Tuesday, March 31, 2015

You said in an interview that one of the best films influenced the screenplay was

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"Weekend" (Weekend) is one of the most beautiful films of the British Film Festival next approaching to offer, and generally one of the biggest surprises of the year. This is a little story particularly moving relationship between Russell grammys best dressed and Glen, two British guys, for one weekend.
"Weekend", which was shot for 17 days in Nottingham quite meager budget, grammys best dressed premiered at South-By-Southwest (SXSW) grammys best dressed and then refused to slow down. He won two awards British Independent Film Awards, discovery (Actor Tom Cullen) and "hhisg producing the best "and became one of 2011, Ehud criticism.
"For Mmhthlh I knew I wanted grammys best dressed actors celebrities," said Hai, "I wanted the film to be as much as sincere and authentic, so casting is true of players was essential to that. I did not want them to be identified, I wanted the viewer to feel that they are real people, not actors performing them. casting process was quite long and we saw about 50 players. "
"I tried to do the auditions in pairs and usually get them to improvise around the script. I think this is a great way to get to know the player and his abilities.'ve First time I saw Tom and Chris together was something special between them, the kind of excitement that I knew right away that will translate into chemistry on screen."
"We had a week of rehearsals and during that time also moved together on the script. We talked about him, we changed grammys best dressed and processed it. That's what made him start living. Was no improvisation even in rehearsals and filming themselves. I think that for a story like" Weekend "It is necessary to have its degree of spontaneity, excitement, and improvisations can get it. In addition, the possibility to give the player change and process gives him the ability to accommodate and live the character. "
"I think that the work on these pix made me find my way and the films I want to do. I'm interested in little stories, and great drama that moves the plot. Always surprised at how photographic grammys best dressed coverage has major productions and how emotional changes actually built in the editing room. Somehow the movie My reaction to this work method. I wanted to see the emotional changes take place in front of me in one shot. I did not want to build it in the editing room. "
"I come from the world editing and so it seemed natural grammys best dressed to me. In addition, the last thing I wanted to see the film cleanly, with new eyes - Although it does get you down sometimes. For me, writing, directing and editing are all the same - they are the discovery and understanding of the story. I love being the center of all these steps. "
You said in an interview that one of the best films influenced the screenplay was "Bloody Sunday" (Sunday Bloody Sunday, a wonderful movie of John Schlesinger from 1971). What influenced your film editing phase of the film, in terms of some and the development of the story?
"I think a lot of American movies inspired me. The films are called" neo-realist ": Ramin hernia (" Goodbye Solo "), Kelly Reichhardt (" Wendy and Lucy "," Meek's Cutoff grammys best dressed "). I like to keep things simple and honest, concentrate what matters. "
About the scene brilliant in Glen and Russell talk about the art of gay and lesbian (and in fact actually talking about a "weekend" itself), were you surprised to embrace the film received the audience straight and criticism in general, grammys best dressed and whether somewhere Since the movie is proud that even straight people will be easy to connect to it?
"To be honest, I was very surprised at the reactions although in truth I always hoped that the film will settle well with a wide audience as much as possible. Criticism that the movie had was much better than we ever expected to happen and still quite difficult for me to believe that it happened!"

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