Saturday, September 6, 2014

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We went yesterday in Cannes (Cannes or as comma) and Mougins. From Nice to Cannes - about 30 km. To save, went by bus. Total for 1 euro. But good people when you are not yizdte more bus Nice-Cannes. For those 30 miles he traveled almost two hours, winds mercilessly by all possible streets and hills zahytuye golden globes red carpet stops at 59 (!) Stops. But because golden globes red carpet the driver has to stay on schedule to each, it is for each and, although long bus naphom naphpnyy people and other tourists, and the driver, opening the door, crying out, "utility!" ("Complet!"), That the local naryechii means "myestov nyet." Back rode the train - for 5.80 euro, but along the same coast and three or four times faster (and this despite the fact that high-speed train stopped at the local heap "Kar.Dachi." But it is, sorry for the digression. Kanna From we immediately went to the village of Mougins, that just 5 km prytulylosya on the hillside. And there we still find the old homestead of the first Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Vynnychenka - although we had to wait an hour until arrive to work its current owner Monsieur Alain Motyu (without His wife refused to let the territory)). But Monsieur tour had seen enough golden globes red carpet and beauty - just gorgeous was so worth waiting. Photos and story - soon. On the way back stayed in Cannes. Great, of course. Small - 70 thousand people - a town on the beach without any special showing off. If Nice - something like a reduced Yalta, the Cannes - kind of like Alushta :))) Although the charm, of course, another all starovynnishe. Kahn was known only from 1834, when there on the road to Italy stopped Brehhem English lord. In Italy rage cholera, then, of course, the Lord decided to hang in such a quiet fishing village, built a house, planted child grown tree (or vice versa?). In short, after Brehhema here reached other English and continental nobility, and then to the Cannes Film Festival with his Sharon Stone and David Lynch it came. And we came to the same ladder, which is the day before yesterday - Sunday - scurried superpuper stars, shuffling down the red carpet, becoming entangled in the shroud of expensive dresses and lyblyachys lenses in hundreds of photographers. Now red carpet stairs zidraly already, but on the parapet of his pieces still remain. But what kind of offers are not the stars, and the stars. As you can see, Cannes Film Festival (in 2009 - already 62) - that is glossy picture only for TV and pictures staircases golden globes red carpet stars from the so-called Palais des Festivals see houses like Alushta, and even construction cranes. Then - just pictures with captions. These are the doors, which come stars propovzshy stairs. This is Leo, which is the stairs, which two days ago went to Penelope Cruz, Brad Pitt and co. This luxury red tails track. This Dmitry here, prymiryayetsya to messy Spiderman. It's so clean festival pavilion on the waterfront. It was here Ukrainian Pavilion - tent 3x3 feet, as evidenced by the poster. Around the Palais des Festivals - alley with handprints of many stars of different years. Ohevuah, Festival. At Cannes in the afternoon we also got to rain. Square in front of the station. On the Croisette promenade. Pigeons in the fountain. Walking with dogs here need to take packages golden globes red carpet to make them shit, and then take the bags of shit in the bottom drawer. Beach near the Croisette promenade. Free. French - terribly undisciplined people. And the red light rod everywhere, and here are jumping. In the city. Here navisniyut developers. View of the port. About The local milyonerski yacht will separate great post.
May 27, 2009 17:36 (UTC)
Today, sitting on the beach in Nice - well pure Crimea! Pebbles, towel spread out on it, a lot of people ... Even the smell of the sea is the same (in Egypt, for example, the sea smells a little different). That's just beautiful and port houses. A beach-promenade-sea - one to one)
Once just wanted to say the same thing :)) Les - a real goddess, I would have died, honestly (oh, rubs Tallinn to buy sandals, because at 14:02 finally learned that I was going :)) really liked the "phone booth", statues and Les East (bottom view) :))) balls for dogs are the same as in Prague
and these balls I have seen somewhere, but do not remember golden globes red carpet where ... either in Germany or in Spain ... ahhh, I'm waiting for July :)) 19th in Tallinn our meeting golden globes red carpet :)) but in general all other days I will be in Tartu and Riga through 25 home :))
And I was just walking golden globes red carpet with high heels can not))) Deliberately choose "hodilne" shoes is that platform (for separate heel - it is very inconvenient for wandering) and not too high, but still noticeable. Otherwise calf very tender. And I generally saved sandals - I ballet flats (on the platform, yeah) so feet naterla that last day in Paris was weak on one leg. That did not stop us to pass a dozen kilometers)) And in Nice guessed shod sandals golden globes red carpet and felt like a man)
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"1 + 1" aka Sodom + Gomorrah)) "Eurovision" "Arsenal" "Liverpool &

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