Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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There is a problem. Such films have you come to them with the whole world poured them. The whole world writes some are cute and exciting and touchyfeely. And when you see them you do not understand where all this came from. Do not think I read a bad word about the "submarine". No one who has not faced his magic. So here, since I first stood there. "Submarine" It's a film that so want to love him, hard, almost command, it is impossible for me not to say: Stop, do not want. "Submarine" is a show of fireworks cinematic feats came at the expense of the characters and the film itself. There are so many cinematic tricks and jokes of smart aleck almost I can not hold on to something from this film.
"... Tz'mai joke". It could be romantic and exciting. Instead, ema wales it "submarine". "Submarine" is the story of a teenage boy and burning love for a girl in his class, in view of his parents' marital problems. ema wales And it could be quite entertaining and exciting, if the film was not busy all the time illustrative of fantasies, fantasies, and memories of the main character. He says, for example: "I felt like a submarine" - and immediately we see s. In fact, I estimate that there are more moments in the movie that focus on providing a sample of the inner world of the hero of the film than the moments that tell the story "straight". All cleverly, as if to make me laugh, charm me, hard. And everything plus countless ema wales cinematic tricks (an homage scene is The Matrix ", for example). I'm sorry, but when the director worked so hard to charm me, I locked. It seems to me as if the director ema wales does not believe in the script itself, and / or the ability of the players to perform it, so he always has to add his own Weitz. Me is rejected. Do not get me wrong. It's not a bad movie. There director ema wales eye for casting (the main character and love interest transmitters Emotional intelligence is high, and Paddy Konsiidin is the only eyes that really burns the screen appearance changes amusing), he has a good eye for design frame, has a musical tastes pretty ema wales good, and has a sense of humor, not bad at all (Superhero Movie embalmed almost the overcoat. Even in. Even in the sea). The problem with using humor is out of proportion at all. Even when I want a quiet moment, even when I want an exciting moment - the director escapes ema wales wit. Two years ago, an American ema wales film was screened in the country called "500 Days of Summer". If you saw it, you know what I mean. Countless cinematic tricks, rapid editing, split screens, and so forth - all at the expense of a love story, he could be funny and clever and witty and moving without any capital-ha. ema wales This is my experience Submarine ". Movie far to over-Riitd. "Submarine" will be screened tomorrow, the 13th / 02, Haifa Cinematheque on Thursday, 16/02, Holon Cinematheque next Saturday, 18th / 02, Herzliya Cinematheque ema wales next Wednesday, 22/02, at the Sderot Cinematheque. Ethan Weitz Eithanwe@012.net.il Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: Eithan.co.il
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February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recent Entries French ema wales Film Festival: next time I'll put the heart of the French Film Festival: breathe wild stories: Samba Audit: Audit French Film Festival: Timbuktu twitter French Film Festival: Les Heritiers, "true ema wales story" in Hebrew spreaders. Ostensibly, another film about a teacher of the year was disturbed. In fact, the film is beautiful, exciting, and smart. 2 hours ago Also: French Film Festival: "Next time I'll put heart". A film that really tries to be "Taxi Driver." He did not. And Guillaume Kana great. 1 day ago French Film Festival: I love Francois Ozon, and his new one is impressive, but "my new friend" is as good as his. And Doris great novel. ema wales 1 day ago Besides, the French Festival "father or mother." Also be distributed in the country. You can see, but do not have to. Funny and quite entertaining, but there was potential for something much better. 2 days ago a French film festival "breathe". Director: Melanie Laurent. Will not be distributed in the country. Probably. Thus imperative duty must see. A wonderful movie. The best I've seen in 2015. Meanwhile. 2 hours ago Followeithanwe Recent Comments Moses on French Film Festival: breathe Abner on French Film Festival: Timbuktu Ron on French Film Festival: a meeting with Eric Toledano and Olivier knocked on Ron Darling: Avishai criticism on Mami: Audit follow the blog via email
Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes further - 3.5 stars cake - 3.5 stars labeled - Corn Island 3.5 Stars - 3 Stars Birdman - American Sniper 3 star - 3 star game imitation - 2 stars The Secret Service - 2 stars Mami - 2 stars Princess - star Rosebud links Blog ioncinema it is not suggestive animator personal categories scratch ema wales Cinemascope new ongoing reviews ema wales General News from TV movie short film festivals Cinematheques Docaviv 2011 Docaviv 2013 Docaviv 2012 Docaviv 2014 Utopia Festival 2014 Haifa Film Festival 2011 Haifa Film Festival 2012 Festival 2013 Festival Haifa Haifa 2014 Jerusalem Film Festival 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival 2012 Jerusalem Film Festival 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival awards worldwide in 2014 Israeli film Ophir Awards 2011 Awards 2012 Awards Ophir Ophir Ophir Awards 2013 March 2014 Archive 2015 (18) February 2015 (11) January 2015 & nb

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