Monday, June 9, 2014

Vigor, the toughest teacher in school said that freedom is to choose from the options, this freedom

Educate the mother - 3 - opt | Slow
Vigor, the toughest teacher in school said that freedom is to choose from the options, this freedom to invent the possibilities. Somebody could have said this before, anyway it's the most essential lesson independent films 2011 I learned in school. Up until three and a half years I was sure I chose my life. Today I know that I acted in a frame where everything is expected, and if I stay in it, permission independent films 2011 is given. Since I did not break the frame, but put into a variety independent films 2011 of options. Still did not make up new possibilities but I expanded the boundaries of freedom.
Up until three and a half years, my husband and I were getting up in the morning, waking up the kids, organize and organize, each according to his taking the kids to continue to work. In the afternoon I was with the kids / emails / phone calls, organizing sleep, independent films 2011 Daddy come home from work and another day tomorrow.
From three and a half years we get up in the morning, the children wake up slowly, independent films 2011 spend some time with my father before he leaves for work. During the day I'm with the kids, meet, play, create, read, organize sleep, Daddy come home from work, I go out to celebrate / study / workshop, and a fun day tomorrow.
We chose the same choice and went through the same dilemmas, I really enjoyed reading your posts. We have been almost three years at (the largest moment three), the most suitable for us ...

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