Sunday, June 15, 2014

If I did not see I can not believe that you can change and live differently, think differently, to

Educate the mother - 8 - honored for the year ahead | Sloaosloao
Once a baby is born we are taught to cut off contact with his body and especially the head turn, will control the rest. Ask the manufacturers of disposable diapers, they are building on it. Nappy absorbs so well, makes the liquid gel, the baby did not even know he just had a pee. And if you buy the best kind, he could sleep through the night without feeling the least bit. The baby should sleep at night and his natural film independent needs must not be disturbed.
Child accustomed him to eat three meals a day, even if he is hungry at other times, becomes an adult Scssuelim film independent him "Are you hungry?" He replies, "I do not know. What time is it? "Ordinary boy it will be raspberry juice from the fridge incurred adult voice when he is thirsty. Child taking him in the car circle in 10 minutes walk from the house (5 minutes by bike), did not find himself moving his body a lot more in the future. Child woken out six in seven months that have zero hour, think as an adult it makes sense to wake up more tired to stand for two hours in traffic and get to work barely in time.
Now, is it really so surprising that chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity and asthma, for example), are gaining momentum rapidly among children and adults alike? And in view of these results, and many others, film independent but short of space, you are not happy about the lack of awareness prevents us from intervening in some actions of our body?
True, the body does not come with maintenance instructions and even if he comes then we'd put them somewhere near those of the stove and refrigerator that we did not call them. But the proper functioning of our body change film independent our lives as much as they did the stove and refrigerator (not to mention the dishwasher).
Imagine a world where people are not tired. They supply the body's need their rest and when you face them, you treat them or will meet near the same work they think only about how you're the last thing that interests them at the moment and I wish they had a few minutes to rest your head and keep the day fresh longer.
Imagine a world where people eat and drink what their body needs and the amount it requires and there around you healthy and vital. Some food products that surround us did not have a right to exist, some creature was spared, some pollution, some slavery. Yes, it fits here. Our separation of our true needs leads not only morbidity but also our natural resources film independent that allow us to exist.
If I did not see I can not believe that you can change and live differently, think differently, to give the body other commands and sane. Grandmothers who read the blog of Rani (enriched me and puts me in matters .....) and wonder if their daughters or sons are going the right way when they do change - believe me - you join and fun.
I liked. Beauty of access available to all of us, to stop some of the race and make the intention and thinking. I especially liked the pool at the end of desire the ability to bring together. Sometimes I feel sorry for the instant generation. These children have no chance to wait for something that takes its time, and rope. But perhaps it is also an inevitable change in human society is moving and we're left to look nostalgically on what we won it ... what fun for your children, you allow them girls sane I wish you much pleasure and joy and spiritual enrichment.
Hey the month and a half homeschooling - we welcome the month and a half (half) in state education. After 13 years homeschooled son started a year time. All you describe familiar. Want to add. Each day should 13 year home education was a unique experience, I felt every day the choice was the right thing for our lives. (Although at a very high economic). Street questions become amusing and challenging responses created. Vexatious questions are in front of the establishment. So the housewife? Answer: No, I'm a mother homeschooled from: We Rovlika one will write a housewife and I oppose and requires comments write homeschooling. Successfully complete pleasure every day I miss the days when we were all at home.
Read and nod in agreement. In recent years, I listen to the body, trying to sleep in time to wake up naturally during work, and now with feedings definitely drink more, and follow me the rest of the inhabitants of the house. Last Hhtzad blessed - green smoothies!! I loved your post, surfs next in line ...

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