Sunday, June 8, 2014

My sister movement - for Women in Israel was founded in 2000 by the Eastern feminist activists have

I recommend visiting a new exhibition of the artist Nava (Masika) Barzani Jerusalem. Conversation brits 2011 with her intriguing artist studio in Nachlaot I realized it was a special creation process first of its kind to her, a "root canal" brits 2011 soul and as a visual expression of the process brits 2011 of religious purification. Although works of the exhibition were made within the framework of academic study titled "Children in the Holocaust in Libya" is not lacking emotional aspect. The exhibition is a joint campaign chapter summary of a mother and daughter to the mother's life story, born in Tobruk, as a child she was sent to a camp Jadu Judaism Krinayeka Libya. Visual memory silenced over the life of the mother, an amateur photographer for many years, was a daughter together, side by side. Created the exhibition's special software. As someone who makes five years journey into the memory of a mother I do not intend to miss it.
Jado Seating mother, Nava i. Barzani
My sister movement - for Women in Israel was founded in 2000 by the Eastern feminist activists have set their goal to raise the public agenda of economic and social justice from a feminist approach that links issues of nationalism, ethnicity and feminism. The organization was established to promote and make present ideology, politics, culture and feminist activism - Eastern and bring to the public agenda of economic justice, cultural and social. Out of this perspective, my sister movement engaged in exposure of the oppression of Israeli society based on origin, color, culture, brits 2011 nationality and works to create significant visibility of feminist politics and culture - east.
Jado exhibition area mother brits 2011 was born out of a life story is muted and silent. This is an intimate story about the girls in the shade during brits 2011 the Nazi occupation in Libya. Personal story described by Julia concludes (Yael), a survivor of Jadu Libya (1942). She looks at the photo of the camp, showing her daughter, artist Nava i. Barzani. The photo helps a mother to talk to her childhood there. Through the perspective she tells of her past. Texts from mother to daughter words shown in the exhibition along with collage works created by Barzani, seeking to recover brits 2011 and offer interpretive aspect of the mother's own words. Collage technique helps the artist to rip and destroy the image and come back again, a little differently. Jado Mother corner collages made from scraps includes magazines pasted on cardboard, and another group of collages that their platform was ripped from the pages of a history book from the fifties found Barzani street, right next to the date of the exhibition. This book documents the ROMMEL called the days of the German general Erwin Rommel, sent by Hitler as supreme commander of German brits 2011 forces in North Africa. The pages of the book are writings depicting the rhythms of General Libya, during World War II, from 1941 to 1943. These writings were used as the substrate Barzani reconstruction work of her mother's childhood camp. According to Barzani, crumbling pages, as also specify the steady historical description, about the military brits 2011 actions taken by Rommel contending brits 2011 with the British Army on Libyan soil, may find itself fragile and easily torn, covered by a personal story, but also restorative covers, cancels. Now using the fusion shredded paper, carrying the historic brits 2011 pages, even the private story of the woman that was there when she was five.
Hairdressing exhibition works alongside moments of fear, loneliness, brits 2011 hunger and death, even optimistic, about the timing and operation of the game shadow theater. They describe Pen from Chapter girls hidden children of Jadu. According to Barzani, illuminating personal story and the story describes the collective memory brits 2011 image - girls crumbling and fading. Discussion about the Jewish Holocaust Libya in the days of waking up in recent years, but the girls remained hidden image and is not mentioned in history, even today. The series of works "Jadu Seating Mother" shown Gallery sister, helps the representation of this childhood period.
Choice in the presentation of the exhibition Jadu Corner House Gallery sister mother stems from the direct relationship brits 2011 of the subject of the exhibition to the principles that guide the movement of my sister. Which represented the voice of the mother tells her daughter to her days as a child in Jadu. This voice Monch through the interpretation expresses Barzani works exhibition. brits 2011 Them, restoring memories who express their voices are not often heard: Evidence female voice and the voice came from Libya in North Africa, about the days of the Holocaust in general and the Holocaust in particular childhood days.
Shula Keshet

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