Sunday, September 14, 2014

Willy Kessels. Adagp, Paris / RW. Self Portrait, 1932 Working acquired Yves Rocher collection for

Rush Hour Multimedia Art MuzeyaArt news | Art News
Multimedia Art Museum, it seems the number of visitors will be surprised. The opening of several exhibitions for the evening - rate the existence of exhibition space. But that zigzag lines seeking and suffering stretched between two wardrobes working almost to the entrance of the building - this is perhaps not yet. Still, on one floor - Paris Centre Pompidou in Paris This exhibition! Modernism in photography, on the other - selected photos of the photographer Mikhail Rozanov academy award nominees 2011 Moscow - the third prominent German photographer August Sander twentieth century with portraits, landscape and architectural pictures taken in different parts of Germany.
Willy Kessels. Adagp, Paris / RW. Self Portrait, 1932 Working acquired Yves Rocher collection for Christian BukRA Cent Pompidou, Centre Pompidou 2011 Collection, Paris. National Museum of Modern Art - Centre of Industrial Creativity (mamm -
Opening any exhibition is always associated with risk experience academy award nominees 2011 the charm of the evening rush hour - though as a car - feet and the road - exhibition halls and stairs. Fat gentlemen - Hummers, ladies in dresses to the floor - the Volkswagen Beetle. academy award nominees 2011 Speaking of Germany. If it does get to the fifth floor of the museum, we encounter face to face with August Sander, more persons with whom he recorded academy award nominees 2011 their images.
By their nature, photo - a documentary academy award nominees 2011 art - thought academy award nominees 2011 August Sander. His exhibition - about 150 photos. Such Germany XX century. in the people. Of course, with people shots are present and architectural ensemble of the scenery, but it was pictures of people in such different occupations, education and material well-being, attracts the views of the participants. And in each of the guests set their internal dialogue with the hero photos.
What seem to be inconspicuous from a distance and strict black and white pictures academy award nominees 2011 closely transformed into interesting, and most importantly, a visual guide to the German society of the XX century. Zander did not cut public along and across - only one in these pictures there. I get the impression that this is not staged shots. Farmers, boxers, confectioner, mason, plumber, academy award nominees 2011 revolutionaries, intellectuals of the proletariat & Office sluzhbovka, broker, student, professor, musicians, grocer, lawyer tsyhany.hipnotyzer! And it is - only part of the works.
His pictures Zander built so that the viewer does not arise any question of the ownership rights to a particular environment. So tablets with a small description next to each photo only add small details to the image formed. Here, young farmers, an old farmer, but - farmer on his way to church, farm child, mother and child - farmers. What spodviglo Sander to create a series People of the twentieth century? In 1927, photographer answering this question wrote: See, observe and think. Indeed, looking at the photos, you begin to spontaneously think about the fate of these people. And who is this man? Maybe the girl next door image - his daughter? So, do not write an encyclopedia photos past and yourself.
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