Friday, September 19, 2014

Academy of Motion Picture Arts

Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences harry potter oscar nominations izabrala je 41 studenta sa 23 američka univerziteta  i 10 studenata van SAD za finaliste takmičenja  Student Academy Awards . Student Academy Awards osnovane su 1972. godine kako bi podržakle kulturu studentskog filma. Među ranijim dobitnicima harry potter oscar nominations nalaze se autori koji su potom dobili ukupno 46 nominacija za "prave oskare" a 8 su i osvojili.. Među njima su Pixarovi animatori John Lasseter i Pete Docter kao i Robert Zemeckis, Trey Parker harry potter oscar nominations i Spike Lee. Finalisti su izabrani kroz rad četiri regionalna komiteta, tri domaća i jednog internacionalnog. Prohjekcije izabranih filmova će biti održane u Los Anđelesu kako bi se izabrali harry potter oscar nominations pobednici, glasovima članova Akademije. Glasači će birati harry potter oscar nominations do tri filma u svakoj harry potter oscar nominations kategoriji harry potter oscar nominations i nagraditi ih zlatnom, harry potter oscar nominations srebrnom i bronzanom harry potter oscar nominations medaljom. Pobednici (ali ne i to koje su medalje osvojili) biće objavljeni ovog meseca. Pobednici će biti pozvani u Los Anđeles harry potter oscar nominations gde će nedelju dana imati priliku da kontaktiraju sa ljudima iz filmske industrije a sve se završava dodelom nagrada 7. juna. Srpski reditelj Goran Stanković nominovan je kao student harry potter oscar nominations American Film Institutea. Iz regiona, nominovana je još i Katarina Morano iz Slovenije, za najbolji strani film. Alternative “Dreamers,” Joseph Dwyer , Boston University “Entropic Apogee,” Bill Manolios , Art Institute of California – San Francisco “Jaspa’ Jenkins,” Robert Carnilius , Columbia harry potter oscar nominations College Chicago “Oscillate,” Daniel Sierra , School of Visual Arts, New York “Passer harry potter oscar nominations Passer,” Louis Morton , University harry potter oscar nominations of Southern California “Person,” Drew Brown and Ramona Ramdeen , The Art Institute of Jacksonville, Florida “The Private Life of Fenfen,” Leslie Tai , Stanford University “Staircases,” Steinar Bergoy Nedrebo , School of Visual Arts, New York Animation “Baxter,” Ty Coyle , Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia harry potter oscar nominations “Goodnight Boon,” Jeremy Jensen , New York University “Higher Sky,” Teng Cheng , University harry potter oscar nominations of Southern California “Marcel,” Eric Cunha and Seung Sung , School of Visual Arts, New York “Owned,” Daniel Clark and Wesley Tippetts , Brigham Young University, Utah “Roadkill Redemption,” Karl Hadrika , Ringling College of Art and Design, Florida “Two Ghosts,” Amy Lee Ketchum , University of Southern California “Umbra,” Pedro Jesus Atienzar Godoy , Pratt Institute, New York “Yamashita,” Hayley Foster , Loyola Marymount University, California Documentary “The Apothecary,” Helen Hood Scheer harry potter oscar nominations , Stanford harry potter oscar nominations University “Eth“no”representation,” Ryan Metzler and Scott Kulicke , Occidental College, California “Heel’d,” Thomas Smith and McKenna Hinkle , Villanova University, Pennsylvania “Light Mind,” Jie Yi , School of Visual Arts, New York “My Sister harry potter oscar nominations Sarah,” Elizabeth Chatelain , University of Texas at Austin “One Child,” Zijian Mu , New York University “Punches & Pedicures,” Ashley Brandon and Dennis Höhne , Wright State University, Ohio “Scattered,” Lindsay Lindenbaum , School of Visual Arts, New York “White Earth,” J. Christian Jensen , Stanford University Narrative “AM800,” James Roe , University of New Orleans “Above the Sea,” Keola Racela , Columbia University, New York “Door God,” Yulin Liu , New York University “Interstate,” Camille Stochitch , American Film Institute, California “Istifa (Resignation),” Rahat Mahajan , Art Center College of Design, California “So You’ve Grown Attached,” Kate Tsang , New York University “Sweepstakes,” Mark Tumas , Temple University, Pennsylvania “Way in Rye,” Goran Stankovic , American Film Institute, California “What Remains,” Julie Koegl , University of North Carolina School of the Arts Foreign Film “Border Patrol,” Peter Baumann , The Northern Film School, United Kingdom “Intruder,” Geun Buem Park , Korean Academy of Film Arts, South Korea “Kam,” Katarina Morano , University of Ljubljana – Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Slovenia “Nocebo,” Lennart Ruff , University of Television and Film Munich, Germany “North,” Philip Sheerin , National Film and Television School, United Kingdom “Paris on the Water,” Hadas Ayalon , Tel Aviv University, Israel “Sacred Defense,” Nima Mohaghegh , Netherlands Film Academy “Souffle Court,” Johann Dulat , ENS Louis-Lumière harry potter oscar nominations – The National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School, France harry potter oscar nominations “The Oasis,” Carl Marott , The National Film School of Denmark “Wo harry potter oscar nominations Wir Sind,” Ilker Çatak , Hamburg Media School, harry potter oscar nominations Germany

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