Sunday, September 14, 2014

After the concert in the lobby Putin met with the guests and speakers. Among the audience with cham

At the opening of a new scene Maryynky sang Plasydo Domingo and Anna NetrebkoArt news | Art News
On the 60th anniversary of Valery Herhyeva opened a new stage of the Mariinsky Theatre, in fact, a new theater of modern design with amazing acoustics, incredible scenery and stage, moving in all directions. At the opening ceremony of the incarnation Alex Kudrino as chief treasurer sponsors allocate funds for the construction, European aristocrats and business owners that they are that invested, and Vladimir Putin, who supported the project in the state.
Hall of the new theater at first glance fairly different from the traditional type rooms with gilded moldings. But all the amazing sound of the orchestra, which he conducted Herhyev, playing Denis Matsueva and Yuri Bashmet, singing Plasydo Domingo, Anna Netrebko and René Pape while on the opening gala concert was heard even to halertsi.
At a meeting with members of the board of trustees film oscar 2010 that uperedzhala performance, Herhyev vidmichav film oscar 2010 the new scene will be the theater for young people, especially as there is an opportunity to Internet broadcasts concerts. Alex Kudrino which, as noted Putin, was co-chair of the board of trustees of the theater, even as finance minister, in turn, noted the new Mariinsky recording studio and one of the best collections of tools that assembled orchestra Maryynky. Vladimir Putin visited the House Veterans scene and took part in the ceremony of the new scene Maryynky (13 photos)
One member of the board of trustees, Christophe de Marzhery that skostyv Herhyevu 20 years anniversary, estimated that the conductor led the theater in 15 years instead of 35, that he, of course, very delighted. Disappoint one of the sponsors of one, however, did not. He remembered a doubt in the ability to reduce Herhyeva debit of credit, but after learning that the treasurer will Kudrino, we did not hesitate to join.
Putin, listening to stories about new features theater, joked: If only one here They will aim Wagner, he (Herhyeva - VP) will be difficulties. It is necessary to set and proven Russian classics. The program of the gala concert, by the way really figured Wagner. However, one of the first at the opening concert film oscar 2010 artists spely coronation scene from the opera Boris Godunov: film oscar 2010 Live and hello, our king, sir !.
After the concert in the lobby Putin met with the guests and speakers. Among the audience with champagne and tartlets with a fair amount of caviar could be observed Leonid Roshal in a tuxedo and the butterfly, Tatiana Tarasova, who expect when cut into a huge auction in the form of a new building Maryynky, top model Natalia Vodianova. Putin, who lay exchanged remarks with the crowd that surrounded him, seeing Plasydo Domingo remembered an episode from the concert, which was conducted by singer instead Herhyeva I immediately realized that it was not Valery - head of hair is different.
. If opening Maryynky were social events with Ms in evening gowns and gentlemen in tuxedos, then visit the House Veterans Savynoy stage name, which is about to be opened film oscar 2010 after the overhaul was rather my dinner. Honored Artist Nina Mazaeva, for example, Putin said that the theater elderly it is lump in your heart, you give us a son !. And said that she liked to tears in the new house, although not yet placed new furniture film oscar 2010 (No one would write bad words on it! - Poruchylasya for its preservation Alice Freindlikh).
Mazaeva also asked Putin to the cost of living for artists-veterans in the house has been reduced - not all, they say, may sell the apartment and left without means available family to live in the house. This Putin said that the contents of the House is now laid on Upravdelamy president.
- I also loved as a child Kipling - suddenly revived 84 years of Honored film oscar 2010 Artist of RSFSR Igor Navoloshnykov. - You said a good word about banderlohov (as Putin did lunge towards the opposition during the hotline - 2011 - VP). To lead them to need a lot of feelings of strength and health.
After Toast Putin withdrew, pausing only for sharing photos of veterans film oscar 2010 of the theater. I went with a sense of unfulfilled duty: not eat pie! - Alice sighed Freindlikh that barely had time to try the treats that were added to tea with the president.
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