Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ironic category created an atmosphere of celebration, and the audience waited ads protagonists. 201

Stars on samovarahArt news | Art News
The youngest country music award (and, incidentally, our winner, the oldest award ZD Awards MC for the last year in the category Event of the year) are more confident person acquires and occupies its own niche in the Russian premium Areopagus 2012 oscar with binding events visit Show-Business where every year self-affirming, satisfying 2012 oscar professional ambition and painful samolyubnist our pop-rock artists. Saturday Prize RU.TV third time distributed gold samovarchyky and showed the whole breadth of the soul, to give a feast, even those who were not nominated.
Nenominovani its part arranged holiday everything else. The hit of the evening was singer frykovyy Shur, which from the back took many by Alla Spirit hudruka 2012 oscar Todes Ballet. Black women's wig, a black dress, black boa, hands in long black gloves to the elbow. Poruchkatsya fitted and very amazed to find that the front revered grand lady turned into a startling singer. Joke each one clearly a success, although Shur and assured that nothing is meant simply this is his new nature and similarity released inadvertently. It was only from the back. Joke success.
Any ceremony as theater begins with a hanger on the red carpet. Under the gaze of that enthusiasm, interest, and click fotykov, cell phones and other gadgets 2012 oscar fans of stars that are torn, solemnly and with a sense of self-worth bearing 2012 oscar in a temple of pop art. In measured and solemn course of action, however, 2012 oscar a higher power intervened. In the midst of the procession rozverzala heavenly slush, wind and rain trying to wash away the stars from fans, and someone already accounted instead of proud and solemn procession nervously and restlessly dribotaty under umbrellas, remembering the Hollywood smile and presentable posture. Joke of the will of nature are too successful, 2012 oscar and together set the tone of another event - a humorous, ironic and even samoyronychnyy, 2012 oscar which sometimes lacks too serious and not Able to laugh at a show-business 2012 oscar deyatelyam. Degree of humor and sarcasm in full support healthy ceremony leading Potap and Kseniya 2012 oscar Sobchak, whose return to the bosom socialite show-business after years of political exile was a theme party. God, the year I was not in show business, I look in the room and see that nothing has changed - ironic Sobchak. Hall looked at Sobchak and experienced her mutual feelings. Stand-up dress a wounded bird on the wing vidkopylenym symbolized the loss of her glamorous leading active citizenship. Cloth dresses other stars vopijushche sometimes said that even in the era of boutiques and fat fees to overcome the psychology cherkyzona not given to everyone. The tone of high style for its part asked John Rudkovskaya, Anna Lorak so perhaps Vera Brezhnev, although her singing live and frightened many. Overall, the evening went boring, dynamic, cheerful, positive, sometimes hypertrophied yumorystychnym that, according to the creators of the ceremony, and must be distinguished in its main line of music yventov country.
Emphasized this trend with Jolly other nominations. Apart from the traditional singer / singer, the best video, best duo, best group and other classical categories, chosen as dvizhuha, the real arrival, resuscitation year (Natalie), and even the best of those to himself (meant transforming the image such conversion fumes Bylana on Vitya Belana, Potap - in Arcadia Laykyna etc..). Ward (ie, the best start) unexpectedly defeated not someone jumped and soloist of the duet Stas Tea For Two Kostyushkyn solo project A - Dessa and urban hit Faya no vayfaya. Check out obviously not sober. Winning song Stas sang plugged belt of Tarzan - almost without clothes, sexy sport moving, though not very young (for a better start) 2012 oscar body. Sex selection was one that has nothing to do with the actual topic of sexual orientation today and identity meant the dance floor. Mitya Fomin ahead, Vintage, Catwalk and even Paul Will, won the women's face renewed Disco Crash of legs hit.
Ironic category created an atmosphere of celebration, and the audience waited ads protagonists. 2012 oscar Nikolay Baskov vain swearing 2012 oscar and obzyvav Potap guest workers in tvyttah, being displaced this year with leading 2012 oscar positions. As a result, he got one of the central laurels - Artist of the year. Losing the lead role in this background 2012 oscar looked small personal 2012 oscar trouble. Singer was expected was named Pauline Gagarin bentezhylasya it, said that it did not expect such a result and feels like Halle Berry at the Oscars. She applauded long and hard, but fun driving poskabreznychaly on bone Meladze, meaning no-name producer and composer, and haggard (skin and bones) actress. The ceremony brought convincing 2012 oscar coming family contracts famous brothers. Suddenly Singer became Meladze and hall while chanting Leps, Leps !. But Leps given by the London duo of ÂÊ and better

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