Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mainly two films (and a half) to note, and these films probably see here next year, the Korean Film

Next week will be held Cinematheques Korean film festival. Every year a collection of artistic director of the festival, Ron Vogel, some movies from one of the most interesting film industries in the world, and presents them to the cinema hunger slightly different. As I have been in years past, the Korean film, as I understand it, is just like the US, only much better. Excellent Korean genre films, but unlike the Americans, they put a band on censorship restrictions, so that where American film censors himself from showing sex or gross violence obvious situation, Koreans go all the way. Bong Joon-ho, one of the best directors baeksang awards in the world today in my opinion, going through hell these days. Like fellow Park Chan Wook, he got a chance to do a year in English to an international audience. Chan Wook made the "Stalker" (with Nicole baeksang awards Kidman), but rejected international baeksang awards criticism of this film in disgust (and rightly so. I saw the movie last Sukkot festival of science fiction in Tel Aviv. Very tape stripes). John Ho was delayed slightly With film, Snowpiercer, mainly because he enters baeksang awards a world war with American producers, Harvey and Bob Weinstin. They want him to cut the film some parts, baeksang awards but he insists. In the meantime, the film went distribution version of the director in Korea, and was already criticism World Film Festival in Busan, Korea, and responses to very hot (and in Hebrew: Pablo Utin seen, loved and wrote about the film here). The film is successful baeksang awards port of his house, and right now the global distribution (including Israel) is awaiting baeksang awards the results of the battle between the Americans and Korean about which version of the rest of the world will see: shorter baeksang awards or original. baeksang awards In the introduction to his writing Ron Vogel festival films will be screened at the festival this year belong to the genre of the movie periodic Korea has become very common in recent years. I must admit that at first I was slightly disappointed to read these words. oddly I love British period films, arranged such, dried costumes Spectacular detainee emotion choking, baeksang awards but films that come from the Far East period less interest me. I feel that simply do not have access to this history, I have no way to understand and get to know the people involved (just as I recoiled from movies Shiixfirim). But after reading a bit about the films themselves I think they do occur in ancient times (hundreds of years back), but they actually fledged genre films (especially intriguing me "Arrow War" is supposed to be an action movie with arrows instead of guns, and big "hsod ", according to the abstract should be" Ocean's 11 "in the 18th century). In other words, the films themselves occur at times that I have no information about them, but the beam which is updated here and now, which is what really interests me. The timing of the festival is also a good time to check on contemporary Korean cinema. Two weeks ago in Korea were the Korean Film Academy Awards, and the list of winners are
Mainly two films (and a half) to note, and these films probably see here next year, the Korean Film Festival 2014 (the film opens the festival this year, "masquerade", is the big winner of the Korean Academy baeksang awards Awards last year). So: the big winner of the Korean Academy Awards ceremony of the year was "the reader". Also is a period film, and I think that is a film genre (which begins as almost a comedy, and develops into a thriller-action). Story of a man with a special gift: the ability to read the character and destiny of man only his investigation. baeksang awards This merit support my family at first simple fairs revealed by people in power who want to harness the extraordinary talent that war rebels. The Trailer indeed puts all the face of this film, which won 6 Academy Awards: Best Picture Award, director, actor (Award disputes also added to the film, it soon), Supporting Actor, costumes, and the Audience Award. The second film which was carefully Academy of Korean year (and to be honest, is also the one that intrigues me more than "the reader") is a "miracle cell No. 7 ". This is a family drama that is also a prison drama. The film's hero is mentally retarded person tower 6 year old little girl when he is put in prison baeksang awards for murder (he did not commit) special character is changing the lives of his booth number 7, and they help him sneak the little baeksang awards house, left alone outside, into the prison. Here's baeksang awards charming and exciting trailer of this film
"Miracle cell number 7" baeksang awards which he won (with "face reading"), baeksang awards screenplay, production, and another prize called "Special Prize" (whatever that means). And Snowpiercer baeksang awards of the Bong Joon-ho took Awards, Edit, and Best Art Direction. So until we see the film by Bong Joon-ho, and the other two, there is next week Korean film festival last year it would be interesting baeksang awards to examine. Ethan Weitz follow in Twitter, or contact me by email: Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at:
Many thanks for the post! I made myself quite a few interesting discoveries I confession .. amateur contemporaries (South Korean dramas) recently, and I really liked the movies I could watch them by now including Closed Note and Season of Good Rain ( I guess that could have you heard the last I mentioned that the director's latest movie Dangerous Liaisons received attention and even won if I'm not mistaken (I did not watch it). I also liked the movie very Hear Me he even Tiwani, highly recommend! Previously limited myself to only West European cinema and American .. Today I learn the language ^^ on the film with Chris Evans heard, for some reason I canceled it because I do not like the player (although Sunshine where there it completely awesome) I was intrigued with the recommendation and check what it is now. 'Face Reader' sounds very intriguing, and unique baeksang awards and the Miracle cell number 7, I have to see. I would be happy if you write more about Asian cinema in the future as I can get to know for myself more movies

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