Wednesday, June 11, 2014

At first it was quite simple. Children were younger and replace the occasional English word, what t

Educate the mother - 10 - before kids? | Sloaosloao
Heading the list of things I remember the good life before homeschooling, not going to pay and no benefits except travel. Every day, hour back - an hour back, I'm alone. Sitting in the car with my thoughts, the music I love, handsfree. If I wanted to talk with a softly I could tell her "I'll call tomorrow for work" and have a conversation uninterrupted, be expressed freely and respond to these calls that I kept for moments, when children are not present, were better. In recent years, a long time found around at least one child. Does that mean I discussed homeschooling meandering conversations, such that if the children listen and ask, I can answer without violating confidentiality, harm mentally soft or disclose information prematurely?
At first it was quite simple. Children were younger and replace the occasional English word, what today seems like to shout their ear, "You're not wanted here right now," was more logical, perhaps because I have been even Hebrew oscars mortuary words they did not understand. This part of my life ended when I asked my son if I could tell my father about something that happened today and he said "Yes, oscars mortuary but it's me then tell him in English."
Another method was not bad spelling: "Did you hear what happened to some, F., J., R. yesterday?" Conversation could be conducted while practicing quick spelling ability also of the most complex words. Bacri this method is about the desire of children to learn and developing their ability to spell themselves and thus see my conversations challenging and educational game for them.
Despite longing, easier for me to get my own time cuts than the other side of the coin - the level of exposure of children to information. There are things that come up during the day, events, news and social gatherings where conversations flow. After all their social gathering means my meeting with other moms and always have something to update and catch up.
While I find it hard to accept that I can not filter out all the information that children are exposed to it and try to watch what they hear, chat consciously, to answer questions and help in interpretation, another new aspect of the exposure reading. Ability that moves them and I am amazed every time their joy when they read another sign and another ad, discover and learn anew the world around them.
Last week, this ability has allowed my son to read the paper entitled "Gilad back home." Of course oscars mortuary there was no need to explain who it Gilad. The excitement of his knowledge and ability to catch it himself just like all of us something new kindled, his sense that he fully shared the joy of all of us.
Wow. Although I am understating conversation in foreign languages, I also used occasionally and thought-provoking - when they grow up and still continue with it - so maybe it transmits them that they were unwanted. Maybe even shout ... beautiful. I liked.

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