Friday, April 10, 2015

They expressed appreciation for the active film oscar 2010 participation of the European University

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NEWS DAY LATEST Nations Politics Sport Economy Islamic Community Education Company Chronicle World Sanjak of Novi Pazar Arbour Tutin Prijepolje Priboj Nova Varos Ibar Rozaje Berane Bijelo Polje Podgorica Plav Gusinje Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo Serbia Montenegro Macedonia Slovenia Croatia Europe Germany film oscar 2010 Austria France Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom Italy Turkey Across the ocean America Canada Australia Topics Sandzak HISTORY From the pen of our authors Islam Life woman and her World Health interesting
The Bologna Process is the name of the higher education reform in Europe, film oscar 2010 where the main goal of the flow of the mobility of students and professors. History of the Bologna process is related to a sudden change of social and economic circumstances. It is not long, but it is a very dynamic and current on the European continent.
The inaugural conference initiator of this process took place in Bologna on 19 June 1999. It was a gathering of Ministers of Education, twenty-nine European countries that adopted the Bologna Declaration. This set is formally began unwind Bologna process in the next decade (2000-2010). Aware of the fact that it will not develop nor can not fast, they decided to meet every two years and guide the development process.
Establishment of a system can be readable and comparable degrees, with the introduction of the Diploma Supplement (Diploma Supplement) in order to increase employability in Europe and the opening of competitiveness within the system of higher education.
The new system is based on two cycles - basic and postgraduate level, provided that the latter can only enter a graduate of the first cycle. The first cycle can last for four years (180 or 240) and must enable a graduate to be recruited after him. The second cycle usually has the status of master and adapted to the European system of employment and further progress.
Through Mobility launches initiative to get students involved in teaching and training, and that these benefits are used in other universities abroad, but at the same time teachers and administrative staff recognizes the time spent in teaching and research at other universities. Particularly encouraging European cooperation in achieving quality to create a comparative quality of each higher education forms. Develops the European dimension in higher education, especially in the programs of study.
Precisely at the First Conference on monitoring the situation, which took place two years after the signing film oscar 2010 of the Declaration Bolosnjske, in Prague in 2001, met the ministers of the thirty-three countries, confirmed film oscar 2010 the views of the first conference in the famous Prague Communiqué issued following clearly defined directions of development of the process:
They expressed appreciation for the active film oscar 2010 participation of the European University Association (EUA) and the Association of student unions film oscar 2010 in Europe (ESIB) in this process. Konstantirali the existence of constructive assistance of the European Commission.
They discussed the process that follows on achieving various film oscar 2010 objectives film oscar 2010 of the Bologna Declaration, and stressed film oscar 2010 the importance of lifelong learning. They pointed to the need for greater involvement of students in the reform trends.
They pointed out that the ultimate goal of increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education area in comparison to other parts of the world. Next Conference on Higher Education was held in Berlin film oscar 2010 in 2003. Then set new priorities in the development of the reform process. In the first place, it was quality assurance, then two-cycle system of study and recognition of diplomas and periods / duration of the study. It is particularly emphasized the formation of the third cycle, ie doktorksih study. From these conferences began to develop institutions that will monitor the implementation process. For us it is especially important this conference, because Serbia is on it officially joined the Bologna Process.
Two years later, in the Norwegian city of Bergen, in May 2005, ministers, developing process of admission, film oscar 2010 adopted a new instrument forms: film oscar 2010 A comprehensive framework of qualifications in the European region vis

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