Thursday, June 19, 2014

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Noise and boredom, austerity and squalor, the beauty of ancient cities and smiles redone; This is the winning combination of Sorrentino with "Big Beauty" shows the statuette for best foreign emmy winners 2011 film in Italy after 15 years, following the intermingling of life and death, laughter and horror of "Life is Beautiful" Roberto Benigni ( 1999).
A film that had so divided the critics as the audience: "A film like souvenirs that much to the Americans" emmy winners 2011 had called Nanni Delbecchi, film critic for the "daily"; "A film that deserved a script," says Maria Laura overspend "Il Corriere della Sera"; while many others are those who, instead, exalt him and do not believe only a true masterpiece, a real romance alive, as it considers the Neapolitan emmy winners 2011 director. But the film does not accept criticism: "The drama, which is not only the human drama of the boot, but throughout the West, has been better understood abroad than in Italy," says the actor Verdone, "an Italy less and less suited to art films; Italy that had a great need for international window, which arrived with the culture ... since we can not do with the economy. " emmy winners 2011 It is no longer the time of Fellini's Rome that "the sweet life" (1960) looks like paradise of confusion and sin, it is time for a Rome in which the greatness of the past collides with men in ruins, with despair of "lonely people who befriends"; a Rome that "you devolution", as the charming, committed, now sailed costume journalist and theater critic Jep Gambardella (Servillo, the protagonist of the film).
"The great beauty" takes the stage of the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, emmy winners 2011 during the 86th edition of the Academy Awards ceremony, with a visibly excited that Sorrentino, along with Servillo and producer Julian makes his thanks: "Thanks to Toni and Nicholas, emmy winners 2011 thanks to the actors and producers. Thanks to my sources of inspiration, Talking Heads, Federico Fellini, Martin Scorsese, emmy winners 2011 Diego Armando Maradona. I have taught all how to make a great show. What is the basis for the film. Thanks in Naples and Rome, and to my great personal beauty, Daniela and our two children. I'm very excited, this victory was far from obvious. The other films were strong, I feel happy and relieved. " And while the festivities going crazy, come the congratulations of Giorgio Napolitano, who is pleased with the great representation of the reality of our time in continuity with the great tradition emmy winners 2011 of Italian cinema. "It 'a great victory for Italy."
But the happiness and satisfaction of Italian Ejiof and Brad Pitt to win Best Picture for "12 years a slave," they add, however, the disappointment for Martin emmy winners 2011 Scorsese and Leonardo emmy winners 2011 DiCaprio that remain empty-handed with "The Wolf of Wall Street" .
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