Tuesday, March 31, 2015

1984 ' '. . 2008 MGM ( ) . ,

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You said in an interview that one of the best films influenced the screenplay was

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"Weekend" (Weekend) is one of the most beautiful films of the British Film Festival next approaching to offer, and generally one of the biggest surprises of the year. This is a little story particularly moving relationship between Russell grammys best dressed and Glen, two British guys, for one weekend.
"Weekend", which was shot for 17 days in Nottingham quite meager budget, grammys best dressed premiered at South-By-Southwest (SXSW) grammys best dressed and then refused to slow down. He won two awards British Independent Film Awards, discovery (Actor Tom Cullen) and "hhisg producing the best "and became one of 2011, Ehud criticism.
"For Mmhthlh I knew I wanted grammys best dressed actors celebrities," said Hai, "I wanted the film to be as much as sincere and authentic, so casting is true of players was essential to that. I did not want them to be identified, I wanted the viewer to feel that they are real people, not actors performing them. casting process was quite long and we saw about 50 players. "
"I tried to do the auditions in pairs and usually get them to improvise around the script. I think this is a great way to get to know the player and his abilities.'ve First time I saw Tom and Chris together was something special between them, the kind of excitement that I knew right away that will translate into chemistry on screen."
"We had a week of rehearsals and during that time also moved together on the script. We talked about him, we changed grammys best dressed and processed it. That's what made him start living. Was no improvisation even in rehearsals and filming themselves. I think that for a story like" Weekend "It is necessary to have its degree of spontaneity, excitement, and improvisations can get it. In addition, the possibility to give the player change and process gives him the ability to accommodate and live the character. "
"I think that the work on these pix made me find my way and the films I want to do. I'm interested in little stories, and great drama that moves the plot. Always surprised at how photographic grammys best dressed coverage has major productions and how emotional changes actually built in the editing room. Somehow the movie My reaction to this work method. I wanted to see the emotional changes take place in front of me in one shot. I did not want to build it in the editing room. "
"I come from the world editing and so it seemed natural grammys best dressed to me. In addition, the last thing I wanted to see the film cleanly, with new eyes - Although it does get you down sometimes. For me, writing, directing and editing are all the same - they are the discovery and understanding of the story. I love being the center of all these steps. "
You said in an interview that one of the best films influenced the screenplay was "Bloody Sunday" (Sunday Bloody Sunday, a wonderful movie of John Schlesinger from 1971). What influenced your film editing phase of the film, in terms of some and the development of the story?
"I think a lot of American movies inspired me. The films are called" neo-realist ": Ramin hernia (" Goodbye Solo "), Kelly Reichhardt (" Wendy and Lucy "," Meek's Cutoff grammys best dressed "). I like to keep things simple and honest, concentrate what matters. "
About the scene brilliant in Glen and Russell talk about the art of gay and lesbian (and in fact actually talking about a "weekend" itself), were you surprised to embrace the film received the audience straight and criticism in general, grammys best dressed and whether somewhere Since the movie is proud that even straight people will be easy to connect to it?
"To be honest, I was very surprised at the reactions although in truth I always hoped that the film will settle well with a wide audience as much as possible. Criticism that the movie had was much better than we ever expected to happen and still quite difficult for me to believe that it happened!"

Monday, March 30, 2015

So I continue to go on websites of foreign film academies to search academy awards stream for inter

So I continue to go on websites of foreign film academies to search academy awards stream for interesting movies and intriguing nominations lists. A few days ago, when I reviewed the list of nominations of the Swedish Academy, I also went on the Danish Academy's official. It said: January 26, 2014. I thought, well, we'll wait until January 26th for publication nominations. But I was wrong. I went through a Web page that day again. And pressed a button where I discovered my mistake: this is not release date for nominations. This Date ceremony itself. The nominations have been published recently. (Well, what do you want from me ?! I do not understand the Danish ...) So I set to work. And here is an overview of the films that fill the list of nominations academy awards stream of the Danish Academy academy awards stream of Film 2014: First distinguishing one: "nymphomaniac", the film is so expected of Lars von Trier, academy awards stream probably was released in Denmark after the deadline of the Academy, so it is not included in the list of nominations this year. Apparently this is a case similar to what happened last year with "hunted" by Thomas Vinterberg. academy awards stream Indeed, "hunted" academy awards stream Funk Year by the Academy of Denmark, academy awards stream and is the candidate with the number of nominations academy awards stream largest, 14: Movie Award, and Director (Vinterberg), screenplay, actor (Meds Miklsn), Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress (two players from this film competing for this award), Best Art Direction, photography, costumes, academy awards stream makeup, academy awards stream editing, sound, and music. Diagnosis second: Unlike as nominations for the prize of Sweden, with the neighbor south of the selection much smaller. The films that candidates play a very small number of films. In fact, Even "Only God forgives" the problem of Nicolas Winding Refn managed to collect his lap 6 nominations: Director (Winding Refn), Actress (Kristin Scott Thomas), Best Art Direction, photography, sound, and music. diagnosis Third - Annette K. Olsen, director Danish Fine, who visited Israel with Her previous ("little soldier", an excellent film which was screened at the Haifa) directed this year a new movie. The trailer intriguing proves Olsen only makes ambitious more and more with each movie. trailer you will also see the actress permanent Olsen, Trina Dirhulm (already familiar to viewers in Israel with her performances Only Love "by academy awards stream Susanne Bier and royal Story" academy awards stream by Nicholas Marcel) and Nicholas Lee Cass ("idiots"). Still, this intriguing film is mentioned academy awards stream only once in the list of nominations - Effects category. Disappointment. Fourth diagnosis - another disappointment. Soren cold-Iakovsn academy awards stream directed the late '90s film Highly around the world (and was also screened in Israel). A movie called "Mifune's Last Song". Since it is pretty much gone for me. This year he directed a new film called "Linex time" (I'm guessing this is that Links - a wild cat, but can also be a different interpretation). The story is about a female priest obvious by taking academy awards stream care of Lisbeth help her treatment of a young man who wishes to commit suicide. The guy, who the murder of an elderly academy awards stream couple, argues that it was God Himself who speaks to him. The priest comes to see him. And the film is what develops from there. The fact Trailer intriguing, but "Linex time" just nominated for 2 awards Robert: Actress and Supporting Actress. So who still candidates? After "hunted", these films lead the list of candidates of the Danish Academy of Robert prize: a woman in a cage - Michael Noragard (outside Denmark The film is also known as "Keeper of Lost Hopes") Truth trailer suggests something special. But even if it's academy awards stream "only" a fine well-made thriller, it's something, is not it?
Trailer pretty academy awards stream much tells it all - a fallen cop (Nicholas me Cass, "idiots") is transmitted by person responsible for him (Soren Philmrk, "Kingdom") department coordinates investigations academy awards stream 'cold', those lying archives for several years and still no hope Lapitzohn . And he, in conjunction Assad, assistant Muslim in his (Fares Fares, from the film The Swedish "Yalla Yalla") begin to explore and discover new things. until, probably, they discover the woman disappears, everyone thought she committed suicide, locked in a box. That's what the trailer number. This is what looks like an entertaining thriller that might be very enjoyable academy awards stream to watch. the script, by the way, signed Marcel Nicolai, who also adapted the screenplay the book "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", and he also directed "royal story." "A woman in a cage" candidate to 14 Percy Robert: Film, Director, Screenplay (Marcel), actor (I CASS), actress (Sonja academy awards stream Richter, "open academy awards stream Loves" by Suzanne Bier), Supporting Actor (Fares Fares), Best Art Direction, photography, costumes, makeup, editing , sound, music, and effects. Sfis and Galistrof academy awards stream - Christopher Bo (outside Denmark film is also known as "sex, drugs, and taxes") tradition of American movies studying the iconic characters who led the flower children of the '60s, and the culture of sex and drugs of the time , a similar film also comes from Denmark. Based on true events, the film tells the story of the partnership strange between Simon Sfis (played by Philo Asbk, lead actor winner the main prize of Robert last year, "kidnapping at sea"), a playboy millionaire whose life spree sex and drugs never-ending, and Mogens Galistrof, Attorney serving the capitalist system. academy awards stream The clash between the inherent conservatism of the lawyer and the absolute freedom and everything that's extrovert playboy changed both, and even led to the establishment of the first cheap airline of Denmark, and change the whole system of taxation of Danish government in the 60s. This is all well and good, but what about the film itself? The trailer, pointing, apparently, the film will interest mostly people are discussing (and only people of a certain age). On the other hand, similar American movies (say, "On the Road" last year) not really stimulated my curiosity. But there is no denying the spectacular design and photography of this film, and the special Danish humor. So that perhaps academy awards stream there is something in this film. "Sfis academy awards stream and Galistrof" nominated for 13 awards academy awards stream Robert: film, screenplay, actor (

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The series takes place in London and follows the characters are part of the municipal police, and a

February 2015 series of channels Yes - Coffee + TV
With undercover, the Palestinian street viewer assimilated to win, but when you wear the enemy's skin, permeates even understanding it just like you - love, hate, dreams, right and wrong.
Except for specific attacks polar bear, Fortitiod is a quiet town, but the place was considered so far trust on earth shaken by violent murder, and what initially appears a disturbing 2011 academy award winners murder investigation becomes a scary time for something more, something that threatens the future of the entire town. Rivalries, insecurities and betrayals are revealed when the pressure of mounting and reveals the harsh truth. And Cshhsch harsh Arctic becomes endless summer nights, the ideal community of Fortitiod struggling to understand the murderous horror taking place within 2011 academy award winners her.
Stanley Tucci is first British series, and embodies the senior detective Morton, who comes to town to accompany the local police chief (Richard Dorner, 2011 academy award winners "Game of Thrones"), leading to the investigation. British scientist Professor Stodart (Christopher Eccleston, "Doctor Who", "rest"), director of the Department of Biology of the Arctic and the research center. Danish The Killing star, Sophie 2011 academy award winners Grbol plays the mayor, and Michael Gambon ("Harry Potter") will appear in the role Henry Tyson, landscape 2011 academy award winners photographer, dying. 2011 academy award winners
"Trust Your Soul" is a series of hit-year-old Emmy winner "Breaking Bad", and it returns to the screen the lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), and will trace story of Saul in the years before "Breaking Bad". Series Oh yes canal in adjacent 2011 academy award winners broadcast in the United 2011 academy award winners States.
The series takes place six years before Saul Goodman - played by Bob Odenkirk - became his attorney Walter White blockbuster lines ". When we meet him for the first time, the man who would later become known Saul Goodman, widely recognized like Jimmy McGill, a junior lawyer seeking his way, and do anything to survive. Jimmy's side, working H"fixr "Mike 2011 academy award winners Ehrmantraut, played by Jonathan Banks, who returns to the role played by private investigator blockbuster lines," one of the most beloved characters on fans of the series. The series, which is defined as drama, comedy, by sketching his journey from Jimmy G minor, criminal lawyer criminal lover. Among the other players also star at the series was one of my favorite comic actor and graduate of the "Strdii Night Live" Michael Qian ("This Is Spinal Tap") as Chuck's brother Saul.
The series was created by Vince Gilligan, creator of "Breaking Bad" and by the producer of "Breaking Bad" Peter Gould, will also serve as joint Ooranrim series. Giligan also directed her first episode. Even before the air, the series has been renewed a second pre-season.
"Babylon" is a comedy-drama sharp and witty that allows an ironic look at the people and politics in the London police force. Starring James Nesbitt ("absent", "cold feet"), and Brit Marling ("Prometheus").
The series takes place in London and follows the characters are part of the municipal police, and are divided into two main groups: the police 2011 academy award winners officers who respond to calls by residents and caregivers crimes, led by Police Chief Richard Miller (Nesbitt), and members of the Department spokesperson and public relations, that care protocols and extensive information accompanying the events 2011 academy award winners various, led by Liz Garvey (Merling), new media director of the police. The heads of the two departments, 2011 academy award winners trying very hard to work together, but bumping different perspectives, and subordinates and employees nonentities, makes things escalate, not one.
Spacey plays Frank Underwood, an ambitious politician and ruthless in Washington, who will stop at nothing and stoop to conquer the summit. Last season, Frank and his wife Clare (Robin Wright) and his faithful assistant Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly), who died at the end of the season, left the campaign to topple the incumbent by all possible means, manipulation, spin, and murder, and God help those who got in their way. The season ended when the president was forced to resign, and his deputy, 2011 academy award winners Frank Underwood, who brought his resignation, he was appointed president in his stead.
Now, the president in office, what is about to Frank? Rumors can be understood by shrapnel from the season will deal with the relationship between the US and Russia, and a Russian character, defined Wonderful "join the series, along with a mysterious figure of the doctor, which is defined as homo very smart." He also hinted that his term of Underwood will face difficulties many, and nothing is fixed forever.
Little is known about the second part of the season, but the creators and producers talk about the death of a daughter, at the end of the first part of the season, will affect profoundly and dramatic for all survivors mourners, especially given the long rescue operation, and nearly succeeded. Another hint creators, who are over the painful events expected 2011 academy award winners to Rick Grimes, Doyle Dixon and other survivors, in the following chapters. "They are tested and they are pushed into a corner, and it's still not the end."
At the end of the summer season, Lewis discovered Mike's deception regarding his studies at Harvard, and threatened that if Jessica will not get it back to work and will appoint him a partner in the company name, he will reveal Mike, and her and Harvey knew and continued to employ him. The significance 2011 academy award winners of the discovery will damage the relationship between Jessica and Malone, he had tried to convince Jessica Lewis did not fire, but she did not hear his advice.
At the end of last season, Patrick Jane confessed his love to Lisbon and she admitted that she loves him. At the entrance to the new season, the two agree to keep secret their relationship, from their friends at work, but soon their secret was revealed. The CBI team investigating joins a new, young, ambitious, a former soldier, named Michelle Vega (Josie Loren) manages to spin fast enough Adler's head.
During the season, the agents investigate the murder of an undercover agent, posing as a prisoner in Lisbon and will enter the prison to convince another inmate offender betray 2011 academy award winners her spouse, Jane and Lisbon will travel to Beirut and meet the lovely Erica Feliu (Morena radiation, "

Saturday, March 28, 2015

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The truth is that I came up in arms in advance movie. Ready to kill. Eran Riklis I am a fan, and I think that when we built in shape is one of the best cinematic. But I think through lost. The fame he bought movies Israeli Hebrew-speaking, who deal Israeli issues. And now, it has been a second film which is selling himself the Hollywood machine. He is trying to make it big out there. The first attempt was a failed attempt. "Playoff" penelope cruz oscars was the subject of an Israeli film with actors Hotzlartzim who spoke English and was the least good film career. But here he gets on his horse again, several Israeli story with a British production Hollywood actor. And again ... wait a minute. This time it's not so bad. Although this film is problematic, but is much better M"flieof ". First, Haotntiot: There is a very great rigor language. We've seen Hollywood: American films Germans speak English. penelope cruz oscars And Turks. And the Arabs (with strangers, and among them). They have to sell the film, so they all speak English. Not here. No You stay alive. " By Eran Riklis, his new film, most of the film speaks Arabic and English, and there are also some Hebrew (especially when something happens that is not good Israeli soldier, so he lets out a curse. Usually this "bastard" or "fuck". Oh, wait. "Cup Esq "It Arabic). Eran Riklis made sure this time I believe what happens in the movie have been his choice to stick to the correct spoken language. In addition, this time seeing the money on the screen. Eran Riklis time staff with Danish photographer Dan Laustsn (known penelope cruz oscars mainly as a photographer of horror penelope cruz oscars and action). And the photographer is doing a magnificent job here in the movie. First he shoots penelope cruz oscars most of the movie in blue. Something yellow but faded. Something that receives sunlight, but dulls it, makes it less glamorous. penelope cruz oscars Mediterranean sun usually brings me Summer associations, happy. Laustsn my painting our solar colors darker, more melancholic. And secondly, Laustsn move the camera a lot, in many situations loads of energy.
A Palestinian child, an Israeli soldier. If only the film was loaded as dramatic as this picture. And third, this time the main actor choice justifies itself. I do think that Riklis could have chosen an Israeli actor who does a good job at least as Stephen Dorff, but I think Dorff does a very good job here. His name was also mentioned in the credits as one of the producers of the film, so I think he was a lot more player for rent. I felt that he had invested his heart and soul in this project. He did say only a few words in Hebrew, but it is evident that he has worked with so-called Dialogue coach, and his Israeli accent sounds perfect. penelope cruz oscars And his physical reactions, with his face, everything proves that the man brings himself to this project, and is certainly present in it affects him. But all here to serve the script, which is, shall we say gently, problematic. It starts with the film even begin from the side of the child. Of Palestinians. It's a bit arrogant to me on the part of Israeli director penelope cruz oscars to tell the Palestinian story. But say I'm going with this. There is something very superficial in this film. Superficial description of the relationships between the characters, so many things are taken for granted, but it is not so, and therefore does not touch the film emotionally. Brief scene between father and son at first is not enough to give the emotional background of what happens right after that, so I do not inserted enough below the child's skin to experience what happens to him. The same thing happens with the feeling of rejection of the Palestinians in Lebanon. How many times in the movie tell them: "Go home", penelope cruz oscars "Go back to Palestine" and all sorts of curses such, but that is the specifications. No screenwriter mechanism to explain the feeling of a child who has no place to go except back to Israel his ancestors. penelope cruz oscars No construction of private situations to explain the rules. All the air. Such as the screenwriter choice to place the child as Shatila refugee camp. Yes, this place. Every Israeli should know what this place means. Even those who have not seen the Israeli "Waltz penelope cruz oscars with Bashir" (which is pretty much) should have a dim idea about what happened there. But the script would not use this figure. Perhaps the child has to go back there at the end and be a victim of that massacre. His grandfather may have to be sacrificed. Maybe they will escape at the last minute. None of it was in the movie. So why take the decision to begin this screenplay? Moreover, penelope cruz oscars at some point during the journey of this child soldier and they reach a kind of fairground abandoned. That's when I felt the film script logic districts abandoned and left to surrealism. But nothing directing or game does not support it, and this scene remains penelope cruz oscars puzzling and disruptive flow of the film. Somewhere at the end becomes clear statement by Eran Riklis. The thought that the people of these two nations injured (Israelis and Palestinians) really want and can make peace, but those are the leaders of these two nations prevent it. Erect the fences hate these (and the end of this film creates longing another movie, better Riklis' The Syrian Bride "). But because this film indeed very beautiful to the eye, and impressive, but there is no emotional support to the story, there is no validity to saying that, and it remains as a project indeed invested a lot of effort, but in the end it is also vague and insignificant. Not a bad movie, just not good enough. Not with this film Riklis conquer Hollywood. PS "Stay alive"? Really? About getting a movie you might even think you entered the wrong movie. Opening titles appear at the beginning, with the original name "Zeitoun" (Hebrew, Arabic, and English). Someone penelope cruz oscars decided to try to mislead the public, and make him think that this is an American film, because they change the names on the left and right. Public a little more intelligent than that. Ethan Weitz follow in Twitter, or contact me by email: Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il penelope cruz oscars
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Friday, March 27, 2015

8. Queen Esther, best political documentaries 1948 directed by John Coyle with Kroger like Esther A

Queen Esther best political documentaries movie star (and Mordecai, King Ahasuerus and Haman) | Multi universe of Eli Eshed
, According to the Book of Esther, at least, probably in the fifth century (maybe fourth?) BC nice Jewish girl named Esther who married King Ahasuerus Award (Xerxes?) And became an advocate for her and be rescued first genocide history (but certainly not the last). The legendary story probably become one of the most popular stories of the Bible.
Story dramatized the most out of it every year in "Purim Spiel" Purim Various Israeli communities all Purim Esther, Mordecai and Ahasuerus and Haman and their associates become the character Biblical best known masses of the people of Israel in exile .aoli because the likes of whom were Jewish and non-Jewish communities in the Diaspora and the situation presented in the name of Jews scattered world data and their sudden persecution save themselves with elaborate ruses Stdlnoiot and were familiar with the situation presented in much the rest of Hebrews Bibles militant proud kingdom in Israel. And our time in the 20th century and early 21st century story of the Book of Esther became one of the biblical stories Hmosrtim most.
Purim Below is a list of film adaptations and various debates Book of Esther made abroad and in the country. As part of the third series on the cinematic best political documentaries adventures of heroes holidays already includes articles on Passover hero Moses cinema and Hanukkah hero Judah Maccabee film is not complete course list and does not include various local television adaptations made to the story scroll shows like "This Is It" and many others on the occasion of the various Purim festivals over the years.
2. Marriage of Esther .1910..beim Louis Floliad was released on 11 June 1910 a continuation of the previous film with the same players 3. Esther and Mordechai 0.1910. A silent film made in France by the company Gaumont. Directed by Luis Faoliad (.hukrn on June 18, 1910 Part III series continuation of previous films with the same players. The director was published as a director suspense films since "Fantomas". best political documentaries
Esther and Ahasuerus Mordecai returned again two years later. 5. Esther 0.1913. best political documentaries French silent film was produced by Henry Andriani. best political documentaries . 6. Esther 1916 Beiim Maurice Eloy 7. 1916 People's Esther Esther story takes place in modern times names of the characters changed to suit them more present in the early twentieth century, but the story is exactly the same. King James the rich owner of a hat factory married to a shrew. His factory manager Hammond hated by other employees because of his wickedness while another employee Morden favorite of all and therefore hated by Hammond. Morden takes the Ahinito best political documentaries beautiful best political documentaries niece Esther David home after her father's death. It adapts well to the new circumstances and the fact that from now on it actually worked in a factory. When the king saw her working in his factory is falling for her .But Bahamonde evil has plans for her own. Until he gets a letter best political documentaries that Esther King sends different work problems at the factory best political documentaries and his villainy acts against workers and against the owner. . Hammond is now planning to burn the factory and hide exploits for all but Esther heard about the plot and warned the King .king saves the plant grows on Hammond and returns to work all the workers that Peter Hammond .bdiok then wife wicked dead and releases the King to announce that Esther will be his new wife.
8. Queen Esther, best political documentaries 1948 directed by John Coyle with Kroger like Esther Attila Richard Lord Richard Haman as Mordechai Edison and Charles best political documentaries Evans Csrks king Ahasuerus. This is a black and white 50-minute film designed specifically for distribution to house churches begins precisely in modern Jewish Purim when the family reads the Book of Esther. Then the film goes to the days of the Bible and tells the story of how a Jewish best political documentaries slave girl Esther was chosen to carry the Persian king Xerxes is Ahasuerus and how struggled to save its people from oppression .bshia Esther appears not invited to the king, asking for mercy for her people and tells King of fraud .ctotzah Xerxes gifted with the Jews and above the rank of Chief Minister Mordechai .ventiim Haman was hanged on the tree he built especially for Mordecai. The film was made especially best political documentaries for distribution in churches This is a very accurate description of the plot and very religious.
9. Esther and the King. 1960 directed by Mario Baba with Raoul Walsh produced .With John Collins in the role of Esther, Ahasuerus role Richard Basin Production is Italian best political documentaries American. Probably the best-known film version (relatively very least) of the scroll, at least until recent years. .
Enough, but it was no different best political documentaries from most films made at the time the Bible. The actress sexy Go'hn Collins (for better or worse remembered years later role in the series "Dynasty" evil woman) was elected Esther justified but ambitious stumbled pairing with Ahsrosh just before She married her fiance's favorite Egyptian soldier who returned his wars of Ahasuerus. It is taken from the pageant, which will be selected Hhdsh.oshm Award winner Queen's best political documentaries affection chief eunuch helps her win the contest, best political documentaries and the winner gets married Ahasuerus's affections with her after he discovered that his wife was not faithful to him .hnara try then to use influence to stop the repression of its people best political documentaries and dealing with palace intrigue and various Harmon and attempted murder. And the film culminates in the Jews of Persia and Haman's troops.
Richard Egan clearly visible bored king of Persia,. The film is frustrated by court intrigue and the Greeks irritating ("I'll cut the Alexander before grow" he murmurs threat and Fitness prophecy shows that since Alexander the Great born only in more than a century). Daniela part of the job so much the queen and two (insignificant figure biblical story) makes an interesting figure treacherous and evil female best political documentaries moral contrast required to Esther justified if it could be argued that the job was actually much more suitable Collins. The film stays more or less faithful to the plot line of the Charter but added a lot of his own, trying to strengthen some of the motives of the

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This is the ninth year is held in Hong Kong, Entertainment Expo - a huge umbrella latin billboard awards 9 time coordinating large events regarding the world of film, television, music and digital media entertainment, from 18th March to 13th April. latin billboard awards Among the noteworthy events, you can specify the International Film Festival in Hong Kong (which latin billboard awards began on March 17 and will continue until April 2), which includes Israeli representation with the films "fill the gap" level Burstein and Youth "by the end of the trail; And the Asian Film Awards (Asian Film Awards), held its seventh year, at the Convention Center and Exhibition Hong Kong. The ceremony was held on March 18 and included candidates from China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Afghanistan. The jury was Chinese star Andy Lau (who starred To date about 150 films, including "House of Flying Daggers" by Zhang Yimou, as we will soon see him in the lead role in his new film Johnny O, "a blind detective", seems completely worth) . The big winner at the Asian Film Awards 2013 is a Mystery - drama which tells scams and lies in marriage - it's Chinese director Ye. "Mystery", beat the four other candidates in the category of Best Film, emerge as scattered quite violent with: Drug War Johnny O (China), Gangs of Wasseypur, crime saga of two sections with a total length of 320 minutes of Anorag Kashiaf (India ), Outrage Beyond the Takeshi Kitano (Japan) and "Mercy" by Kim Ki-Doc (South latin billboard awards Korea). "Mystery" - took part in the Cannes Film Festival 2012 - was nominated for six awards ceremony and including also won the grand prize categories: Best Newcomer latin billboard awards (for actress Qi Shi) and Best Screenplay. By the way, in 2006, was arrested on Him ye make films for five years, after submitting Cannes drama with sex scenes explicit Summer Palace without the censorship, what does not prevent latin billboard awards him from view in Cannes 2009 Spring Fever excellent, a film in which forged a passionate affair and loaded between a man married to another man (he wrote at the time compilation movie reviews proud). Directing category, a veteran Japanese director Takeshi Kitano with his film Outrage Beyond, the directors: Abbas Kiarostami ("Like Someone in Love," Orlando cinema still projected TA), if ya ("Mystery"), Kim Ki-doc ("mercy latin billboard awards ") and Anorag latin billboard awards Kashiaf (Gangs of Wasseypur). A film by Kitano is actually a sequel Yakuza his from 2010, Outrage. Three prizes were awarded to a film by Iranian We congratulated Gubadi (who directed among others," no one has heard about Persian cats "and" Turtles Can Fly "), Rhino Season, for photography, design and special effects best. The film traces the poet Kurdish-Iranian goes free after 30 years in prison in Iran, looking for his wife who for many years thought that he is not alive. cut South Korean there was disappointment: Greece's latin billboard awards successful film Jong-between, Nameless Gangster, Milton corruption and the rise of organized crime in Korea of the 80s, came out empty handed though he was nominated for six awards; so is: blockbuster latin billboard awards The Thieves, the gang of robbers Ocean film version (4 nominations), "Mercy" (3 nominations), A Werewolf Boy, expected to appeal to all fans of teen films supernatural, Doomsday Book, science fiction and Soar Into The Sun (who won one nomination). One of the more intriguing films among the winners, is a Japanese film director Diihatz'i Yoshida, The Kirishima Thing. The film follows a group for a few days Schoolchildren, indeed won a single award for editing, but he picked an award for Best Picture at the Academy Awards 37th Japan. Let's hope this award at least he'll latin billboard awards call it awareness of local film festivals organizers, hoping to catch him in some funds in the country. The full list of candidates can be seen on the official website. The following list of winners, including trailers for all of the films: Best Film: Mystery (China) Best Director: Takeshi Kitano, Outrage Beyond (Japan) Best Actor: Eddie Garcia, Bwakaw (Philippines) Best Actress: Shot Honor, Thy Womb (Philippines) Best Newcomer: Qi Shi, Mystery (China) Best Supporting Actor: Nwazodin Sidicooi, Talaash: latin billboard awards The Answer Lies Within (India) Best Supporting Actress: and Otnava Akiko, Capturing Dad (Japan) Best Screenplay: May Fang, Yu Fan, Him ye, Mystery (China) Best Cinematography: Taurage Aslan, Rhino Season (Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkey) Best Design: Bahman Gubadi, Darius Piero, Rhino Season (Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkey) latin billboard awards best composer: Fritm Tz'akraborti, Barfi! (India) Best editor: Koskava Mototaka, The Kirishima Thing (Japan) Best special effects: Frbod Kostenat, Rhino Season (Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkey) latin billboard awards Best Costume Design: Man Lim Chung, The Silent War (China) Special Award: Michelle Yeoh Choo-Keng Asian cinema excellence (Malaysia) latin billboard awards Special Award: Lost in Thailand, latin billboard awards for the most profitable Asian film in 2012 (China)
March 20, 2013 at 23:35
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Thursday, March 26, 2015

What drew me to pay twice the Jerusalem Cinematheque on Friday and watch a movie An Education (tran

Anti-existentialist temptation of Hornby - Film Review | logic
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What drew me to pay twice the Jerusalem Cinematheque on Friday and watch a movie An Education (translated from Hebrew under the name appalling "An Education" ) was mainly mtv ema s 2011 one name: Nick Hornby. Hornby, a British writer who is not a stranger to the movies mtv ema s 2011 (three of his books - Fever Pitch, High Fidelity and About A Boy - processed in the film version. The three of them, by the way, better print), is my favorite writers long time: it has the ability to write ironic and witty and also a statement extract the most banal scenes. In some of his books he walked a thin ice above fall into kitsch, which is precisely this irony saves the story of falling and makes it enjoyable to read. [1]
Hornby responsible for the film's screenplay, written according to the autobiography of British journalist Lynn Barber (Sunday Times). Barber's sharp tongue - winner of five British Press Awards, mtv ema s 2011 particularly its ability to interview - with uncompromising irony Hornby looked to me like a recipe I can not lose.
And it's true. An Education is a well-written film, full of witty conversations, lively and elegant. Denmark's directorial failure Srafig is good, even if slightly inclined towards the banal. The game - especially Carrie mtv ema s 2011 Mulligan (have you seen her Pride and Prejudice "in 2005 as Kitty Bennet, and in Dr. Who, Season 3 Episode 10 as Sally Sparrow) in the title role - exhilarating. These are all good reasons enough to go see a movie; If you accept my mind and personal reasons, mtv ema s 2011 but that does not add up things.
The plot, which takes place in the early '60s, presents Jenny Miller, a high school student from one of the suburbs in London mtv ema s 2011 in her last year, is trying to get high enough GPA to be accepted to the University of Oxford, a goal that her father, Jack, pushing it aggressively. Has been High Fidelity "Hornby expresses deep contempt for life in the suburbs of London mtv ema s 2011 - is ridiculous describes mtv ema s 2011 how each of these suburbs are the same, and all their families, middle class, similar and boring. Again not spared this review: Jack Miller is often presented as pitiful and ridiculous, a man who has retreated into his comfort and makes for her uncomfortable. Mother, Marjorie, mostly silent, but this lifestyle frustration, and boredom she felt, stand out well.
Jenny meets one day event toe with David Goldman [2], much older than her. David opens up a new world full of all the things she loves: he takes her to concerts, fancy dinners and the like. Jenny is torn between her studies and Oxford waiting in the background and David offers mtv ema s 2011 her life.
Indeed, horribly banal plot. Hornby could not resist, and even where this criticism Jenny's mouth, toward the end of the film throws her father "young girls fall in love with older men all the time." But no matter how banal, perversion (one of many in the film) represents one of these relationships remains a fascinating when she was, since "Lolita" to the present. Description of this relationship may well, and manages to escape from the mold quite impressively banal - although, of course, the frame story remains.
Characters and dialogues are lifeguards on the movie banality redundant, making it another tearful romantic drama film a profound statement on British society, and perhaps even more than that. To me, this movie is called anti-existentialist Manifesto, first-class audit of our community, and the next rows will try to explain why. Note - The analysis may contain spoilers, though I will try to avoid them. If you're going to watch a movie (and you should), you might finish the call now, and you will return here later.
David Goldman is perfect Hakzisttznielisti seductive. Is compelling, at times, even the truth of his intentions viewers. Despite the many gaps between him and Jenny - years, religious affiliation and status - he pulls her to him easily and quickly, shows her world it is dreamed and encourages mtv ema s 2011 her - implicitly, as tempting good - Find, paraphrase Kierkegaard, the same truth be true for her , abandon the dictates of conventional society and environment and the right in the world. He presents mtv ema s 2011 the authentic mtv ema s 2011 existence - in his case, and it has been the most existentialist possible existence of an art lover and refined mtv ema s 2011 - as an extra over the Puritan morality, almost Kantian, of the adults in her world, morality into which she was raised. No one reminded me of his methods throughout the film the same Kierkegaard's romantic seductive book "Diary mtv ema s 2011 of a tempting". Jenny's parents also fall charms.
Jenny, for its part, easily tempted, call Dror alone and finds herself mtv ema s 2011 the same truth. It becomes, towards the middle and end of the film, her own existential torchbearer. What David suggests, she says loud and clear. Arguments are that squeezes the adults around her - her teacher, school principal, her parents, her friends, all of them are left without answers to her claims arranged against the order of the world they captured him. Are harmed by it, but look no relation to reality. For example, [spoiler] while Jenny systematic doctrine against social paving and boredom mtv ema s 2011 that comes with it, is busy in her school principal invested in her virtue of Jenny, occupation anachronistic. When she hears about a significant mtv ema s 2011 development in the relationship, it is all about David Jew. "You know they killed mtv ema s 2011 Jesus?" She asks triumphantly (leading, incidentally, one of the film witty dialogues) [/ spoiler]. mtv ema s 2011
David is the perfect esthete, who lives for the pleasures of the moment mtv ema s 2011 and looking for immediate pleasure wherever he goes. When Jenny begins to bear against boredom manifests excited and talking about it and the color in her life since she met him, she clearly mtv ema s 2011 represents a position Akzistnzi

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The film

Walleye | goldfish Awards 2013: Part One
Listen, 2013, was immense. Especially at the edges. Right in the middle was the stomach long enough, the summer was filled with movies okay passed and gone and there was no mention of the summaries, but films beginning of the year (or the end of 2012, depending on how you look at it) and the end of the year (or early 2014, if you want), and some good movies nevertheless reached the middle, gave so much cool stuff exploding summary george clooney golden globes lists. And that's not counting the movies listed out on the border, and will be included in the closing arguments next year.
So, fashionably late and fun, met again by the Academy of film critics themselves are also red fish on all its members to make choices. This is the 13th time we do it (the history of each academic freedom - and the audience choices films and concerts on the site this year - you can see here). For those who are new to the process, be clear again: Percy goldfish and herring selected according to the academy's personal opinion only - that is, in my opinion. I do not claim to represent anyone other than myself, if you do not agree with me - great. Crowd surfers invited to express his opinion in choosing this year's film fisheye, which is a separate award, which usually does not match my opinion. And probably tastes better than mine.
Is there any economic justification for the project in the country "Upstream Color", a film so strange that people who love him very much not entirely sure what his story? Or the "Stranger by the Lake", a film that does not have a scene that she was not a full male nudity scene? Probably not. But Orlando Films, a distribution company and cheeky, took these movies george clooney golden globes yet. They also removed the "Frances Ha", george clooney golden globes "family history", "light after dark" and "Hlkhnim". Maybe not all movies are just my cup of tea, but I much prefer to live in a place where such films, there are mainstream left ask, can reach regular screenings on a large screen in place to be sure you can get them in my house alone. Then comes the Orlando Film honor their courage. Though not sure they deserve an award for financial sanity.
"The Croods" movie was really cute and fun. Did you see? If you do not have kids, I'm guessing the answer is no. That the film was screened in English for something like five minutes. The same applies to "break the ice". Look, most of the audience of animated films are children. Clear. Most of these films are screened in the English version at all, and I missed the opportunity to see the "Free Birds" in the original language. But is that really so far-fetched idea that people who can read English will want to see the superb new film Disney, who put $ 250 million in the US? In the past animated films were screened george clooney golden globes in a relatively george clooney golden globes limited English, this year it seems the distributors have stopped even trying. And the chances of finding animated film in the original language as well as a two dimensional image I'm george clooney golden globes not even talking about.
No, seriously though, who moron who decided that? I really want to know, what is the logic? "AppStream fucking Color" flashes in the country, and 'At World "is george clooney golden globes not it? The thought is that people in the country do not like comedies? Do not like things British? (Yes, because nobody george clooney golden globes expects Martens O "). Or maybe they just do not like good things too? Maybe it's just a matter of tradition: george clooney golden globes after the first two films in the trilogy Cornette is not distributed george clooney golden globes in the country, perhaps the distributors were afraid that people would not understand the plot. This, of course, completely stupid explanation, but the decision not to distribute it equally stupid country.
Maybe it's just me, but I think in 2012 you could go through 11 months without hearing once the phrase "test as follows". And suddenly, in 2013 - not only everyone knows about it, no one is talking about anything else. It seems that this year came into force "Act as follows:" Any discussion on any movie from any genre and any time, if it goes on long enough, eventually the question of the representation of women in the film. Everyone knows what it is, everyone is arguing about it, everyone discussing whether the "force of attraction" passes the test (no) and then argue about whether it even matter (no) and whether the mere fact that they are discussing the question of whether this matter is significant (yes). As follows test is not new. Topic representation george clooney golden globes of women (too small) film is completely new - in fact, he was one of the film was. But suddenly this year he was everywhere. george clooney golden globes This, of course, entirely george clooney golden globes positive development - the subject is important and the best thing we can do about it is to talk about it - although george clooney golden globes at certain points of the year he crossed the border to overexposure. If the only thing that interests you B"ch attraction "is whether it passes the test as follows - it's time to replace access.
The film "Veronica Mars" Export March 2014, after which raised millions of dollars Bkixatrtr. Also next film Zach Braff. Also next film Spike Lee, although after people have watched "Seven Steps" there is a situation that many of them will void the donation. It does not stop here. If you are optimistic, you can announce that from now on, creator who has enough fans can raise money without suck up the studio - and this is one revolution.
Most just had to give this award to the "ex-patriot", but it Troling. This name is the only reason george clooney golden globes anyone was aware of the existence of the film. More irritating instances where films with good names Israel names were given an entirely mention, it is impossible to distinguish them from dozens of films are the same: "The Way Way Back," which became "The Way, Way Back" (where a completely non-existent content, tells us only the film There is a man named Duncan), or worse, the way a film whose original name was "American Bullshit" has become the country to film "American Dream" (via "American Hustle"). Disgusting.
But if you choose one name stood out Bbizarioto year, it has to be the fiasco "the enemy within us Star Trek." Name three words that succeeds in being wrong so many reasons. I realized that Jay. Jay. Abrams himself confirmed that name. Oh, well, that's not exactly the only wrong decision he received in connection with this film.
This film was supposed to leave the country, and rejected, a

Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes

It used to be the kind of movie I like. Drama deep and hard on difficult people. The promise was only partially. "Tyrannosaur" is about an encounter between two people injured. Is a violent man with a short fuse. Is a battered woman. Two strangers meet in the middle of life and help each other. Peter Mullen is an actor with mileage these dramas: He was known for a decade and a half ago, my name is Joe "by Ken Loach, and then he directed one of the most difficult independent spirit awards and dramas of the last decade fine," The Magdalene Sisters. "Among and he did a few other things, but is primarily known as an actor with powerful rare. And he once again demonstrates the talent game his mighty here. The Olivia Colman, actress opposite independent spirit awards him, I do not know, and maybe it's time I would know. She manages to give Contra great against the column Poor's de-Mullen.
We both together and separately. Peter Mullen and Olivia independent spirit awards Colman B"tiranoseor ". So if everything is so strong and good, so where's the problem? Or, I'm glad you asked. So: The truth is, that if they cut the ribbon for about an hour, and just paste all the scenes of these two players together, and clean the rest, the result was a short film and incredibly powerful. But "Tyrannosaur" looks like a short film too stretched over a feature, not really add meat. In all other parts of the film see his own story, and the story of its own, and none of those not sufficiently developed. Three first scenes of the film follows the hero of the film in three different violent outbursts. There is no real context of these outbreaks. These just fights, beatings (including the killing of a dog. The scene is not graphically as I feared), breaking windows, and so forth. Only when he got to the store in case of the woman begins to actually film. Then, the movie starts at the same time describe the story of the woman, independent spirit awards and her relationship with her abusive husband. While the meeting between these two lost souls provides several independent spirit awards moments of drama petition feelings, other moments independent spirit awards in the film seem superficial, and the violence which seems arbitrary. The story of one at a time is not enough developed. And despite having an interesting comment script independent spirit awards on "turning the other cheek" - Is teachings of Jesus justified, or practical at all, yet it seems more like a screenplay than a script draft really. Which does not mean that watching the film is not worthwhile. This debut work of director Paddy Considine, better known as an actor (he also appears in the role of changes independent spirit awards in "Submarine"). independent spirit awards The first film is quite impressive work, with guidance tremendous players, and with reasonable independent spirit awards control rate. Those with patience and a strong stomach powerful scenes, this view is recommended, independent spirit awards although the level of non-uniform film. Showtimes "Tyrannosaur": 2.21 2.23 Rosh Pina Cinematheque Sderot Cinematheque Holon Cinematheque solid 25.2 Weitz Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il independent spirit awards
You missed that in fact it is in fact an extension of the short film *, and perhaps your sense based weighting more than you thought. In any case, I specifically think differently - I did not feel excessive duration, but the construction of a proper independent spirit awards background and characters. The film fascinated me (and suppressed to a considerable extent, as it should, I suppose), as well as the rest of the audience at the Cinematheque.
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February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recent Entries French Film Festival: next time I'll put the heart of the French Film Festival: breathe wild stories: Samba Audit: Audit French Film Festival: Timbuktu twitter French Film Festival: Les Heritiers, "true story" in Hebrew spreaders. Ostensibly, another film about a teacher of the year was disturbed. In fact, the film is beautiful, exciting, and smart. 17 hours ago Also: French Film Festival: "Next time I'll put heart". A film that really tries to be "Taxi Driver." He did not. And Guillaume Kana great. 1 day ago French Film Festival: I love Francois Ozon, and his new one is impressive, but "my new friend" is as good as his. And Doris great novel. 1 day ago Besides, the French Festival "father or mother." Also be distributed in the country. You can see, but do not have to. Funny and quite entertaining, but there was potential for something much better. 2 days ago a French film festival "breathe". Director: Melanie Laurent. Will not be distributed in the country. Probably. Thus imperative duty must see. A wonderful movie. The best I've seen in 2015. Meanwhile. 2 hours ago Followeithanwe Recent Comments Moses on French Film Festival: breathe Abner on French Film Festival: Timbuktu Ron on French Film Festival: a meeting with Eric Toledano and Olivier knocked on Ron Darling: Avishai criticism on Mami: Audit follow the blog via email
Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes further - 3.5 stars cake - 3.5 stars labeled - Corn Island 3.5 Stars - 3 Stars Birdman - American Sniper 3 star - 3 star game imitation - 2 stars The Secret Service - 2 stars Mami - 2 stars Princess - star Rosebud links Blog ioncinema independent spirit awards it is not suggestive animator personal categories scratch Cinemascope new ongoing reviews General News from TV movie short film festivals Cinematheques Docaviv 2011 Docaviv 2013 Docaviv 2012 Docaviv 2014 Utopia Festival 2014 Haifa Film Festival independent spirit awards 2011 Haifa Film Festival 2012 Festival 2013 Festival Haifa Haifa 2014 Jerusalem Film Festival 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival 2012 Jerusalem Film Festival 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival 2

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1

There is a problem. Such films have you come to them with the whole world poured them. The whole world writes some are cute and exciting and touchyfeely. And when you see them you do not understand where all this came from. Do not think I read a bad word about the "submarine". No one who has not faced his magic. So here, since I first stood there. "Submarine" It's a film that so want to love him, hard, almost command, it is impossible for me not to say: Stop, do not want. "Submarine" is a show of fireworks cinematic feats came at the expense of the characters and the film itself. There are so many cinematic tricks and jokes of smart aleck almost I can not hold on to something from this film.
"... Tz'mai joke". It could be romantic and exciting. Instead, ema wales it "submarine". "Submarine" is the story of a teenage boy and burning love for a girl in his class, in view of his parents' marital problems. ema wales And it could be quite entertaining and exciting, if the film was not busy all the time illustrative of fantasies, fantasies, and memories of the main character. He says, for example: "I felt like a submarine" - and immediately we see s. In fact, I estimate that there are more moments in the movie that focus on providing a sample of the inner world of the hero of the film than the moments that tell the story "straight". All cleverly, as if to make me laugh, charm me, hard. And everything plus countless ema wales cinematic tricks (an homage scene is The Matrix ", for example). I'm sorry, but when the director worked so hard to charm me, I locked. It seems to me as if the director ema wales does not believe in the script itself, and / or the ability of the players to perform it, so he always has to add his own Weitz. Me is rejected. Do not get me wrong. It's not a bad movie. There director ema wales eye for casting (the main character and love interest transmitters Emotional intelligence is high, and Paddy Konsiidin is the only eyes that really burns the screen appearance changes amusing), he has a good eye for design frame, has a musical tastes pretty ema wales good, and has a sense of humor, not bad at all (Superhero Movie embalmed almost the overcoat. Even in. Even in the sea). The problem with using humor is out of proportion at all. Even when I want a quiet moment, even when I want an exciting moment - the director escapes ema wales wit. Two years ago, an American ema wales film was screened in the country called "500 Days of Summer". If you saw it, you know what I mean. Countless cinematic tricks, rapid editing, split screens, and so forth - all at the expense of a love story, he could be funny and clever and witty and moving without any capital-ha. ema wales This is my experience Submarine ". Movie far to over-Riitd. "Submarine" will be screened tomorrow, the 13th / 02, Haifa Cinematheque on Thursday, 16/02, Holon Cinematheque next Saturday, 18th / 02, Herzliya Cinematheque ema wales next Wednesday, 22/02, at the Sderot Cinematheque. Ethan Weitz Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il
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February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recent Entries French ema wales Film Festival: next time I'll put the heart of the French Film Festival: breathe wild stories: Samba Audit: Audit French Film Festival: Timbuktu twitter French Film Festival: Les Heritiers, "true ema wales story" in Hebrew spreaders. Ostensibly, another film about a teacher of the year was disturbed. In fact, the film is beautiful, exciting, and smart. 2 hours ago Also: French Film Festival: "Next time I'll put heart". A film that really tries to be "Taxi Driver." He did not. And Guillaume Kana great. 1 day ago French Film Festival: I love Francois Ozon, and his new one is impressive, but "my new friend" is as good as his. And Doris great novel. ema wales 1 day ago Besides, the French Festival "father or mother." Also be distributed in the country. You can see, but do not have to. Funny and quite entertaining, but there was potential for something much better. 2 days ago a French film festival "breathe". Director: Melanie Laurent. Will not be distributed in the country. Probably. Thus imperative duty must see. A wonderful movie. The best I've seen in 2015. Meanwhile. 2 hours ago Followeithanwe Recent Comments Moses on French Film Festival: breathe Abner on French Film Festival: Timbuktu Ron on French Film Festival: a meeting with Eric Toledano and Olivier knocked on Ron Darling: Avishai criticism on Mami: Audit follow the blog via email
Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes further - 3.5 stars cake - 3.5 stars labeled - Corn Island 3.5 Stars - 3 Stars Birdman - American Sniper 3 star - 3 star game imitation - 2 stars The Secret Service - 2 stars Mami - 2 stars Princess - star Rosebud links Blog ioncinema it is not suggestive animator personal categories scratch ema wales Cinemascope new ongoing reviews ema wales General News from TV movie short film festivals Cinematheques Docaviv 2011 Docaviv 2013 Docaviv 2012 Docaviv 2014 Utopia Festival 2014 Haifa Film Festival 2011 Haifa Film Festival 2012 Festival 2013 Festival Haifa Haifa 2014 Jerusalem Film Festival 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival 2012 Jerusalem Film Festival 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival awards worldwide in 2014 Israeli film Ophir Awards 2011 Awards 2012 Awards Ophir Ophir Ophir Awards 2013 March 2014 Archive 2015 (18) February 2015 (11) January 2015 & nb

Monday, March 23, 2015

Love at the end of the world. Not recommended. Yuan McGregor and Eva Green Instinct perfect

First I have to explain: It's true that I get to see a lot of movies before anyone else. And this despite, not because of. Although I actually do not carry with me a press pass. And that even though I am, in fact, alone in my blog. And that even though artimus fowl I am, in fact, a fairly simple (just see a lot of movies. Too many times). So while trying my blog to be as up to date as possible. But I can not always. And so went the members in the "scratch" have already written quite a bit about the British Film Festival. And those who have been unable to find articles about the festival on other websites. And I came to this festival yesterday. Only day I can start raising Posts about. Sorry, forgiveness, retrospectively and retroactively. And now to the point. "Perfect Sense". Perfect, 'Eleq. David McKenzie is a director who already has a mileage certain Israeli cinema screens. All movies directed since 2003 (four in number) were distributed in the country. None have actually seen (not really = I saw pieces of them. TV. Before I transferred to another channel). I think it was in May estimated by critics. It seemed to me that he just sex-maniac (there are quite a few sex scenes in his films). And now, after seeing his first film completely, I do not really understand why it is so appreciated. I appreciate that many people see the movie, they mistake it deep and important. It's probably because McKenzie knocks on the head with a hammer five pounds this movie is important. It's not. "Perfect Sense" goes like this: A guy meets a girl. They start out (and because it's a film by David Mackenzie , then yes: they also fuck. Quite a few). In the background is raging epidemic. People around the world are losing their senses gradually. Each step epidemic starts artimus fowl showing his emotions extreme, artimus fowl then - loss of smell. Then the loss of taste. Then hearing loss. and every step is tested capability human adaptation to the new situation. In the background - a love story strange. did not really understand the symbolism of this story, but the fact that he was actually quite interesting. Correction: It would have been interesting. If he was in charge of the hands of another director. David MacKenzie stroke his film narration Against the background of pompous music of great significance, whips shivering completely unnecessary, increasing artificial tension by combining rhythmic music and Rampage with a camera - oh, and a combination of Newsreel photographs, artimus fowl including images of world leaders (for this meaningful film. Or at least he thinks so).
Love at the end of the world. Not recommended. Yuan McGregor and Eva Green Instinct perfect "One of the things taught in film schools is to maintain the credibility of the world that the film builds. It does not matter if the film is about spaceships landing over Mars. If I do not believe the legality of the world I experience (and all the world there is legal) - a waste of time. I did not believe for one moment Instinct perfect ". Has been one of the scenes at the beginning of the introduction of guy a girl has a moment artimus fowl when she moves to tears without warning. It looks artificial. It feels artificial. And that dictates everything that happens in the movie then: I appreciate the attempt, but I got lost very quickly in this film. What remains to try to decipher the riddle, and try not to get upset too extroverted cinema of this director. The truth I had not planned artimus fowl to see this movie. But yesterday I saw three movies. The first and the last I had planned to see. I saw a means to pass the time (and to finally artimus fowl meet this director). Goals have been achieved. Time passed. I met the director. But it was not a pleasant experience. So if you are looking to pass your time these screenings of this film, I would recommend - avoid. Look for another movie. The following screenings of "Perfect Sense" British Festival: 15/02 Haifa Cinematheque on 19/02 at the Sderot Cinematheque and 22/02 Rosh Pina Cinematheque firm Weitz Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il
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February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recent artimus fowl Entries French Film Festival: breathe stories wild: Samba Audit: Audit French Film Festival: Timbuktu French Film Festival: Hippocrates Twitter Also: French Film Festival: artimus fowl "Next time I'll put heart". A film that really tries to be "Taxi Driver." He did not. And Guillaume Kana great. 5 hours ago French Film Festival: I love Francois Ozon, and his new one is impressive, but "my new friend" is as good as his. And Doris great novel. artimus fowl 5 hours ago Besides, the French Festival "father or mother." Also be distributed in the country. You can see, but do not have to. Funny and quite entertaining, but there was potential for something much better. 1 day ago French Film Festival: "breathe". artimus fowl Director: Melanie Laurent. Will not be distributed in the country. Probably. Thus imperative duty must see. A wonderful movie. The best I've seen in 2015. Meanwhile. 1 day ago "Timbuktu" as I feared. Great movie. Not a good movie. 5 hours ago Followeithanwe artimus fowl Recent Comments Moses on French Film Festival: breathe Abner on French Film Festival: Timbuktu Ron on French Film Festival: a meeting with Eric Toledano and Olivier artimus fowl knocked on Ron Darling: Avishai criticism on Mami: Audit follow the blog via email
Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes further - 3.5 stars cake - 3.5 stars labeled - Corn Island 3.5 Stars - 3 Stars Birdman - American Sniper 3 star - 3 star game imitation - 2 stars The Secret Service - 2 stars Mami - 2 stars Princess artimus fowl - niche

At this point, the film seems to go in the direction of Christian charity and divine enlightenment,

Cinematic agustin de anda genius with ASP | Yael Israel does wind
Passover is hard to understand why the film and came directly to the TV, which also won numerous awards, including several major awards at the festival "Sundance". Maybe it's related to the fact that this movie is very gray and bleak, agustin de anda although not completely hopeless, but it is hard, very hard to watch.
And "Hard" film version of the Gods "irreversible" (Gaspar Noe's French), but otherwise difficult. As a film about violence, agustin de anda hardly show where the violence itself. Considine, himself the son of the British working class slums grew up during those difficult and violent described his film, skipped over the violence itself, and shows the results: the howling of a dog heartbreaking before he was assassinated, blue lamp remains of the heroine after her husband beat her, and so on.
Which is what makes his excellent greatness drama, agustin de anda and leaves it in the field "British dramas agustin de anda fine but small." It's a great movie that his director was tempted to introduce violence which deals with film, and that's exactly what makes the film so horrific.
This brings me to the film's British director another promising young Steve McQueen (not blue-eyed American star from the sixties, but Steve McQueen British video artist Art developed a very interesting film director), whose film "Hunger" (no less ambitious M"tirnozaor ") , going with disgust, violence and pain to the end, as a kind of horror on the extinction represents the body.
His "hunger" strike deals with "dirty" and the hunger strike of the political prisoners of the IRA in 1981. These prisoners refused to be considered criminal, and demanded that Margaret Thatcher would recognize them as political prisoners. Since refused by the British agustin de anda government refused to wear prison clothes and went naked, refused to wash and smeared the feces on the walls of the cells.
I brought an example of the "hunger" of McQueen in the face of restraint driving Considine film "Tirnzoor", to show that you can curb the desire to shed the viewer agustin de anda more Imaz Jim of violence, and even then succeed agustin de anda in dealing with the issue, maybe even better deal with it.
"Trinoseor" is about a widow about 60 years old, discouraged and depressed (actor-director superb Peter Mullan, known in the country precisely because of the excellent film "The Magdalene Sisters" which he directed), vent their frustration and bitterness at the world in the form of violence at anything that moves: his dog, a group of boys in the pub , known pawnshop, even his tin shack in the yard, which he shatters sledgehammer blows with anger.
At this point, the film seems to go in the direction of Christian charity and divine enlightenment, which will redeem the tormented soul of the unfortunate man and Hmamll. Another possibility is Shiirkm novel range between man and woman, and it illuminates the film romance we all like to think it. But it turns out, it is not so completely ...
Considine did not stop to click on the viewer's throat all the way, even though he was careful all the time not to show the violence, and as mentioned, precisely because it is unable to terrorize us even more than horrified us Steve McQueen's camera Hunger ", which also catches the viewer throat and not let go.
So happy in Britain created a shift fine young directors, who only follow Mike Leigh and Ken Loach, members of the previous shift (who also followed the children of shift preceded them: film director "kitchen sink" of the sixties). But what caught me Paddy Considine agustin de anda is not only a fine job as a director, screenwriter and gifted player, but except for his biography I found out just now, when Giglio network to find something on it.
For acting and directing are crafts "social", what is most important to them is good communication with others, it is known as Asperger's syndrome that afflicted patients suffer from poor communication with others. Even Considine himself testifies that he usually feels cut off from people, like a wall between him and them invisible. And what's even more interesting, he was diagnosed syndrome two years ago at the age of 36.
Who sent him to be examined was the wife for 20 years, apparently felt the years that anything different then, although it functions excellent husband and father, and certainly as a professional deal. Considine himself testifies that he always felt different, and that is what caused him to "play" in front of people, "playing a normal person." It seems that it was because of the distress was born from a great filmmaker ...
By yaelisrael, agustin de anda on September 5, 2012 at 12:53 pm, under Cahiers du Cinema. Tags: The Magdalene Sisters, Tirnzoor, Michael Fasvendr, Michael Caine, kitchen sink films, Paddy Konidein, Peter Mullan, Sundance Festival, British cinema, agustin de anda hunger, AS. No comments
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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Five of these films produce highly interesting talk for quite some time, when the two of them are t

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Choosing Archive March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December oscars 2012 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August oscars 2012 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May April 2011 March 2011 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010
The BIFA have announced their candidates for 2011. Despite this Slrsima not much relevance for the Oscars or something like that, and the majority made up of films do not sell, yet I thought it would be nice to post it here because in fact this is a rare bank of independent British films that are likely oscars 2012 to encountered during the year, but certainly the majority oscars 2012 of which is interesting and high quality. For those who want to film other than Hollywood, which can fall through the cracks over the next few months, worth remembering their names and search for them later in the year. I will not trouble you even things like gambling and stuff, because it's not really relevant to our case.
Last year just to get to know the BIFA went nearly all the "King's Speech" (movie, oscars 2012 actor, actress matter, Actor and Screenplay) but also "monsters" taking his awards for directing, artistic achievement (effects) and achievement produced. Carey Mulligan won the actress oscars 2012 on "Never let me go", a year after winning the "An Education". Have more fun: in 2004 won the "shaun of the dead" Screenplay Award, oscars 2012 in 2008 he won "Waltz with Bashir" foreign film, and in 2005 won the Director Neil Marshall ("slope"), so that in general it is Achla Award.
Five of these films produce highly interesting talk for quite some time, when the two of them are the films I most look forward to them this year. But it did not start with. "Senna" is the only documentary on the list, the Brazilian racing driver who died at the age of 34. Asif Kfdih, the director, is a native of Britain won many awards for his film The Warrior since 2001 this film can you find a third ear. The "shame" ("Shame"), only the thought of him makes me feel a lot nicer places in the body, Offer has been extended (I apologize I have not read the article. I try not to read a lot about the film before viewing). This collaboration of Michael Fasvendr oscars 2012 and Steve McQueen Post "hunger" from 2008. "Mole" oscars 2012 is the translation for the magnificent Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, adaptation of John le Carre. There are Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy and Colin Firth and more full of British, under his winning hand of Thomas Alfrdson pleased us all with "put the right person" Swedish. Oh, and it's coming out soon in the country. It would be a lie to say that expecting easy for me. "Tyrannosaur", he has already won praise, is a drama rough on ties formed between two very different people. Peter Mullan oscars 2012 usually wonderful and Eddie Marsan ("free and happy") male roles, when most attention getting Olivia Colman, one of the most famous players in the UK. The film was directed by actor Paddy Considine ("In America," "Cinderella Man," "Hot Fuzz"). "We Need to Talk About Kevin" ("We Need To Talk About Kevin") is Lynne Ramsay's oscars 2012 film will be screened streets Women's Film Festival, after quite successful festival tour. Tilda Swinton screen again breaks the trailer oscars 2012 movie with the most mysterious and unsettling I've seen this year.
Best Director: oscars 2012 Ben Wheatley - "Kill List" Steve McQueen - "shame" Thomas Alfrdson - "mole" Paddy Considine - "Tyrannosaur" Lynne Ramsay - "We Need to Talk About Kevin"
Best Actress: refused Loring - "Kill oscars 2012 List" Olivia Colman - "Tyrannosaur" Rebecca Hall - "The Awakening" Tilda Swinton - "We Need to Talk About Kevin" Mia and Oasikaoskh - "Jane Eyre"
Well, at least here is a movie I saw. This "Jane Eyre" ("Jane Eyre"), additional processing Classic Hbrontait puzzling. And Oasikaoskh ("The Kids Are Alright", "Alice in Wonderland") is an excellent casting for the lead. Coleman and Swinton are kind of a necessary additive which are also likely to reach BAFTA in a few months. Rebecca Hall joins them our favorite ("The Town", "Vicky Cristina Barcelona") for her role in terror attack with full Goth and spirits. With Loring It shows the horror genre faithful representation category.
Best Actor: Michael Fasvendr - "shame" Brendan Gleeson - "The Guard" Neil Maskell - "Kill List" Peter Mullan - "Tyrannosaur" Gary Oldman - "mole"
Just showing some fancy British actors have ... Fasvendr, Mullen, Gleason and Oldman share category ... There is no way that something like fancy himself an Oscar recalls. The "law-abiding" ("The Guard"), oscars 2012 soon to arrive in the country saw Haifa Film Festival, and it is quite recommended Oron comedy certainly expand further on the subject.
Best Supporting Actress: Kath

Mainly two films (and a half) to note, and these films probably see here next year, the Korean Film

Next week will be held Cinematheques Korean film festival. Every year a collection of artistic director of the festival, Ron Vogel, some movies from one of the most interesting film industries in the world, and presents them to the cinema hunger slightly different. As I have been in years past, the Korean film, as I understand it, is just like the US, only much better. Excellent Korean genre films, but unlike the Americans, they put a band on censorship restrictions, so that where American film censors himself from showing sex or gross violence obvious situation, Koreans go all the way. Bong Joon-ho, one of the best directors baeksang awards in the world today in my opinion, going through hell these days. Like fellow Park Chan Wook, he got a chance to do a year in English to an international audience. Chan Wook made the "Stalker" (with Nicole baeksang awards Kidman), but rejected international baeksang awards criticism of this film in disgust (and rightly so. I saw the movie last Sukkot festival of science fiction in Tel Aviv. Very tape stripes). John Ho was delayed slightly With film, Snowpiercer, mainly because he enters baeksang awards a world war with American producers, Harvey and Bob Weinstin. They want him to cut the film some parts, baeksang awards but he insists. In the meantime, the film went distribution version of the director in Korea, and was already criticism World Film Festival in Busan, Korea, and responses to very hot (and in Hebrew: Pablo Utin seen, loved and wrote about the film here). The film is successful baeksang awards port of his house, and right now the global distribution (including Israel) is awaiting baeksang awards the results of the battle between the Americans and Korean about which version of the rest of the world will see: shorter baeksang awards or original. baeksang awards In the introduction to his writing Ron Vogel festival films will be screened at the festival this year belong to the genre of the movie periodic Korea has become very common in recent years. I must admit that at first I was slightly disappointed to read these words. oddly I love British period films, arranged such, dried costumes Spectacular detainee emotion choking, baeksang awards but films that come from the Far East period less interest me. I feel that simply do not have access to this history, I have no way to understand and get to know the people involved (just as I recoiled from movies Shiixfirim). But after reading a bit about the films themselves I think they do occur in ancient times (hundreds of years back), but they actually fledged genre films (especially intriguing me "Arrow War" is supposed to be an action movie with arrows instead of guns, and big "hsod ", according to the abstract should be" Ocean's 11 "in the 18th century). In other words, the films themselves occur at times that I have no information about them, but the beam which is updated here and now, which is what really interests me. The timing of the festival is also a good time to check on contemporary Korean cinema. Two weeks ago in Korea were the Korean Film Academy Awards, and the list of winners are
Mainly two films (and a half) to note, and these films probably see here next year, the Korean Film Festival 2014 (the film opens the festival this year, "masquerade", is the big winner of the Korean Academy baeksang awards Awards last year). So: the big winner of the Korean Academy Awards ceremony of the year was "the reader". Also is a period film, and I think that is a film genre (which begins as almost a comedy, and develops into a thriller-action). Story of a man with a special gift: the ability to read the character and destiny of man only his investigation. baeksang awards This merit support my family at first simple fairs revealed by people in power who want to harness the extraordinary talent that war rebels. The Trailer indeed puts all the face of this film, which won 6 Academy Awards: Best Picture Award, director, actor (Award disputes also added to the film, it soon), Supporting Actor, costumes, and the Audience Award. The second film which was carefully Academy of Korean year (and to be honest, is also the one that intrigues me more than "the reader") is a "miracle cell No. 7 ". This is a family drama that is also a prison drama. The film's hero is mentally retarded person tower 6 year old little girl when he is put in prison baeksang awards for murder (he did not commit) special character is changing the lives of his booth number 7, and they help him sneak the little baeksang awards house, left alone outside, into the prison. Here's baeksang awards charming and exciting trailer of this film
"Miracle cell number 7" baeksang awards which he won (with "face reading"), baeksang awards screenplay, production, and another prize called "Special Prize" (whatever that means). And Snowpiercer baeksang awards of the Bong Joon-ho took Awards, Edit, and Best Art Direction. So until we see the film by Bong Joon-ho, and the other two, there is next week Korean film festival last year it would be interesting baeksang awards to examine. Ethan Weitz follow in Twitter, or contact me by email: Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il
Many thanks for the post! I made myself quite a few interesting discoveries I confession .. amateur contemporaries (South Korean dramas) recently, and I really liked the movies I could watch them by now including Closed Note and Season of Good Rain (http://asianwiki.com/A_Good_Rain_Knows) I guess that could have you heard the last I mentioned that the director's latest movie Dangerous Liaisons received attention and even won if I'm not mistaken (I did not watch it). I also liked the movie very Hear Me he even Tiwani, highly recommend! Previously limited myself to only West European cinema and American .. Today I learn the language ^^ on the film with Chris Evans heard, for some reason I canceled it because I do not like the player (although Sunshine where there it completely awesome) I was intrigued with the recommendation and check what it is now. 'Face Reader' sounds very intriguing, and unique baeksang awards and the Miracle cell number 7, I have to see. I would be happy if you write more about Asian cinema in the future as I can get to know for myself more movies