Sunday, June 1, 2014

Grungy eyes torn and crease in his cheek and turns his head to steer into the pockets of the god-aw

Skin Talks Back - Visa Short Story Picture is ... early morning the couple begins to stir in bed. However, their skin wakes before their talks skin, not by their owner, but to someone else .. I kid you. They say the truth, not what the owners are saying to one another, but the cold hard facts, and they are not pretty! ask their names, their names are being withheld to protect the innocent, but violence done needs to be addressed for all to read, as it is frightening and must be criminal for reading however, we will have to name his skin., Vanity Lost and his eyes Grungy
. early morning sun skin no flaws, is naked for the world to see, as the world was in your bedroom that is, however, your skin discuss oscar a his day every morning oscar a before swirling oscar a and full consciousness .. It's true, I not kid you, the conversation can go anything from, "So, I guess we are going to practice today but I bet he does not bother to drink a glass of orange juice water before you go. No, instead, a coffee drink that god-awful, and eat some damn donuts. "Well, do you think that is bad, always try to go without anything until maybe a candy bar take away the pain and hunger around 3 to hold it off until dinner" That's it! Just a small example oscar a of what goes into your bed before fully awake
. This morning was no different then thousands of the morning before, the same complaints and insults thrown oscar a between Vanity Lost for Grungy eyes, however it is important to bring this conversation to light, as it may be to your skin 'early morning conversation. as well as you also may be guilty of terrible crimes of violence skin You know I am talking about, you women that go to bed with makeup still on and you people that do not bother to even remotely consider even throw. some fresh water on your face. It's a travesty, it really is Yes., Here is what your skin is to say every morning before oscar a her, and let me tell you not pretty Can not say they were not warned. !
Grungy eyes torn and crease in his cheek and turns his head to steer into the pockets of the god-awful he once adored. "Hey old lady", he said, "No amount of sleeping beauty is going to fix that beloved face. You can also throw it in the bag, along with their bags under the eyes emerges that those "!
Vanity Lost grumbles and turns to look with the eyes, just feel repulsion creeping up the base of his neck he immediately responds., "Well Eyes Grungy, is properly fund this year to change the paper just because it's all I can do to avoid the shedding of cells my dead skin all over your head, however, who can tell the difference and ask all your head is toting! Have you ever even drink water or just beer, beer, and more beer? "
. "That's okay you so called shield of arms, you can not protect anything anymore and all that extra flab. You are toting your lucky you can even do it in the morning donut shop, "says Vanity Lost snidely.
"Hey you old Biddy, I do not see you jumping up and, instead, I see you standing right behind me waiting oscar a for me to drop crumbs so do not even try a little bit of cellulite miss queen," Grunge chimes back.
"Oh, now that was just bad! You know how sensitive I am about my cellulite, act as I want this to happen to me.! If he can hear me, boy would he get a piece of my mind, "Vanity Lost reflects the voice of agitation in her voice
. "What part, wrinkles, bags, age spots, cellulite, and so called laugh lines, is part of your skin would you mind to give her, I can list all your deficits?" Grunge say with a laugh in her voice.
"Hey, hold on there's not so hot I can prepare the list entirely on yourself .. Have you looked in the mirror lately Buddy?, I hate to tell you this, but you sure as heck is no fund's awards! "Vanity Lost pauses for a moment, and start again" and more ... "His oscar a voice trails off a little oscar a whimper begins to climb
Vanity Lost now engrossed with emotion and she feels his skin begin to pop up in various places. "See, now there you did it to me now and three more pimples now my queen .. Lovely! Now she will be whipped on my face and honestly, that shit hurts I just hate I protect the body. what ol 'what I get stuck with her? "Vanity Lost cry. "Why oscar a could not I have been a good skin brunette or red head in your work?"
"Well then

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