Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ukrainian proverb Ethnography katy perry at grammys (from the Greek ethnos - people and graph - wri

Ukrainian proverb Ethnography katy perry at grammys (from the Greek ethnos - people and graph - write) - the science katy perry at grammys that studies the culture and life of the world, their ethnogenesis, katy perry at grammys resettlement, cultural and household relationships. As the equivalent of ethnography also used the term ethnology (ethnos - people logos - science katy perry at grammys teaching). katy perry at grammys As you can see, ethnography denotes a descriptive science, and ethnology - general katy perry at grammys theoretical that solves common problems of ethnology. However, katy perry at grammys this distinction sufficient conditions for ethnography does not preclude generalizations theoretical terms, as well as ethnology used method description. Direct observation and description of the customs, life, people, world - this is the main method of ethnography. katy perry at grammys In addition, it makes extensive use of written sources, real monuments, data archeology, anthropology, geography, folklore, linguistics. katy perry at grammys The first attempt to describe ethnographic features tribes and peoples in Ukraine can be considered "Tale vrem'yanyh katy perry at grammys years." Chronicler is trying to draw a genealogy of the peoples of the world, sometimes giving their folk cultural katy perry at grammys features, and describes the traditional Ukrainian katy perry at grammys tribes of Kievan Rus, indicating their place of settlement, the differences in customs, rituals katy perry at grammys etc.. Such attempts ethnographic descriptions available in some other written monuments. In the late twentieth century., When the process of decline katy perry at grammys of traditional culture approached the critical point, clearly there was a problem rebirth is regional ethnographic characteristics, handicrafts, folklore, language, customary pearls Ukrainian people. In this regard, before katy perry at grammys narodoznavtsyamy repeatedly raised the issue of regionalization of ethnographic Ukraine. Ethnographic zoning - a division of the territory into local folk cultural groups that have in common language, customs, economic nature, katy perry at grammys due to the natural environment and historical development of each group as well as ethno-cultural relationships with neighboring peoples. Today decided to divide Ukraine into six historical and ethnographic areas: Woodlands, Carpathians, skirts, Middle Dnieper, Sloboda, South. Note, however, that between the ethnographic katy perry at grammys region of Ukraine there are no clear boundaries, so this division is rather arbitrary. Furthermore, technological progress and dissemination of standardized forms of culture, and the processes of inter-smooth integration ethnographic characteristics of individual regions. Is this good or bad? Some argue that these processes contribute to the consolidation of the nation. However logical to see them the way to unification, loss of identity, erasing individual personality traits, and as a result - the degeneration of the nation. As for the consolidation, it would primarily contribute to the high level of national consciousness of citizens, which is impossible without the love of his native land, its people, customs and traditions of their ancestors, and in particular - regional rice culture.
POLISSYA and Volyn Given that the exact boundaries between ethnographic region does not exist and that different writings they sometimes have different names, it should be noted that the region is still the name of the North, or Poliske-Volyn. Habitat of language katy perry at grammys features do not always katy perry at grammys coincide with the ranges of certain features of culture and life, as well as the administrative and territorial division of Ukraine. Therefore, it should be noted that in ethnographic research in this area include: Volyn (except the southwestern part thereof), Rivne, the northern part of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Khmelnytsky regions. Polesie is divided into three territorial areas: the left bank, central and west, and has two ethnic groups. The population of the middle reaches of the Desna sometimes called katy perry at grammys Lithuanians that in ancient katy perry at grammys times meant they belong to the Lithuanian state. Lytvyn also called Polishchuks Belarus. Polishchuk-Ukrainian - it is mostly people living north of Lyuboml, katy perry at grammys Kovel, Lutsk, Rivne to the border with Belarus. In Polesie remained very archaic folk cultural traits katy perry at grammys inherited from the tribes Drevlyane and northerners. Unfortunately, the Chernobyl disaster did not evade as people - carriers katy perry at grammys of this ancient katy perry at grammys culture katy perry at grammys and monuments created them. Mass migration katy perry at grammys to other regions of Ukraine, mixing them with other groups has naturally lead to the loss of their ethnographic integrity. Key features found in Polesie katy perry at grammys type settlements: it is mostly street (excluding alleys) with a small number of households of the village. The houses with large porch. In terms of forest pastoralism developed type enclosed courtyard, similar to Hutsul. In other regions, especially the steppe, even in winter cattle kept in pens, so there is developed a type of closed court. In Boiky and Lemko closed courtyard was another form. His features had woodlands and agriculture; plow plow-Lithuanian, which in other areas has not survived. North Volyn yoke also has no analogues in Ukraine, it is similar to Bulgarian and Serbian. It also used Single plow. Poliske weaving - the most archaic phenomenon of Ukrainian culture. katy perry at grammys It spun on spindles with pryaslytsem. This method of spinning meeting

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