Friday, September 5, 2014

Do not forget Oscar - movies, Oscar award ceremony - TV. They are, though similar, but different. B

Oscar begins and ends on a red kylymiArt news | Art News
Konstantin Stanislavsky, referring to the cloakroom and harderobnyts katy perry grammy performance MAT, said that the theater begins with a hanger. Oscar ceremony distribution katy perry grammy performance begins and ends on the red carpet, which spread in front of it to show. For it streams celebrity - Hollywood and others. Secular reporters intercept them and put them stupid question, and multimillion audience examines the meantime their toilets - dresses, shoes, jewelry.
Do not forget Oscar - movies, Oscar award ceremony - TV. They are, though similar, but different. Broke away from red carpet ceremony is boring for most viewers, except close to interested individuals and companies, moviegoers katy perry grammy performance and fans of gambling bet. Comedy columnist Dean Obeydala writes that Oscar did not make any difference. Even their rulers take gilded statues only as a paperweight. Olden Dean says that Oscar has lost its luster as televydovysche as a cash register katy perry grammy performance and a factor of influence on life. Statistics show its pessimism. In 2000, 47% of Americans watched the Oscars. katy perry grammy performance In 2012 - only 34%. Even Grammy awards ceremony attracted a large audience.
One reason for the decline of interest in Oscar leveling factor in the accident. Oscar is preceded by a platoon of other show awards - Golden Globe Screen Actors Guild, Guild of Film Directors, Producers Guild and so on. When the wave dokochuyetsya finally to the Oscars, it has zhevano-perezhevano. Instead, the final chord comes zilch. The healing properties of Oscar also weaken. Oscar-winning film The Hurt Locker assembled in America only $ 17 million. (Heath starts at $ 100 million). Another actor oskaronosets offered $ 45 million. It turns out that winning the Golden Globe profytsytna more. Oscar gives their owners an extra boost of $ 3 million. Average, the Golden Globes - $ 14 million.
Organizers Oscar ceremonies are powerless. Maybe they should have thought about how to move these ceremonies from the end to the beginning of the parade guilds, when interest in the distribution of awards yet prytupyvsya and intrigue have not exhausted?
To visually Oscar lehkotravnishymy directors of this show have tried to fill it muzykoy-songs and dances. To potalanyty both young and old were mobilized and Adele, and. Barbara Streisand! This will be her first appearance at the Oscars in 1977. Barbara is 70 years old. According to the magazine Neyshnl ynkuayrer to acquire proper form, she spent about a million dollars, knocking a team of trainers and nutritionists. Streisand established in the territory of his estate in California Malybu-art gym, a studio for singing, and a meditation. Designers gave her the choice of their toilets masterpieces. Streisand even for this case violated his commandment - No plastic surgery! katy perry grammy performance She flew to New York, where fairy - Dr. Patricia Wexler made her transplantation of fat cells a person. For that, she transplanted cells from these same priests per person. Dyzaynersha Donna Karen sewed her some dresses kutyurnyh price of 100 thousand dollars. And, of course, yoga.
Oscar fully presented their fate television. Unconditional surrender led to the fact that the owner shows his ceremonies appointed 39-year-old Seth MacFarlane, the author of the most popular television katy perry grammy performance series katy perry grammy performance Family Guy, which brings billions in profits. Seth generously katy perry grammy performance agreed, although his arms three animated shows on TV, Seth not only konferuvatyme katy perry grammy performance Oscar, entertaining the audience with jokes-jokes, but also sing and dance. That's why when he contracted influenza katy perry grammy performance in Hollywood panic. What happened to my fakynh voice? I'm in a panic! - Tvyttyroval Seth. But American medicine was on top. Carried!
No surprises from the current 85th Oscar ceremony not wait. I mean surprises such as speech katy perry grammy performance Jane Fonda against the Vietnam War or Redgrave to protect the Palestinians, or somersault Marlon Brando, who sent in his place to receive Oscar Indian activist beauty Sasha Lyttlfeter katy perry grammy performance (little feather). Rather not receive an Oscar, and abandon it. So when one of Bondov James - Roger Moore dragged her statuette, she took her hands. Written Brando Sasha speech failed to deliver. Producer ceremony Houvard Koch previously threatened to arrest her if she delayed on stage more than a minute. Brando, who was awarded an Oscar for her role in Don Karleone godfather, recanted in protest at how Hollywood portrays in the film American Indians.
Most boring ceremonies in oskarivskyh this blahodarstvennaya tyahomotyna winners. But with it you can pull something interesting. Not with itself and with its statistics. Here are the results of calculations made by Rebecca Rolf Institute of Technology in Atlanta. After examining 200 Owned conversation

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