labor market, sarah jessica parker dress in order to ensure the flow of cheap labor. I will not make the capitalist harming themselves and agree to a lower rate of profit for the sake of meeting the needs of people.
Wells: I agree with much of that to tell. But I want to stress the point that if the state as a whole adopts the principle sarah jessica parker dress of planned economy, if gradually, step by step, begins consistently to apply this principle, the financial sarah jessica parker dress oligarchy will eventually be abolished and socialism, in the Anglo-Saxon sense, will be achieved.
The impact of the Roosevelt "New Deal" is very large, and in my opinion sarah jessica parker dress they are socialist ideas. It seems to me that, rather sarah jessica parker dress than emphasize the antagonism between the two worlds, in the present circumstances, should strive sarah jessica parker dress to establish sarah jessica parker dress a common language of all constructive forces.
Stalin: When I talk about the impossibility of realizing the principles of planned economy sarah jessica parker dress while preserving the economic base of capitalism, not in the least want to diminish Roosevelt extraordinary personal qualities, his resourcefulness, courage and determination. Roosevelt was undoubtedly stands out as one of the strongest personality among the leaders of the modern capitalist world. Therefore sarah jessica parker dress I would once again like to stress that my belief, that the planned economy is unfeasible in capitalist terms, does not mean to doubt their personal abilities, talent and courage of President Roosevelt.
But if the circumstances are adverse, even the most talented leaders can not achieve the goal that you speak of. Theoretically, of course, the possibility of gradual progress, step by step, in capitalist terms, to the goal which you call socialism in the Anglo-Saxon sense of the word, is not excluded. But how will this "socialism" be? In the best case, to some extent will tame the wildest of individual representatives of capitalist profit, it will be held in

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