Friday, June 13, 2014

Einat Hausman BA (B.Sc) in nutritional science from the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew felix

Trouble felix salten bambi with Mother Nature? The PMS | Cranberries felix salten bambi
Women's health is affected by many things we know mainly due to hormonal changes. And when we are flooded with hormones? Before menstruation course! Try to remember when you felt hurt, angry, frustrated? Swollen and does not cost you anything? When was the last time you wanted to throw a chair at your boyfriend or husband? Or you men have built - when you felt you move a strange creature living room and Furious?
This particularly during ovulation, about two weeks before menstruation. Pre-menstrual symptoms defined as a collection of physical and psychological felix salten bambi symptoms related to regulate female and 150 symptoms! felix salten bambi This symptoms endured by some 85-90% of women! You are not alone! Most every woman will feel only a few of them before each menstrual period and not necessarily the same symptoms each time. The symptoms usually disappear until two days from the beginning of the bleeding (or so commence abdominal felix salten bambi pain and other vegetables, but it was discussed in a different article).
So what symptoms it? Psychological: mood changes, depression, stress, anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances. bodily fluid retention, pelvic and uterus contractions, changes in appetite (Wow ... I did not realize I was devouring chocolate indiscriminately ...), acne, headaches, felix salten bambi tender breasts. What is PMS? If there are three or more symptoms felix salten bambi that recur over and over from year to year, together with such severity that truly impacts the lives of women suffering symptoms to significant impairment in function - this is premenstrual syndrome known as PMS. Premenstrual syndrome exists in approximately 25% of women of childbearing age. If it's just everyday life dysfunction in extreme thing and this is called felix salten bambi PMDD Premenstrual Anxiety (also defined as a symptom of mind). It is common in about 5% of women.
So why is this happening to us?!?! felix salten bambi Who are these hormones felix salten bambi play in our bodies? (If you are male - Meet the "enemies") estrogen - the female hormone felix salten bambi - varying levels. felix salten bambi With him on a team progesterone, changes in the body's stress hormones, increased felix salten bambi secretion of prolactin - the hormone felix salten bambi responsible for milk production in the breasts after childbirth. In addition: felix salten bambi hypoglycemia, ie sugar shortage - which explains our desire for carbohydrates, and lack of vitamins. Another factor that explains the phenomena is serotonin: Serotonin is a neurotransmitter - a chemical that affects mood. Before recycling felix salten bambi levels drop and we feel much less peace and - feel a strong need carbohydrates.
How to "handle"? First of all do not handle that. This is not a disease but a phenomenon! Second - you can overcome these unpleasant symptoms felix salten bambi in several ways: 1. Behavioral therapy and nutritional: Try to download stress in any way: massages to exercise, felix salten bambi alternative therapies like yoga, homeopathy. Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, K. - P. - a - the - estate (which raises the tension!) felix salten bambi And salt. Why salt? That salt will contribute to fluid buildup case this occurs. Try to reduce food fat percentage and less carbs "simple" are just sugar available, such as sweets, candy, sugary drinks. Try to eat more carbs "complex" - like bread or pasta, preferably whole grains rich in fiber. These will reduce weight gain. various additives (physician felix salten bambi consultation only): calcium, felix salten bambi magnesium (anti-muscle contractions), vitamin B6 and an amino acid called "tryptophan" it is important to create serotonin that we so need in this period. Second. Hormonal medication not: Lithium, SSRI (antidepressant drugs based on inhibition of serotonin re-utilization), change ... 3. Hormonal medication: pills???? Course consulting a doctor and in all cases. Nice to know: Chinese medicine and acupuncture are based on the theory that a life energy - Qi, special ditches flowing body. When a person is tense physical or mental energy that should flow freely in his body, stuck. When a person is stressed, felix salten bambi neck and back muscles felix salten bambi in his very cramped. This can damage the nerve conduction in the extremity of his.
Einat Hausman BA (B.Sc) in nutritional science from the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew felix salten bambi University. Waiting impatiently awaited internship at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and meanwhile trying to optimize itself in a different direction - the blog "Cranberry". Believes that mind and body are one and eating should benefit both. Currently a graduate student felix salten bambi in the Sociology of Health, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. In addition to might like in / out the:
Hello Minerva, about SSRIs preferred to formulate the process more simply, and to avoid using terms like "the synaptic felix salten bambi space," but you're right. Anyway, what's great about our body is a constant balance to which he aspires. felix salten bambi To the best of my knowledge, after a period of increased hunger will also period of less appetite. So do not worry about your body, it will work out. In any case you should always put limits in terms of eating and not eating beyond recognition, preferred foods more satisfying and full of fiber like vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and get a little exercise to relieve the feeling. Most importantly - eat everything and if do not let your body be "hungry". For a definite answer, it really be seven if you eat more or hormones felix salten bambi - I'm doing a professional source and return with an answer.
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